~Muhammad Ali
Greetings All! Moving on into week 2 a day late!

Cyn well done on the 4 miles! It's quite amazing how a brisk walk can clear your head and restore calm. I'm a firm believer! The quote today was chosen with you in mind.

Lav, I never told you that I thoroughly enjoyed the Daniel Amen book. Very helpful. I'll have a look on You Tube for a "refresher".
Star, the weather here has been pretty good really. I've been able to get out and walk in the woods for the past couple of days. That's been very helpful in my battle against the blues. Still struggling tho. However, yesterday I looked for wildflowers. This spring is about 2 weeks delayed I think. I couldn't find anything except a few Spring Beauties. I was so good to be out looking tho!
The CS meeting went very well as those things go. This was a care-giver/agency meeting, not with the children. As I had expected the agency pushed to move toward sole custody for my son. He can't really afford a divorce right now so hasn't done anything re: legal custoday. The agency however feels the need to get it done as they don't deem the mother to be competent to have the children at all and as it stands legally, she could pick them up from Mr. D and I at anytime and take them and we would not have the right to stop her. Ditto from school. She hasn't yet ever tried that and I doubt she would but one never knows. In the meantime, she continues to spiral downward.
As far as having CS involved in visits here with the children, that has been ok really. We have nothing to hide and the children are of course thriving. The case worker quite enjoys coming here for visits actually and since our son is doing all he needs to be doing in regard to his treatment she is quite supportive of him. Over all I have been grateful for their involvement.
Have a happy and AF Thursday everyon!