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I'm Back

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    I'm Back

    Hey guys, I have missed you. Lushy coaxed me ever so gently out of obscurity. Lushy thanks, you are awesome.

    Some of you might remember that I was struggling about a month ago... I talked to my boyfriend about it - he was abstaining as well. He told me that he had been drinking for several weeks. I guess I lasted about week after that. Since then I have been drinking almost every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night - ashamed to come back on the boards - feeling like a loser and a failure.... I would love to never drink again but I am not sure I am ready to abstain again. I am confused about my failure because - confused and frustrated.

    Lush is right though - you have been so supportive that it is healthy to come back with honesty if not resolve.

    thanks to all of you,

    I'm Back

    Hi RiverGirl,
    I was wondering where you were, and am glad to hear you are okay.
    Hey, I have been there, done that...all the time.
    But, you can't give up Hope.
    Stay with us, we all learn from each other in one way or another.
    Look forward to seeing you on the boards, and maybe in chat.


      I'm Back

      YAY! You're back!! I have missed your postings. We all have slipped at one time or another. Stick around here and utilize this wonderful place as you have done before. You can do it again - I know it!


        I'm Back

        Slipping is part of the journey, rivergirl. Been there, done that. We just have to get up and keep going. One day we won't be falling on our way.

        :h :h :h


          I'm Back

          River I am so glad you are back and hope you stay put!! Thanks for not saying I lectured you. I prefer gentle coaxing!
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            I'm Back

            Hi River,

            I feel despondant when I slip but I find this place so supportive that I always feel cheered up when I have popped in even if it is just to read some posts.

            I look forward to seing you around.

            Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


              I'm Back

              Welcome back! It's good to 'see' you. Just remember it's all part of the journey - you've learned something about yourself, now you can use that to formulate a new plan. Take care.

              AF since 6JUN2012


                I'm Back

                Welcome back,
                I've slipped so many times, but I've managed to stay sober for 3 months now,
                which I thought was impossible. So if I can do it so can you,when the time is
                right.Failure is not a word I would use to describe you try survivor.
                Love Paula.


                  I'm Back

                  Welcome back, Rivergirl. This is where you need to be if you need support and friendship. What makes this program unique is you do not have to go "cold turkey" to be a success. You have options here. I find the thought of 30 days AF intimidating and am afraid to say outloud that I will give it a try. I'm scared that I would be setting myself up for failure and that would only contribute to my drinking. You already have several AF days a week! That's great. And it sounds like your problem is with the weekend days. Why not just plan on one less day of drinking on the weekend for a few weeks and see how that goes. After that, you can add to your plan. For the last several months I've logged on daily and read and read about everyones' stories here and then through trial and error I kind of hodge-podged it all together into a plan that is working for me so far. Make a plan that gives you bits of success to be proud of. One day at a time...Look forward to hearing from you again!



                    I'm Back

                    Thanks so much to all of you - I am committed to log on and post every day and to use the drink tracker. This will start me back on the road - and hopefully help me to learn that perfection or extinction are not the only options. Sometimes my world is so black and white, so stand in the sun or hide in the closet....Thank you all for showing me that there are in between choices and that perfection is not required for acceptance.

                    :h Riv


                      I'm Back

                      Hi Rivergirl..i did 45 days AF over Easter time too...then did all kind of plans since then.HOWEVER i find it useful to look back a few months and Thank God i am not back pre this site drinking!!

                      Its good to know we have done some AF days...better than none!!

                      All part of the journey to our wanting to wont happen overnight as its not just about willpower is it??much more complex...emotions, self esteeem, relationships,,,all sorts ot things need unpicking bit by bit and gradual changes making to our behaviours .Maybe then we get to a point on the journey that we feel is progress..but for me i am happy to realise it may be a a long journey.

                      good Luck and welcome back

                      Regards Cassy


                        I'm Back

                        welcome back, you were missed.
                        Enlightened by MWO


                          I'm Back

                          Welcome back Rivergirl, glad to see you back on board whatever your ultimate goals! Perfection? hmmmm - I think the boards would be pretty quiet if that was membership rule!

                          Take care and warmest wishes,
                          :rays: Arial

                          Last first day - 15th April 2012
                          Days 1-7 DONE
                          Days 8-14 DONE
                          Days 15-21 DONE
                          30 days DONE
                          60 days
                          100 days


                            I'm Back

                            heya stranger! nice to see you here again Riv.
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              I'm Back

                              Hi Riv and Welcome back..............we are all work in progress.
                              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

