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AF wed 16 April

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    AF wed 16 April

    Real quick post today,yesterday was mostly white carbs and choc again,today will be better.
    Busy busy busy at work and got to run but just saying hi,glad to be sober and glad scottish lass you made it.
    Roller derby tonight and again tomorrow after work,zoom,zoom.
    one day at a time

    AF wed 16 April

    mae all ..and how are we this morning ....yet another fine day over here in the sunshine islands so yet another day dans le jardin ..this morning been planting up turnips...not swede,lettuce and another half dozen cabbages to feed the snails...done couple of hanging baskets too...

    so there apart from that ..nowt so its brew time ..want one anybody?

    morning bear ...hey white chocolate fave too ..especially white mice ...luv emmuch better than booze!!!imo anyway !!

    morning Lav how are you? couple of pics know more about this garden than me!!picture is a wee bit blurred ..thats because of the HEAT HAZE!!!so how did your mission with the boys it jigsaw day today then? (putting all the pieces back together)..have a brew you were in tears when the babysitter showed up ..not!!

    hiya are you? things getting back to normalish for you...the saying goes is ok as a slave but as a master ..forget it!!!!I would even disagree with the slave bit forget it!!

    hiya ppqp are you doing today? so you were up n out early doors too yesterday ...repeat today too ? ok well heres your brew its 950 am now..nearly brew time as per the british institution of the working class...10 am and 1500 pm..wars have stopped for that!!glad things are good for you again ..sometimes all we need is that little help up ..any of us.

    Hiya Sam...hows you today?sounds like you were pretty busy ...that is before you were strumming out the toons!!went to see my mate yesterday...he has got a farm /smallholding..this last week has been lambing far 8 lambs ..more to come ....and a goat kidded? yesterday morning..oh and 3 pigs too..and 2 wire hared terriers had pups!

    hiya SL.....that is brill that you actually sat and thought about the strategy before you did anything..see it does work ...well done you ...and everyone else for supporting for dreading summer ...why ?its a period of time ..have pmd you ..well chuffed for you:goodjob:

    hiya tt are you doing?ok I hope ...still busy busy? has all the building work around you finshed yet?when is it you actually start your travels then Gulliver?

    right peeps orf we go have a good one to spend money ..he says lyingly!!!

    horses in field last night ..this was about 8pm!

    this was what I was up to does that pile of stones not look like there should be a fountain in it?pictures rubbish try and get a better one later...

    My Liverpudlian mate's just started working at the local abattoir, stunning the animals.

    They've never seen a Scouser with a job.

    Whenever my parents told me to tidy up my room, I just shoved everything under my bed.

    My brother wasn't too chuffed about it though, he had the lower bunk.

    I was trying to explain to my grandfather how time travel is actually possible, but he's not believing any of it.

    He's just as stubborn as his grandfather.

    My sister dropped and broke her violin, but I fixed it with some cellotape.

    Learned a very interesting fact at Edinburgh zoo today. The Chinese giant panda is one of the only animals that can actively engage in oral sex.

    Security's too tight at the other enclosures.

    Piers Morgan walks into a library and asks for a book on suicide.
    The librarian says, 'Off course sir, feel free to ask for help if you need it'

    If Pistorius is found innocent in court then I'm gonna be shopping for a new bathroom door within the month.

    Experts say that the female Panda at Edinburgh zoo isn't that interested in mating and seems happier just sitting around eating.

    That sounds just like my marriage.

    Just been told I have been a victim of "smishing".

    You know you're old when you are a victim of something, but haven't a f.cking clue what it means!!

    As well as watermelon, there should be windmelon, firemelon, and earthmelon

    The four elemelons.

    I said to my mate, "I'm thinking of taking the missus to that controversial film everyone's talking about. What do you think?"

    He said, "Noah?"

    "Course I do mate, she's me f.cking wife."
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      AF wed 16 April

      Mae everybody,i have been having horrible anxiety issues the past few days,i'm thinking it's this new otc nasal spray for my allergies i've been using,i noticed it before and quit using it but pollen has been so high i figured i could live with the anxious feeling as long as i could breathe,well i can't,it's too much! i googled it but they don't say much about it causing nervousness,but i beg to differ,ugh sorry to whine it's just yesterday was so awful i just had to come home and lay down,totally missing out on life and i hate feelinglike that cuz that's what i do when i drink,Lav,you have medical background can a steroid nasal spray cause anxiety?just sux,well off to get ready for work,have a good wednesday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        AF wed 16 April

        morning all
        hope everyone is enjoying their day... cold and breezy here and freeze warning tonight, old man winter's just not ready to give it up!

        Pauly , hope you're doing better. The drug world can really be a tangled web and unfortunately we have to use them at times.

        Mick, that's one critter I'm glad I don't have... sheep. My understanding is that lambing can be very time consuming at all hours of the day and night. Got watch out for those goats, they like to kid.

        PQ, my son and gf helped me with the cattle, I've spent some $$ and got some equipment that makes it a lot easier than when we did it growing up. My body can't afford to get beat up any more so I figured it was cheaper than a doctor visit.

        Off to do some survey work today.
        Have good one all!!
        Liberated 5/11/2013


          AF wed 16 April

          Thanks Bear and Mick:l
          Pauly - the nose sprays have all sorts of side effects, not all good. My daughter takes zyrtec every night which helps a bit, but when it is bad she breaks thru that - she has had success with Hyland allergy tabs - they are homeopathic, and work quickly and easily. We took some to the stable - horse in the middle of a walnut orchard, so lots of allergens - and peopel were putting in mass orders after trying - I get them on amazon.
          Mick - the UK has the best hanging baskets - I just love them - tried to do my own this year - they need to fill in, but not like my mums at all maybe too hot here...
          Sam - sheep are hard work, but the wee lambies are such fun - my parents love it when they are first released into the field behind their cottage - lots of hi jinx, and yep kid fun:H
          Hearing from Daughter #1 - lots of rain yesterday, so they did not get to all they planned - cold today, but sunny - so off on their journeys. Having a good time with my youngest.
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            AF wed 16 April

            Good afternoon Abbers,

            I'm off duty the rest of the day :yay:
            So much little boy stinkiness :H

            Mick, your place is starting to look like a mini Longwood Gardens - nice
            I'm making my own pot of coffee this afternoon if anyone needs a boost!

            Pauly, absolutely any medication containing steroids can cause jitteriness, elevate your heart rate, even keep you up at night. Why don't you stick with something like Claritin or Zyrtec? My daughter uses them & has no problems. Seasonal allergies are a pain but not something that we should treat with AL. Make some chamomile tea to help yourself settle down

            Sam, it was 28 degrees here this morning, definitely frosty. My son said it snowed in DC overnight too. Totally ridiculous weather for the middle of April
            I hope your new equipment is helpful!!!

            Bear, hope your busy day is going well!

            Greetings to PQ, SL & everyone!
            Time to put my feet up & chill out with a cup of coffee
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF wed 16 April

              Thanks Lav,clever marketing led me to believe that the spray was better and faster,well yeah it worked but sheesh,and yes it did cause me to wake up several times a nite,no al,no way,actually after periods of abstaining 1 sip of beer would make me sneeze,probly built an allergy to that too,thank goodness
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                AF wed 16 April

                Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....MAE ALL

                Bear...hope the roller derbying is going good.

                Mick...I am so jealous of your weather and garden. Early into work this morning but a very productive meeting. Better than watching it snow all day...geesh.

                Pauly...hope you get the anxiety sorted. Don't let it lead to a relapse. Just get on here and post away.

                Sam...wish the ex would have spent some $$ on equipment. We used a homemade squeeze that worked when it wanted to. :H Made it very difficult to treat pinkeye!

                SL...I join with others on saying :goodjob:

                Lav...I thought you said "stickiness"...probably that as well eh?

                Well it's supposed to snow till Friday when it'll change to rain. Think it's time to get the hot chocolate out. Have a peaceful evening all.......PPQP


                  AF wed 16 April

                  No snow here PPQP just lots of rain. Leaving this on the weekend for tropical rain. So much to do but all well in the abstinence dept. As it should be for all of us merry travellers.
                  Catch you later


                    AF wed 16 April

                    TT, I really, really hop your long trip goes as well as possible. Remember, we'll be here waiting for you to check in when you can

                    PQ, as far as I'm concerned stinkiness = stickiness :H
                    Funky little boys are just funky :H
                    So sorry you are still getting snow
                    Yesterday's heavy rainfall ended as a little snow here - it was disheartening.

                    Pauly, sometimes I wonder about the geniuses at the FDA. They approve drugs to be sold OTC that have some serious potential side effects. You really have to be careful

                    SL, I gave my grandson some Hylands yesterday for his allergy symptoms & it does work great for kids. My son works in DC & when he got back from work this morning he said there was a layer of snow on everything there too. I hope your daughter is enjoying her trip!!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF wed 16 April

                      Evening all
                      TT - will you be able to check in with us??
                      Lav - the Hyland tabs have been a life saver. She could not voluteer at the animal shelter without these, the first time she was a mess - and now she manages just fine. She is having a good time - they were supposed to have seen the memorials at night last night, but got rained off. The teacher that is with them is really great (just 13 teenagers with one teacher (and a tour guide)) - he is posting on fb for us parents - they went to some sights at 7:30 this morning, it was 43 - we felt sorry for her sitting in our 83 degrees! I think the snow melted before they were out
                      PPQ - hot chocolate - with marshmallows???
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        AF wed 16 April

                        Yes can check in - but will depend on wifi reception in some places.
                        So you won't escape me! I found your advice today on MWO to one of the newbies very sensible.
                        I have made a note of the Hyland tablets as my daughter gets bad hay fever too. She is on Zetop at the moment and it does not seem to cause any probs and it works.


                          AF wed 16 April

                          TT - glad I won't have to miss you...
                          and thank you - I was worried that it was a bit harsh
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

