Good morning...
Lav, I will let you know if there is booze at the baby shower. It is in the afternoon, like most baby showers, so who knows? I tried to go back to previous baby showers I have been to but cannot remember if there was alcohol, I hope not. It just doesn't make sense. It was so cold here yesterday, today too, and rain. Kind of a bummer as I wanted to take our guest with a little outside time, so will have to see. The weather people are so often wrong.
Dill, tornado's are scary. Even the thought of them. Glad you are OK. I liked your observation about drinkers. They are the only ones who care what others are drinking. I have been pressured in the past to drink, and find it incredibly rude. Who cares? What if someone was like that about food? Come on, have a hamburger, no really, why aren't you eating beef? Really? When you look back it is so sick. I want to continue to be free from that type of thinking, and AF. I just do not see any benefit for, me with booze.
I picked up my guest, no problems, that MapQuest App practically drives your car for you.

Hello to Pap and Cyn.
