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24th of May....Thursday.

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    24th of May....Thursday.

    Good morning friends,
    Well we have our grandaughter for the day. Unfortunately, I have to go to work, but Dearly Beloved has the day off. She really is coming on in leaps and bounds now, from a tiny little thing that had very little awareness of things around her, to this lively, active, sparkley eyed 'person'. It's great having her over for a while, but it's good to send her home too. Jeez, can she make noise:H
    Anyway, I'm off to work shortly so have a good one.

    24th of May....Thursday.

    Happy day Popeye and friends to join.
    glad you get to have fun with your "noise maker" Popeye!
    got in late, so Dx is taking me to dinner tonight...decisions decisions.....
    well, it's great to be home and now I have soooo much work to do. gasp
    Be well me loverlies!!!
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      24th of May....Thursday.

      Morning gentlemen:

      Just got back from trying to find the place where I'm having a job interview tomorrow. Yup, part-time job that fell into my lap for the neighboring city's Dept. of Public Health. Not going to say any more cause I don't want to jinx it.:fingers: Think of me tomorrow (10 am Eastern time-about this time now).

      Pop-yup they grow up fast. My son who just turned 5 has just recently learned that screaming gets our attention. Not good since summer is approaching and the windows are open!

      Det-don't work too hard and enjoy your dinner. Choose wisely. I hate it when you have "Tavern on the Green" expectations & "McDonald's" results. LOL! :eeew: Don't mind me-hubby & I tried 2 restaurants this past busy weekend & did not have 1 good meal between both of us. Bummer.

      Have a great Thursday Abbers!
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        24th of May....Thursday.

        Happy Day is right Det! My son Graduates HS tonite, the last one. I've been reminiscing the day's when he was a wee one. Funny, forgot about the noise, though, Popeye. LOL Glad you got time with your grandchild though. We'll be having a celebration with family. Enjoy dinner out Det.

        Take Good Care Everyone

        AF 21, March 2010

        "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


          24th of May....Thursday.

          Good morning Popeye, Det, Breez and all others in abbsland
          Pop - yeah, noisy children - short doses only for me as well. Have fun.
          Det - enjoy dinner!
          Breez - best o' luck on your interview
          My acupuncturist surprisingly didn't know much about kudzu and seemed to think my Qi was fairly "balanced" so I didn't get into MWO. Guess I had a hard time confessing that I am a problem drinker. Nor did I ever say anything the times I've come in to her office with a hangover. Anyway, she did notice that my Liver Qi stagnation isn't anything like it was, so I'm on new herbs. I feel fabulous.
          "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


            24th of May....Thursday.

            I am having a standard day at work; to it stinks. I guess I should be grateful that I have a job; but I wish I could find one I liked. I have been stressed out and tired the last couple of days. I don't know why, but it slows down my after work time as I just seem to fall asleep when I sit down. I keep waking up with my clothes on in the middle of the night. It reminds me of being drunk and passing out, but without the alcohol.

            Have a great meal D.

            Breez I wish you luck on the job. I will be thinking about you tomorrow.

            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


              24th of May....Thursday.

              Good evening to all - winding down here before a noisy sports day tomorrow - hundreds of little darlings running round - can't wait Spend 10 mins at that, Popeye and one will seem the quietest angel! Hope you had a wonderful day with her...
              Good luck Breez tomorrow - I'm rooting for you!:goodluck:
              Padme, my eldest daughter graduates from high school next week - I've warned her that I'll be the one at the back with the dark glasses and the box of tissues! - have a lovely family celebration ...
              Bear - hope that perfect job is just round the corner somewhere - not being happy at work sucks - Can also so relate to the tiredness, except I don't wait till I'm home to fall asleep - I even nod off in my prep times at school - TGIF tomorrow!

              To everyone, hope you have a lovely weekend - am off to the Swiss Alps for a hiking weekend tomorrow so will probably catch up with you on Monday - Take care all! Many :l
              :rays: Arial

              Last first day - 15th April 2012
              Days 1-7 DONE
              Days 8-14 DONE
              Days 15-21 DONE
              30 days DONE
              60 days
              100 days


                24th of May....Thursday.

                Hey everyone, hope you all are having a wonderful day!
                It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                James Gordon, M.D.


                  24th of May....Thursday.

                  Pops, it's the best part of being a grandparent, sending them home when they get noisy, huh?
                  Hello Runner, hope you are doing good.
                  Arrial, Wow..congrats on getting your girl thru all those years of school.
                  Breez, I am plugging for you darling. Let us know how things work out.
                  Hugs to the rest of you.

