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Day 7 of abs - don't want any congrats yet

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    Day 7 of abs - don't want any congrats yet

    7th day today of my second attempt at abs. Doing fairly good so far but I don't want any congrats til I make my target!

    Only had a few weak moments at a cocktail party yesterday but managed to dig up a few cokes (not easy) and stayed off the juice. Also drank Virgin Marys (Bloody Mary's minus booze), which I made and took with me to my friends do.

    Only on Kudzu ('Nature's Herbs' brand a friend passed onto have'nt received my free MWO Kudzu yet), taking no other sups except recommeded vits. Will try hypno CD's a friend also lent me tomorrow as well. I'll get RJ's hypno CDs once I know the postal system to me works. The thing is having time to do the hypno CD's during the day.. near impossible. Some say doing hypno just before sleeping is not the right time because you often just fall asleep! Is that right?

    Goal is firstly to complete 30 days abs and not a day less. It will be stress and certain social events that will be the hardest times. I can easily do without booze on a daily basis... its moments that trigger me into a binge session. Nevermind ...this time I am very committed and determined to do this for myself. The feeling of making this acheivement is something that I'm hungry for.

    Also am half way through reading RJ's book, which is a fantastic help.
    A BushBaby with Attitude

    Day 7 of abs - don't want any congrats yet


    Hi Elizabeth,

    No congratulations yet, then - but good to see you here - and good to hear you sounding so positive and determined - that will help you go a long way because without the mental attitude it doesn't seem to matter how many supplements etc. you take, you'll find a way past them.

    I've managed nearly 3 months without drink now due to the strength of the inspiration and support from the wonderful people here, reading the book (really identified with it, made me believe I had an option - that I could take back control), and the CDs. Also have the Kudzu for back up but haven't yet had to use it (fingers crossed!) I can't say whether the CDs worked or not as I listened as scheduled for a week while I was on holiday and then time became an issue. I did find them wonderfully relaxing, but yes, found that if listened to when tired I just fell asleep. For me it's a bizarre experience, just the whole sense of it, but I will definitely use them again more regularly when I can. I am a strong believer in the power of the mind - I think it is a largely untapped resource and tool and the more I learn about its potential the more amazed I am. BTW - would still love to see some of your artwork - any chance of getting it in the 'gallery'?!

    Hope all's beginning to take a better shape and look forward to congratulating you after 30 days! Take care,
    :rays: Arial

    Last first day - 15th April 2012
    Days 1-7 DONE
    Days 8-14 DONE
    Days 15-21 DONE
    30 days DONE
    60 days
    100 days


      Day 7 of abs - don't want any congrats yet

      No congratulations yet Elizabeth but can I say Well done you?!?! Keep that inner strength you have in abundance. Bella xxxx


        Day 7 of abs - don't want any congrats yet

        Hey Elizabeth -- I know it's hard to be proud of small achievements when we know a relapse could be just around the corner. Like you said it's not the days, it's the moments. It's important to my mindset to not congratulate myself on anything yet. I too am holding on to that one month. With a little bit of grace and the mindset I believe we can make it. I haven't even got the book or supplements but this board is giving me the feeling of taking responsibility for my own thoughts and actions; that the mind is a powerful thing that is underestimated. Maybe, too, one has to be ready.. ..

        Your strength shines through and I hope it's okay that I look forward to both of us sharing that month goal within a few days of each other.

        Take Good Care

        AF 21, March 2010

        "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


          Day 7 of abs - don't want any congrats yet

          A goal, a plan and a strong mindset. I wish you success & will save my congrats....I know you can do it!
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Day 7 of abs - don't want any congrats yet

            Elizabeth, I want to say everthing everyone else said. You inspire me.
            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?

