Hello AF friends,
So warm here today! It feels like summer! I bought lavender, rosemary, a red bell pepper and a jalepeno pepper at Lowe's today. I'm going to wait until it cools off to plant them tho. Right now I'm in the house, hiding from the heat!

Star, I finished the book, The Good House by Ann Leary. I do highly recommend it. There is going to be a movie made of it with Meryl Streep and Robert DeNiro. The author writes about the experience of denial like only an alcoholic could write. It turns out that she is an alcoholic in recovery.
Papmom, I didn't know DD is 9 already. Is he still very active or is he slowing down? My aussie mix acted like a puppy until the very end of her life, especially when on walks in the woods. But my akita mix slowed down more as she aged. I am like Lav in that I will not spend a great deal on vet bills. I have a very practical vet who has always been reasonable in his treatment. He also gives me holistic approaches that are more affordable at times. You must take care of yourself Papmom, and try to let go of this stress. The dogs need you to be healthy and strong for them! Loved your gratitude list! Especially #7-10!
Lav, How'd your BP check go? I hope all is well. Do you make a pretty good profit on your business? I think it was wise to let go of the expense of the website.
We need to start week 2 tomorrow!