bit crazy here the back field ..just watched the cows chasing the bull,in the field behind the garden a mare chasing a stallion here I am sitting drumming my fingers....and sitting...and sitting :H:H
was on slug watch this morning ...just planted cauliflowers and 2 of them...using wool pellets which work a treat..
Just cut and dried some parsley in the microwave ...ermm oops not a smart move stinks.
going to make a veggie curry for tonight.
ok on we go with the show tea and coffee anyone?
hiya are we today then?more cheesecake is it??glad things have perked up a bit for you for daughter..hey thats part of life ..mine is 23 in enjoy her company while you any spare cheesecake ..cherry perhaps??
mornin Lav..and hows stinky boy land today?large brew again needed?
hiya Sam..hows you today?errm Im the one with the jokes beehave!!

hiya Det...little bits at a time!!saves going to stressland!!!says he that has to do everything yesterday!!..youve got all weekend to make a start mate.
hiya SL are you today?any plans for the weekend or as it comes?when you next on call? for daughter wanting a career ..hmm cant say I was top of the list at handing in homework either..or doing any work ..there were fr too many other things to do!
morning bear are you feeling today?any better ..did you go training yesterday?
mornin bkyogagurl..hows you today then?..ok I you can see each one of us on here has individual goals /targets.....but the main objective is to lead an al free how each person reaches that is entirely up to them ...whether it be odaat targets, monthly, whatever is immaterial..we try and support each other irrespective...all I will say is the major players here are honesty and commitment...jump in yerself
eek just read tts post ...virtually what I have written!!
right thats moi ...fini ..ende so off we toddle into the weekend..big shout to those not here ..remember its poets day time!!!have a good one
Two Unicorns were on Noah's Ark when one said to the other, "Hi, I'm George."
The other replies, "Pleased to meet you George, I'm Arthur."
I hate people who force their opinion down on others
and so should you.
Can't believe it's Stalker Awareness Day today...
That crept up on me!
I went to India recently and the street begging was really awful.
I was there for a week and only got one Rupee.
I got caught stealing an "I'm sorry" card from hallmark today.
When I gave it to the security guard he smiled and told me I was free to go.
Ashamed and humiliated, I finally plucked up the courage to admit to the wife that I'd had to sign on.
"Oh dear," she said. "The dole?"
"No," I said. "With Manchester United."
On my arrival at Heathrow I saw a smart man in a hat and told him I was interested in flying information.
He said he'd call some of the other pilots to see whether they could take me to Magaluf in a V shape.
Sometimes I see something that is truly stunning.
Like when my brother-in-law knocked himself out on a overhead beam.
The residents of Toytown called a meeting to discuss concerns over the constant sound of sheep bleating, and agreed to send a deputation to Bo Beep.
She was told to shut the flock up.
I asked my dad if he was proud to be a grandfather.
"Yes son I am very proud," he said, a tear welling up in his eye.
"Well it's a good job you're already crying," I said. "You'll probably be a bit upset to hear they're not my kids."