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AF Sunday April 13th

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    AF Sunday April 13th

    Mick told me I couldn't peek into tomorrow, and well - I am not able to follow direction well! I am not peeking Mick, honestly! Sticking my toes into tomorrow!!!
    I like looking into the weekend when it hasn't come yet - thats fun, but when Sunday is here I DO NOT look for Monday:H:H
    Happy Sunday Dear Aberooos (as Det would say)
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

    AF Sunday April 13th

    SL--whenever there is a new thread I always post on that, it is still Saturday here.

    Saturday just sucked....I am not sure what caused the funk. Maybe because I agreed to stay on at work until they found replacements, which may take them longer than they (or I) anticipated. Constant FEAR being thrown around by "what a bad career decision" several of us have made. It reinforces my decision to leave, but it does cause havoc with my brain at times. I agreed to stay on because this is the only way to get the severance pay.....which as of right now I need. That may not be the case shortly.

    I am still putting together plan "A". I have had a couple of other corporations approach me.....but, when I talk to friends who work there.....its the same bullshit.....but, for more $$. My gut is telling me to pass on these for now....I can always visit the options down the road if need be. Reinforing that decision is reading several articles on people who have walked away from corporate America.

    I have opportunities that are a bit more exciting....but, I would have to move North again. This time it is my heart telling me no.

    Then I have the opportunity that I want to follow.....but, the money is a bit scary. Scary only because it is going to take time to generate a flow of business. I have cubs to feed. But, having a mom that has been beaten to death by corporate America is not how I want to continue. That is more scary.

    I have joked that I am going to start a recovery center for people in corporate America. The only thing is much like alcoholism.....few leave until they are nearly dead.

    I am just ranting. Scary and excitiing time in my life. One thing I know without a doubt...I could not do this drinking. Drinking is what kept me trapped in corporate hell for long. The corporate hell is why I needed to "zone out". A vicous cycle.....


      AF Sunday April 13th

      aha....caught ya SL!!!!:H despite it being daft o clock thought I would have a quick looksee!!no dont suppose Monday is the same to look forward to are you doing?dont forget to get your name down on the sunday shout in proud of your days!!

      hiya SF.....Sounds like things arent too clever on the work front...think you will find nowadays the work ethos is basically more for less,and also as you say it is all tied up in bullshit and red tape nowadays..a very clever trick in reducing corporate responsibility..whatever you decide..and no this isnt sucking egg syndrome!!make sure that wherever possible you work to live..its about enjoying life and that includes working...and secondly life isnt a rehearsal..cant say oops screwed that bit up ..cut rerun!!

      yoo hoo ppqp smiley face :goodjob:hope all is well

      morning dtd ..all ok in saffa land?

      morning sam sounds like you have been busy

      Lav early brew?here you go 4.40 am

      :welcome: Satzy will stll be in yer pit but howareyiz? nope we are skint ..nae food:H

      Pauly morning you ok?

      right coupla jokes then im off

      I see that in Michigan, two people are being sued for $2 million after burning down an apartment complex while cooking a squirrel with a blowtorch.

      Now I'm not an accountant, but it sounds like they might not have $2 million.

      Just spotted exactly the same crossword clue for an eleven letter word in two different newspapers.

      Coincidence ?

      I'd been looking for an opportunity to impress my new boss, so I jumped at the chance when he asked if I'd had a good weekend.

      "It was very productive," I said. "I taught our Bobby how to ride a bike."

      "That's great," he smiled. "How old is he?"

      "Ten years old," I replied.

      "Oh, well that's not actually impressive at all," he sneered, walking off.

      F.cker. They must have smarter dogs where he comes from.

      I got a call from a Microsoft official today.

      "We've found a solution to the Windows problem you requested 5 years ago," he said.

      "That's great," I replied. "What's it then?"

      "Try restarting your PC," he answered.

      When I'm at the beach I prefer to sit in the shade.

      You seem to get a lot more space around you if you've got a lamp on your head.

      gotta go folks :l
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        AF Sunday April 13th

        Thanks Mick....I really just needed to get some clarity. Sometimes when so much is thrown at me.....I just have to weed out what it is that I don't get clarity on what I do.

        It reminds me of a research presentation I watched on how people are actually less happy having numerous options. I did not get it until one day I had to run back for taco cheese. Honest to God how many freaking choices of taco cheese does one person need?

        I am grateful to know that I have options. But, there really is only one that makes me feel alive, have the knowledge, the tools, the resources, will make me happy and have already succeeded at. Except I can now do it on a larger scale and actually get paid for it. Saying all that makes me wonder why I waited so long......oh must be in my DNA to be almost dead before i actually do something

        Plan is to work as long as they keep giving me a paycheck, take the severence and then run like hell.


          AF Sunday April 13th

          Hi folks - my Sunday is almost over. Having a homework crisis again - so I am on standby. Sorry mind is a fuddle and I am tired - so will post maybe more tomorrow.


            AF Sunday April 13th

            SF hope you can get out soon, I hated my old job and it definitely contributed to anxiety which I mismanaged with alcohol. You sound positive though and have a plan,once I had that, I felt a lot better.

            I best run, there is just 15 mins before I leave the house,and I'm not showered or dressed yet.

            Day 6 - more rollerderby today,team feeling bit cliquey atm,all focused around booze and constant partying.Team dynamic has changed quite a bit,some girls returned to team we split from,fair enough I say,though not everyone shares that view.

            Anyway - off I go - catch you tomorrow,last day of holiday,SOBER.
            one day at a time


              AF Sunday April 13th

              Good morning Abbers,

              Tis Palm Sunday & the official start of BBQ season at my house :H
              I started this tradition a couple of decades ago d/t screwy work schedules (usually being stuck working on Easter). Grateful the weather is cooperating this year. The kids & grandkids will be here later so I guess I should get some food prepared

              SL, I hope you can see your ex's behavior for what it is & just learn to push the IGNORE button. He is what he is - I totally understand, his choice.

              SF, I hope your transition goes as easy as possible for you! Sounds like you have a lot to consider. Big changes certainly are scary but not necessarily a bad thing

              TT, hope you have gotten some rest!

              bear, keep your focus in what is best for you, OK?

              OK, time to feed animal & get myself to the store.
              Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Sunday April 13th

                MAE ALL...

                SL....thanks for kicking us off even if you were time traveling. I've seen Mick pop into the future as well.

                SF....sorry but Saturday saw my funk leave guess it landed at your door. :l You do sound like you have your priorities in place so you're way ahead of the game.

                Mick...glad you were able to pop in before you pop out. :H Man, it felt like a fall day yesterday. Overcast, dreary and a wickedly cold wind blowing. First time in months that Dad was not alert and chatting with everyone. He must have known what the weather was doing as he just kept dozing off so it was a short visit. Enjoy your secret adventure.

                TT...hope the homework crisis has passed and you're able to get some peace tonight.

                Bear...hope you made it out the door in 15 min. Nothing like giving yourself lots of time to prepare for the day :H

                Lav...BBQ'ing and Air Conditioning....can I move in? At least I know I'll be well fed.

                The boss informed me another lump has appeared so it looks like the cancer is back. Lots of turmoil in the office as it looks like the leave of absence will be happening sooner rather than later. Everybody's in a holding pattern waiting to see what happens.
                No snow today and the sun is shining so I'm going to take my coffee out to the deck and see how long I last. Have a great AF Sunday all and all to come....PPQP


                  AF Sunday April 13th

                  a quick ooooh rooooh ABeroooos!

                  super sore and a bit sun burned from moving and yard work, but happily AF.

                  enjoy your Sundays, back in a bit

                  be well
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Sunday April 13th

                    Mae everybody,shoot Louie's sick again,hes allergic to amoxicicilan so they gave him sometng different,now hes busting out in a rash,so back to the quick care clinic today,i hate when babies are sick,especially when antibiotics aren't agreeing with him,ready to put garlic in his bottle haha,sorry to rant,just worried,hope everybody has a good sunday P.S you sound good Det
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      AF Sunday April 13th

                      Hey all,back home sober again,amazing roller derby today and fun team time today.
                      I made it out in fifteen minutes this morning as well,looking forward to final day off tomorrow, inspired by roller derby I am going to hit the gym tomorrow.
                      Have a great evening.
                      one day at a time


                        AF Sunday April 13th

                        So still Sunday - makes for a lovely long day!
                        Spent day at Rodeo, we are near the cowboy capital of teh world (so they say) - hot day, in 80's - lots of cowboys - dusty with cows and horses, lots of beer being drunk - no cravings, but definate longings for a cold one! No fears, off to sign onto teh Sunday shout out.
                        SF - so sorry!
                        TT- we have a week without homework, spring break - and it's me who needs the break!
                        Hi everyone else, see you tomorrow - Monday off, best kind of Mondays for sure, but on my day holiday I have to get up at 3am to get girl#1 off to the airport - not the right way to spend a day off!!
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

