Hiya tt ...wow ..sounds like me that does!!!

hiya Det ...nope you stick with the breakfast sod Mr AL!!got to use named repairers here..got a few garages I could have gone to but got to go to Manchester instead!!
hiya ppqp ..happy easter ..oh yes I know where the rabbits are ...I can hear them thumping as we speak !!early brew?have a good day
hiya bear ..how are you doing ? did you have your "bash" or is it today?hope you enjoy it
mornin Chef...have a great easter ..you doing anything for it?
mornin lav..nother early brew..gettin any eggs for easter?:H any plans...bet I can guess..have a terror free day

hya Pauly..happy easter to you ..any plans for it?
SL..nice avatar!!!!sounds like you are a mite busy there ..have a great easter..bet the kids are impressed with their mum :goodjob:
right folks tis off time so have a great day all
Whatever the verdict there is one certainty, Oscar Pistorius won't f.cking collapse.......
Tell the truth." The wife demanded, "Does this make me look too fat?"
"Err.. n..no." I stumbled. "It's.. It's ok."
"Oh good." She replied. "As long as I don't look ridiculous."
"Hang on, you didn't ask me THAT."
My car's fan belt snapped and I had no money on me to buy another. Luckily, I knew how to use the wife's tights to fix it.
I put them on my head and robbed a garage
Dad, I'm going to be a jazz musician when I grow up!
Don't be silly, son, you can't do both.
A lot of people have been campaigning for sharks to be culled after a series of attacks on people.
It's worth remembering that more people are bitten every year by homeless people in New York City alone than by sharks all over the world.
Mind you, I've never seen a homeless person bite someone in half at the waist.
Not since I moved away from Glasgow, anyway.
When I saw a sword swallowing act on TV, it said "Don't try this at home."
So I went to the park and tried it. Still f.cking hurt myself.
Can't believe I just caught someone looking at me through the window. Admittedly it was her window...
My wife walked out last week and the kids were devastated.In an attempt to track her down they put some posters up round the area to say that she was missing.
Fortunately no-one will recognise her from the picture they put up because she's smiling.
My mate Philip has had his lips removed. .we just call him Phil now..
My wife went to a fancy dress party as a zombie.
She looked frightening.
Then she got ready for the party.