right on we go ..banana nd cinnamon tea for me..anyone else ? coffee on the go too.
morning dtd...and how are you today then? ok I hope..do you ever get crappy weather in SA?or is it bright n sunny all the time?any plans for today?
Same with you bkyogagurl...or byg

morning Sam......hows the world with you today?now that the toilets have been changed...whats next on your list?is it still good enough to work outside?
morning ppqp ..how are you today then?ok contractor been yet?he better get a move on if youve got a load of rubbish weather coming in at the weekend....one cup of b nc t coming up!!have a great day.

good morning Lav......and how are ou today then ..you just want a cuppa joe as sam would say?

hia Pauly ..well done you on the bougainvillea...see you thought it was deed didnt you?but instead of just giving up and chucking it in the bin...you kept it and waited patiently and it came good..now I wonder what would happen if you applied the same thinking to drinking?glad little louie was quiet for you..do you reckon he could be whizzing with e numbers or something when he goes off on one?
and now da da..another month in..well done SL......:goodjob:so here we are May now and you are well on the road..see .all the false starts were worth it..now look where you are at need to watch ..youll be catching me up!!
wonder what happened to all the ones that used to be on here..Shue Cantoo et al wonder if they made it?
well folks ...have a great post hump day....take it easy and be good
"Stay indoors between 9 & 3 and expect a special delivery." I said to my wife on her birthday.
She seemed really excited considering my PS4 was on its way.
I took my Japanese chef mate to Twickenham, as he wanted to see England play rugby.
Best part of the day was when he started singing, 'Spling loll, sweet charred sharrots.'
'I don't need fake friends in my life'.
Just shared this with my 'true' 789 Facebook friends.
I went to the doc and said I have a problem with diarrhoea and it's becoming unbearable. He said lemons are good for this. I said I know but as soon as I take one out it starts again
The person who is first credited for harvesting chick-peas never received recognition during his life.
However, after his death, he was awarded a prize post-houmously
Paddy said to Mick, "Do you know Mick, my son's teacher had the cheek to tell me that my son isn't very bright?"
Mick replied, "So what did you do then, Paddy?"
Paddy said, "I bought him a UV vest."
I was down the local shop earlier when I asked for a pack of condoms.
"Would you like a bag with that, sir?" he asked me.
"Great idea!" I thought. "Could you poke a few eye holes in it for me as well please?"
Did you hear about the incompetent dwarf policeman?
He wasn't much cop.
Paddy and his wife are on holiday in England visiting historical sites.
' This is where the Magna Carta was signed, ' said the tour guide, ' it is one of the most important documents in England. '
' When was it signed, ' asked Paddy.
' 1215, ' replied the guide.
' shit we missed it by 90 minutes,' said Paddy.
br />My wife looked across at the chocolates I was eating.
"Could you chuck me over a chocolate brazil?" she pleaded.
I sized her up, and said "Not without help."
A guy wants to become a magician so he goes out and buys a magician book. Later he gathers his family around the living room for his first trick. Reading his new book he reaches into a bag and pulls out a hammer and to the amazement of his family hits himself in the head with it. He's unconscious and spends a month in the hospital. Suddenly a nurse notices his eye lids flicker. She calls the family in and they gather around his bed. Just then he sits up in bed awake and says..."TA-DAA"
