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af Saturday 12 April

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    af Saturday 12 April

    Morning/afters/evening absters ? its Sat already! You lot seem very busy ? just remember to take care of yourself as well (yeah right ? famous last words as I am lousy at this sometimes).:l

    ?Tax headache?? ? thats a new disorder I must look up in the Psychiatric DSM! :H Actually I did a Google and the term was used by the Wall Street Jnl a couple of years ago to refer to CEOs. So you are are in 'rich company' Pauly!:H
    The Morning Ledger: Tax Headaches in Emerging Markets - The CFO Report - WSJ
    Better a tax headache than a hangover Pauly!

    SL ? you wee beautie! 50 days ? could that be a new book ?Fifty Shades of Sobriety?? :H
    Dreadful news about the bus crash ? can?t describe how sad that makes me feel.

    Det ? you take care with the manic work you are doing around the house this weekend. Hope your mood lifts. I get the feeling you are either up or down? Am I right?

    Hope you are looking after Julie, Mick. I am sure you are. Your garden is coming along really well.

    SF ? any plans for Spring Break? We have a break here over Easter and high school holidays start end of next week. But I will be winging it to a much warmer place ? nearer to you too!

    Lav ? did you finally get the Air Con. Installed? Yes, it is a full time job waiting doing any house repairs . Any plans for the weekend?

    DTD ? Gidday fellow Southern Hemisphere-ite! Guess what news is everywhere over here these days ? the Oscar Pistorius trial. Its driving me insane. Seriously, I think it's the most coverage I have seen of a trial ? and that's in mainstream news too. Arragh!!!!:

    Bear ? you stay calm and cool and determined this weekend. Any plans?

    Sam ? how?s things? You have been a wee bit quieter than usual lately but I guess you are busy on the farm at this time of the year.

    Oh well ? I better go. I can see the tide going out from my window. It's a really menacing looking sea today. So changeable ? I am lucky to have this view (especially since the neighbors finally cut their hedge).
    Have a lovely Saturday and weekend all.

    af Saturday 12 April

    I just have to nosy to see how tomorrow looks - and I was not going to post - but you can see the ocean from your window?? I am so jealous!!! That is my dream! The ocean is my therapy!!!!
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


      af Saturday 12 April

      Yes ocean and forest. And my clothes line:H


        af Saturday 12 April

        mae all...and how are we this fine Saturday morning..doing ok...tis early doors,but decided to get up and get a wee bit done...certainly something wrong the sun has got its smiley face on..6.15 and the rabbits are thumping..thats just to let me know they have seen wheres the food!Julie been coughing most of the night still got the rash too..she didnt think it was too funny when I offered to join up the dots ...see if we can make a picture :H oh well.

        brew time pour moi ...anyone else?

        hiya tt how are you this morning/afternoon/evening/night (delete the n/a yes garden isnt doing too bad..tho just cause myself work ...made the side gate and stained it ..put it up yesterday...madams opinion...looks nice..wouldnt those divider panels be nice stained the same colour ....all 6 of them!!got quite a lot of slugs in the garden at the mo because of the wet have to see how to get rid of them...slug watch!! Got to concur with the sea

        Hiya SL are you today?you can legit look here now ....when it was yesterday you peeked at today,but now today is today its ok go peeking at tomorrow today!!all that at half 6 o clock in the morning!!that is so sad about that bus crash know I just punched in 10 killed in bus crash California to goggle ..and the whole story is there...sad story I know..but it just shows you tho how much technology has shrunk the world! sounds like you have a pretty busy weekend ahead ...oh and no sore head feeling lousy ,wishing the wee man in your head with the hammer would pack it in!!

        hiya dtd ...hows the birthday girl today? guess its Saterdag aand where you are now?had a good day?3 questions..19 words!!

        hiya Lav...and how are things with you today?Im orf for another brew..want one?ha like asking do bears poo in the woods was just going to let the rabbits out when at the top of the fields behind us I see a brown object on the move ...yep mr Fox on his home run they can wait a the aircon up and running yet?

        hiya bear hows you when you read that post ,sounds like you are packing shedfuls into that day!..least driving wont be drinking.

        hiya Pauly fellow alfr? there you go.. one accent done n returns eech no thanks sounds like you had a pretty busy day with not a lot of excitement thrown in!!

        PPQP ...yee hah mornin Mrs smiler ...glad to see you do you eat an elephant?slowly and in little pieces ...get my drift??Snow???ye gods I have got plants out..kinda guess that chews your plans up ..oh well time for a brew there you go..seriously tho ..glad to see you back....and them rabbits in the avatar havent changed either!!:H

        hiya byrdie ...your doing a lotta chasing today..hows you madam?

        right people see you all later..out veeeeerrrry early fact getting up before I go to bed its that early have a great day.

        Whenever I see a woman driving a bus I smile and think about how far we as a society have come in equality.

        And then I wait for the next bus.

        Just been on Trip Advisor.

        They recommend LSD and magic mushrooms.

        I've spent five years studying beetles in Africa and I've made an astonishing discovery.

        The Beatles never toured in Africa.

        Dogs make the best pets because they behave just like humans.

        Take this morning, for instance. I rolled around in my own crap for a while, then killed the neighbour's cat.

        I came home from the pub really pissed last night and ended up dropping my phone in the toilet.

        This may not sound like a big deal , but it was the one that was attached to the wall in my kitchen.

        My scouse mate was inconsolable after his house burnt to the ground.

        "Everything," he sobbed, "everything I ever stole was in that house."

        My wife just went mental, packed my bags and throw me out. As I walked out the door she yelled, "I hope you die a long, slow, painful death."

        So I turned round and said you want me to stay now?

        Almost lost two teeth at teatime this evening.

        The wife had done a Lego lamb.


        Having to buy another permanent marker,just so you can write your name on the one you bought previously..

        The wife was complaining that she couldn't lose weight so I suggested she go to the gym for a week.
        "Do you reckon a week will be enough to lose all this?" she asked.
        "Of course", I replied, "once you get the bill for all the broken equipment you won't be able to afford any fecking cake."
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          af Saturday 12 April

          MAE guys!

          TT, the OP trial is wall-to-wall here - just cannot avoid it. We have our general elections in less than a month's time, and it get's very little media coverage, compared to the trial. Mind you, I don't know which one is worse!

          Goeie more, Mick! Surprised you're still able to use a computer after that remark to Julie, Mick :H. Hope she's better soon. We're an hour ahead of you at the moment (if you remembered to change your clocks a while ago), so it's still morning. Slugs love beer, Mick (bit like us) - easy way to catch them, the disposal bit is slightly more gory, unfortunately.

          Lovely day, all!
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            af Saturday 12 April

            morning all,up early ready for amazing rollerderby spectating,need to dye hair and take a packed lunch with me to save pennies.I feel really bloated and full today from all the processed carbs.Taking yummy sandwiches with pate and cucumber,fruit and some naughty bits to munch.

            I'll treat myself to coffee,a toastie for tea and a t shirt,there is a bar later in evening but from last year it literally sold 2 types of booze,not a problem this year!

            I may hit the gym before tomorrow,I desperately feel in need of some sweaty exercise!
            Can't believe my holiday is nearly over, but I have really relaxed and feel good for it, and there's three whole awesome days left too!

            Hope you all have a great day,TT I need to get to the seaside soon to walk on the beach and listen to the waves.

            Happy booze free Saturday everyone,I'm still admiring my freshly cleaned windows!!
            one day at a time


              af Saturday 12 April

              hiya dtd ...used to use the beer trick ..but it is so hit and miss with them...ha re being alive ...made Julie brekkie in bed..see ..nae probs job done
              Wonder if that trial would have gone on so long if it had been joe public? methinks not!!
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                af Saturday 12 April

                Hey Mick & Co - doin' me rounds his morning.
                Any food here ?


                  af Saturday 12 April

                  MAE ALL...

                  Satz....good to see you. Hashbrowns, bacon and eggs coming right up.

                  TT...thanks for the kickoff. Can I have my coffee on the deck at your place. Listening to the waves is very relaxing for me.

                  Mick...good save that breakie in bed. Starting to feel a bit like my old self again so am on the right track.
                  We use the beer trick here for slugs. Just got to make sure you bury it enough so they can't crawl out once they've "jumped off the wagon". :H

                  DTD...I went mia when you moved onto the thread so have some catching up to do to get to know you. I don't mind the OP coverage as I don't have to watch Toronto's Rob Ford anymore. You have a lovely day too.

                  Just a light dusting of snow this morning but don't think I'll be taking Dad outside today anyways. Too bad because on Wed it was +20 and was looking forward to time outdoors. Off to make Satz some breakie. Have a great AF Saturday all and all to come.....PPQP


                    af Saturday 12 April

                    Good morning Abbers!

                    So TT - you live on the coastline! No wonder you wanted your neighbor to trim his hedges :H
                    The AC unit is all installed & ready to go. It's still coolish here & the heat is still on for now.

                    Yes Mick, I'm ready for that second cup of coffee, thanks
                    What's the rash about? Poor Julie, hope she improves today.
                    My plan is to haul myself to a plant farm in Lancaster county today & load up on some veggie plants for my eventual garden, some flowers for my deck pots & find a small shrubby type perennial to drop in the spot where the old AC unit sat. Fun times

                    Greetings SL, DTD, bear, satz & all the regulars!
                    I hope everyone has a great AF Saturday.
                    Hi there PQ!!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      af Saturday 12 April

                      Mae everybody,aww what a good hubs you are Mick,i haven't had breakfast in bed in....never! good on you,yes i too am tired of Oscar P,I swear he's gonna get off easy,"the bladerunner"is too adored,and rich so we know how that goes,TT,im so jealous! i love the sound of the waves,i could sit and watch them all day long,well have a good one peeps,off to get ready for work bleh,still no Yah,Mick organize the search party
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        af Saturday 12 April

                        Afternoon all

                        SL, a belated congrats on 50 days and a present day congrats on 51!!

                        TT, yes been kinda of busy. Helping my son in his mushroom business, I helped with 2 markets last week. Been dragging and seeding pastures, fixing fences from this past winter's damage, and every once in a while been doing some survey work. We are still feeding, grass is slow in coming on but it has warmed up a bit here the last couple of days. And every once in awhile, gotta play that dang fiddle.
                        It sounds very nice where you live. Love the water.

                        Hope everyone is enjoying their day

                        Liberated 5/11/2013


                          af Saturday 12 April

                          Hey guys - I live near the sea - but not right on the shore! I can see it but I can't hear the waves. Too far away. Sorry.:upset:

                          PPQP - good to see you back. But with temps here of c 10 degree celsius I am not sitting outside (although that might be warm in your parts)!! I have the fire on already today.

                          Mick - I was worried when I read that Julie had a rash. That usually sends alarm bells to me - but you say she is getting better.


                            af Saturday 12 April

                            Still jealous of you TT - and nothing better than a good load of laundry blowing in the breeze:H
                            Many thanks Sam!
                            I am one of those goof yfolks who does not like breakfast in bed - can't stand crumbs in the sheets - just as well and it would never cross the girls minds to do that
                            In a grump d/t to the girls dad - how and why do I keep letting him get to me!!:upset:
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

