If you've been on Facebook today you've seen how my Mother's day was spent - doing hard labor out in the sunshine :H
My recently planted blueberry bushes are now properly mulched & the two 5'X10' raised garden beds are built, filled & ready for planting. I thought YB was going to kill himself today, honestly. I did what I could to help....such hard work for a couple of old farts :H
My daughter called & my son texted me from work to wish me a good day. They didn't show up looking for a meal

Sounds like your day was pretty productive too Papmom. Be careful with that lifting though, don't want to do any damage, right? Your washer will be in my thoughts & prayers

Greetings Star, glad you enjoyed your AF evening out, sounds nice!
Hello to Dill & Cyn!
Have a nice night one & all!