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af tuesday 15 april

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    af tuesday 15 april

    Morning all,up ready for first day back,must remember to be grateful for time off I've had,paid holiday is a bonus.Facebook can sometimes be negative and an energy drain but one thing i like is the daily gratitude logs people are doing.This week is a three day week for me with Easter break as well

    Today is busy,lots of meetings,catch up on e-mails,leaving a bit early as I'm out with friends for pizza and a natter.I missed gym yesterday as day got busy with car repairs,lots of walking though.I'm planning to walk into town tonight though,need to fit the exercise in where I can this week.

    Today I'm going to eat my five a day, there will be no chocolate - that has got to be a daily habit again.Have a great day everyone.
    one day at a time

    af tuesday 15 april

    Morning Bear, you sound perky and positive so thats great. Hope the day at work goes well.

    Hi there to all other absters - as you may be able to tell I am flat stick with trying to get stuff done before my overseas trip. Also a lot on with work and daughter's school assignments. I am learning lots of new things.

    Hope that SL has got over her twitchiness - and all the others, rashes and all are OK.
    I am watching you guys - just not doing so much typing at the mo.


      af tuesday 15 april

      wow ye gods 12.30 ..where has the time gone?? been up since 6 this morning and havent stopped ..the job s I have done is great ..all those just going to ones..cleaned the rabbits out ,dug some sand into the veg patch,watered the plants,cut some wood for a small fence,moved some stones, cleaned out the garage tidied up tools ,planted some seeds, cleaned out car..this is my 2nd brew today...and now going for a wee run...the sun over here is cracking the flags ..its lovely..right on we go rapido ..

      morning bear how are you? busy? having to push myself to do some exercise, but I will do it!!

      tt ..hows you lookie writie?:H personally dont know what your problem is...anyone that cant get enough kit in 2 plassy bags for a month is being a wee bit extravagant in my book :H

      hiya are you this fine day ...or is it??rain snow fog thunder hail..what have you got today?heres a brew ..tho reckon its way past brew time! any plans for today?

      hiya Pauly ..and how are you today? ok? hows the little un doing?

      Hiya are you doing? well have the cravings gone? cos thats all they are ...its not like you are gonna keel over without a liquid lunch stay strong can do it!!yes it does seem hard...but look at your options ..and be it worth it?:l

      ppqp...hows you and heres a brew for you the there no end to this mans poetic talent??? duh!! take note..I said MAN!!!! working today then tommytwo hats? :H dont forget you time

      hiya Det ...more fencing?? what you doing ..making a ranch???:H glad you are on home turf ..take it easy my friend

      right folks need to go so take care........see yawl later

      Me and a few friends have just invented the Oscar Pistorius drinking game whilst watching the trial.

      Anytime someone goes to the toilet, you have four quick shots.

      I was in good position to win the International shoelace-tying championships yesterday ,
      But I buckled under the pressure.

      I'm on a low protein diet.

      I only eat depressed pigs and cows.

      Wife: You used to shower me with gifts before marriage, but rarely now.

      Me: Yes.

      Wife: Why?

      Me: Have you ever seen a fisherman giving worms to fish after catching them?

      And that's when the fight started...

      I bought myself a push bike to try and keep fit.
      It wasn't for me though. Every time I got a bit of speed up, my cig would get blown out.

      Bacteria is the only culture that some people have.

      After years of intense scientific study we now know what a yawn is.

      A silent scream for coffee.
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        af tuesday 15 april

        Good morning Abbers,

        Clouds, rain & windy.....oh well! Better than snow :H

        bear, hope your week goes well for you!

        TT, I'm sure you have good organizational skills & will get everything in place

        SL, glad you stayed on plan last night! AL never fixes those tense moments. Learning to ride them out is best.

        Mick, not only do the days go by fast but apparently so do the months. Can't believe we are half way thru April already!
        I am getting ready to go get the boys at 11:30 & will have them here all day long. I'm accepting prayers if anyone has the time :H :H

        Greetings pauly, Det, PQ & everyone! Have a terrific AF Tuesday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          af tuesday 15 april

          Mae everybody,well Louie's back to his old self,still having a tough time eating i guess his throats still buggin,but he's back to being his feisty self,yesterday Kell was giving him some sips of snapple and he grabbed the bottle and threw it,of course it broke i'm still finding tiny glass pieces,SL,im so glad you surfed the urge away,no point in going backwards right?i have to be careful when i get those urges,i may get through one day,two days etc but sometimes it feels like i dwell on the thought and well you know whats happened before,i'm just so sick of drinking,actually this time around i think thats my only real motivation,i can say family,i can say health reasons etc,but in reality im sick of being a drinker,the wasted time being in a grog,the waste of time dealing with recovering,bleh,well off to fix my face and fo for work,have a good one
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            af tuesday 15 april

            morning all
            a little sore this morning.... ran cattle through the chute: fly tags, vaccinations, changing the boys' minds from ass to grass. It was a nice day, a little windy. Now I understand we're due freezing temps again tonight. Afraid our apple trees will nipped. Oh well, it will be what it will. Raining today, guess I'll figure something to do.... ah! fiddle! (the wife will be gone today!)

            bye for now, hope everyone is well
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              af tuesday 15 april

              Pauly - I think being sick of being a slave to AL was what finally stopped me too I was just so tired, so bored, so sick of what my life had become- wanted an out and a change for the rest of my years on thus planet.
              Like ending a marriage that had finished years ago. But this time I did the walking and I have never looked back.
              What's more there are no expenses involved (unlike ending a marriage):H:H


                af tuesday 15 april

                MAE ALL...

                Bear...thanks for the kickoff. Did you get your 5 a day in without the chocolate?

                TT....perfectly understandable you have a lot on your plate right now. When do you head off into the wild blue yonder?

       gawd...I'm exhausted just reading that first paragraph. Guess that's one way to cut down on the caffeine :H Tell me, were you yawning this morning too?
                Was up and out of here by 7 this morning and the same for tomorrow. The days just fly by but I've got a handle on everything.

                Lav...greetings to you too. I totally agree, life seems to be on FF right now.

                Pauly...glad to hear Louie's feisty self is back. Hope you had a good day.

                Sam...did you get some fiddling in? Do you handle your cattle by yourself or do you have help? Yet another chore I don't miss.

                Well it looks like pork chops is on the menu for tonight so should get at it. Have a peaceful evening all....PPQP


                  af tuesday 15 april

                  Hey kids!

                  Only had to watch the grandsons until 4 pm - babysitter showed up to take over & that was A OK with me :H I do have to go back at 7 am tomorrow though for a few hours. This is all because of the insane work/school schedules of my son & DIL.

                  Sam. it rained about 2" here today & was windy as anything. Now there's freeze warnings up for tonight - seriously. This sucks :H

                  In case I can't check in tomorrow morning - I hope everyone has a fabulous Hump day!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    af tuesday 15 april

                    Hi all - busy work day, first time to check in. Back to routine and safe again.
                    Last night I appreciate having made a promise to post and get a reply before being daft (thanks Mick), I appreciate those reaching out here and on PM, and I appreciate having enough days behind me that considering giving them up made me pause - and you guys helped me to climb to those days.
                    Had some chocolate this evening, and cooked a small pork roast (the eldest doesn't eat pork or shellfish so the youngest and I are enjoying in her absence!)
                    Feeling more secure this evening - but hope I get stronger as summer will be tough if not!
                    Good evening TT, PPQ, Pauly, Mick, Sam, Lav, Bear....thank you all for keeping this thread going:l
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

