so are we all set for the weekend?go for it
tea n coffee on the go now..
DTD....Haai goeie m?re...reference your remark ..I woud say great minds think alike whats on the cards for you today then?
hiya tt ...well all the rotten wood gone?new windaes?who told you that when you quit that you save money?certainly havent experienced that tho reckon I havent spent 4 grand on booze ..note the lack of the word save!!any plans for the weekend?
morning bear are you today? getting yer head sorted out as to where you want to go? you out on the rollers this weekend?
morning are you? did the air con system get fitted ? and then a bimble down to your other residence? you brew time!!sun out today perchance?
yo Pauly and hows you then fellow alfre? day orf cleaning???whats that about?weather sounds great to me..
morning Det glad our on the road to recovery ..enjoy your day tipping and skipping!!
Hiya SL...hows you today?ok I hope now that you are on the new life path..isnt it good to get up without feelin gowpin with a nippin swede :H hws your dad ? plans for the weekend?by the way re-read your post and lose the word know you can do it!!

righty ho its time to go....
take care n have a good one
Since getting a water bed, me and my wife have been drifting apart...
My dads a milkman ' at least thats what my eight brothers and twelve sisters keep telling me .
The good news is that the MP Nigel Evans has been cleared of all charges at Preston Crown Court of buggering young men.
The bad news is that he can now re-enter Parliament and continue buggering the country.
I've just bought a Bunsen burner.
All I need now are some bunsens to burn on it.
I recently bought a book about Papyrus. Turns out its a good reed.
The doctor told my wife to introduce more greens to her diet.
The stupid woman has now filled the cupboards with mint Aero's.
It's not much fun being colour-blind , but there is one consolation;
The grass is always redder on the other side.
My Korean girlfriend has just bought me a little puppy.
I don't know whether to stroke it or marinate it
As I stood at the bus stop having a smoke, I was surprised to see the bus leaving before its scheduled time.
I could've sworn I put the f.cking handbrake on.
I was in town today when a man came up to me and said, "Hello, do you remember me? We went to school together."
"Hi," I replied, "sorry but I'm terrible with names."
"I'm Steve." He said.
I said, "No, I meant what's mine."
On the way home from the pub last night, I found the instructor from my karate club at the pavement edge, struggling to get to his feet.
He had a broken nose, two black eyes and a broken arm.
I helped him up and said, "Wow, mate, I thought you were a black belt."
He said, "I am, but it doesn't work against cars."