Only had a few weak moments at a cocktail party yesterday but managed to dig up a few cokes (not easy) and stayed off the juice. Also drank Virgin Marys (Bloody Mary's minus booze), which I made and took with me to my friends do.
Only on Kudzu ('Nature's Herbs' brand a friend passed onto have'nt received my free MWO Kudzu yet), taking no other sups except recommeded vits. Will try hypno CD's a friend also lent me tomorrow as well. I'll get RJ's hypno CDs once I know the postal system to me works. The thing is having time to do the hypno CD's during the day.. near impossible. Some say doing hypno just before sleeping is not the right time because you often just fall asleep! Is that right?
Goal is firstly to complete 30 days abs and not a day less. It will be stress and certain social events that will be the hardest times. I can easily do without booze on a daily basis... its moments that trigger me into a binge session. Nevermind ...this time I am very committed and determined to do this for myself. The feeling of making this acheivement is something that I'm hungry for.
Also am half way through reading RJ's book, which is a fantastic help.