Would you believe I finally have half an hour to myself??
Daughter & family have returned home. There is actually an independent film being filmed this weekend in their neighborhood. The movie people asked the borough to close off their street & surrounding streets so they can't even park, let alone get into their house. What a hassle

If it turns out to be too much they just may be back tonight. Apparently the filming has been going on until 2-3 AM.
I now have ownership of the INSANITY TWINS for a week (my son's Goldens). I just don't understand why they didn't take the dogs along on their vacation to the Outer Banks, NC :H :H
YB still hasn't said why he's returned but he has been pleasant. He's still never told my why he left 4 years ago this month. I have worked hard on letting go of the need of knowing all the 'whys' in my life. Sometimes shit just happens!
So that's where my head is at the moment

Star, I really hope you can find some peace soon. I know you are very aware of the importance of taking care of yourself thru all this. Changes happen & often lead to good stuff

Dill, thanks for the congrats. I am so happy to be free of all that expensive & unhealthy addiction. I really wanted to be a good role model for the little ones - so far so good!
I hope everything works out for your son, he deserves the best for himself & the kids

Hope everyone is having a nice day!!