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I'm Back

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    I'm Back

    Hello rivergirl,
    Good to have you back.


      I'm Back

      Hi Rivergirl: I'm new to MWO (April) but have found it extremely helpful. I wanted to have an AF May but slipped pretty bad 7 separate days in May. After each slip, I was tempted to not log on to MWO because I felt like a loser. Instead I got loads of encouragement & dusted myself off & started over. In fact 7 drinking days during a month is an improvement for me. Without you & everyone, there wouldn't be MWO. We're all struggling.

      Just a little background: I'm an older woman (62) & really escalated my drinking within the past 5-7 years. No excuses for that. I cannot stop once I start, therefore, my goal is abs. That's not for everyone, but for me, I cannot open a bottle & not drink the whole thing.

      Good luck!
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        I'm Back

        Hi Rivergirl

        Welcome back.

        My visit to MWO were becoming less and less and my drinking increasing. I felt that I couldn't admit that I had failed so continued to drink every night thinking to myself I will stop tommorrow, but I never did. However I needn't worry as no one judged me or told me I had let myself down. Anyway I am (hopefully) back on track on day 4 of AF.

        I wish you all the best.
        Love Mandy x


          I'm Back

          Mandy Thanks - we are in the same boat then, I am on day 4 as well. Thanks to all of you - you make my heart full with your encouragement and lack of condemnation.


            I'm Back

            Welcome back have been missed



              I'm Back

              Paula - three months, that's wonderful ! do you still have cravings? i once did 10 weeks, then it was my birthday and guess what ! that was two years ago. Since then i've managed various periods of AF, but it all comes back. Now, I'm getting worried about my health. I really have to stop this.


                I'm Back

                Hi Tylyr, I still do get the odd cravings,but not quite so bad now.Having done 3 months
                I would be absolutely gutted to give in now. I keep reminding myself of how bad I felt
                whilst drinking, I also keep a diary of exactly how I feel now and compare with how
                I used to feel when drinking, I cannot go back to that awful time, If I did I honestly
                do not think I would survive. One of the worst things for me to crave alcohol is to be
                hungry,so I try to eat regularly,especially breakfast, I also carry sweets with me
                in case of low blood sugar, which is a good thing to stave off cravings.
                It is worth it because most of the time I feel great.
                You are welcome to email me if you think I can be of any help.
                Love Paula.x


                  I'm Back

                  Thanks Paula. It's great to know that someone is answering me personally. I really want to do this, I don't know why I gave in after 10 weeks- but have been sorry ever since. When I read your bit about eating, I understood right away. I've noticed it too. I think I'll give it a try, eat a bit more. It's odd though - I find I can decide not to overdo the eating, and yet the wine makes no difference - it's as if it is zero calories !! The diary of feelings is a good idea too, I know that I feel so much better after a week or two AF - then I give in. Thanks a lot for answering Tylyr

