Tea and coffee on the go...going swimming today...dont feel like it but I said I was so I am!!
hiya bear ..I wish you the best of luck ..hope to see you in the future..maybe next time cut down on the number of things you want to do all at once and get a plan put together .
hiya tt ..well how did driving on the other side of the road feel?how did the trip to Hilo turn out?..best way to put your pics up is use photo bucket or one of them ...I use tinypic...does all the compression fandango for you. enjoy yourself
morning Lav...well did the blueberry bushes get planted ok?thats it ..now youve made a start..onwards and upwards in the gardening department.so before you figure out today..one large coffee...use the 1 say before the 4!!

hiya SF...how are you today then?whats the miracle morning that you are doing?what does it consist of?
hiya SL....how are you?ok ? on call time nearly over I take it?how did you ever manage it when you were drinking?Glad you got the ribena sorted out..did you know that you can get the tropical fruit and strawberry flavours too?
your post .. making lots of miracles which is very cool ...that little phrase says it all for me!!
yep its a good feeling putting down no alcohol...wait till you go somewhere and someone asks you what you want to drink...youll feel really chuffed with yourself.
hiya ppqp...jeez this lawyer is certainly taking his/her time!!!!been on the cards a fair time now...so have a brew ..you at work today? are you still the stand in boss or is he back?
hiya Det....snap ...havin trouble staying away from ice cream ...cherry flavour or mint ..mmmmm..that rice dish sounds good ..
righty ho peeps time to go....take care and have a good one...
What do you call a dyslexic neurosurgeon?
Had breakfast in bed this morning.
Had to, got no clean plates.
Got kicked out of St Peter's Square earlier at the canonisation of the pontiffs.
My rendition of "When the Saints Go Marching In" was deemed 'inappropriate'.
I before E except after...
"Old Macdonald had a farm"
If Elvis was alive and he had a Facebook account, he would never have to update his status because we all know what was always on his mind.
I've got a massive fear for the lift button in our hotel reception and I don't know why.
Just can't put my finger on it.
My wife damaged her shoulder yesterday.
She said "what's this?" as she picked up the hoover.