on with the show ..tea n coffee on the table noo
morning Lav ..how are you today?did you get to curves yesterday?tis good that you got some stuff in the garden done ..any plans for today?I ent up to my friends farm yest too...the one that anted to get into the allotment game...thats been put on hold at the mo..(thankfully)he is milking his goats and made a milking table for them..saves the back..couldnt believe it simple idea made out of scrap pallets..cost about ?5 to make ...and he has got orders for to make 9 already and he has sold 2 at ?75 each..oh well thinking cap on ..grab a brew.
hiya Pauly, ho are you this morning ? hows things with hurricane louie? has he calmed down? hows no booze.com doing for you?
hiya ppqp ..ho are you today then ? did contractor turn up or was it a get "round tuit" job?take it the weather has calmed down a bit if you are managing to get outside?have a brew and a great day.
hiya SL...Hows you today then?working from home..?have only tried the strawberry ribena..didnt rate it too much..cold wet weekend to 97...wow thats some jump!!you still working from home today or do you have to go in?whatever have a good one.
hi Det ..super busy day ..go on then whatcha been up to?
hey Sam ..sometimes we get those busy doing nothing days when it looks like nothing has been done or achieved!
hiya tt ..bang their heads together!!appreciate its hard..but try and enjoy..here are you off to after Saturday?..keep

and now its time to bring this to a close and bid you a fond farewell :H have a safe sane? and sober day.
My wife looks no different now than she did on our wedding day, almost 27 years ago.
Mouth full of cake.
A single cow can make 400 hamburgers.
That's amazing, they should hire them as cooks at McDonald's.
Standing there with tears rolling down my face,I said to my wife,"Please Sam,for the love of God,I can't make it on my own."
"Oh for f.ck sake Dave," she moaned, "It's just a cup of tea you moron."
I advertised my garden shed in the local paper:
"Cedar construction, 8' x 6', Perspex window, bitumen roof, wooden table included."
The next day I got a phone call from a family of Bulgarians wanting to move in immediately.
I just heard on the news that the pollen count in the area is going to be so high that the local drug dealers are converting meth back into Sudafed.
The other day I found out tin foil can be washed then reused again.
And also cuts your bum to ribbons.
I got the sack today.
Turns out the Five Second Rule doesn't apply when you drop a knife in the operating theatre.
My mate Paddy called me today.
"I've been trying to get my horse into its stable for over an hour now and it keeps refusing," he said, "Do you have any suggestions?"
I said, "Have you tried the old trick of putting a blindfold on?"
"Yes." he replied.
"And what happened?" I asked.
He said, "I walked into a fecking tree."
Even as a child I knew my parents hated me.
They used to give me my pocket money in travellers cheques
During a recent operation I had an out of body experience.
I saw myself hovering above the operating table, gazing down on this body which looked familiar but which I couldn't quite place, and all the time this warm, comforting feeling enveloped me.
However, being a rational human being, I put it down to the drugs, pulled myself together and finished performing the appendectomy.
Three Somalis are in a boat. Which one is the pirate?
Just kidding. They all are.
Children are still wearing nappies after the age of five in hundreds of schools across England. Anne-Marie Middleton, a head teacher from Dover, says pupils are too embarrassed to admit they still wear nappies,
although the actual words she used were: "We go poo poo and wee wee now."