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Magical AF May

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    Magical AF May

    Would you believe I finally have half an hour to myself??

    Daughter & family have returned home. There is actually an independent film being filmed this weekend in their neighborhood. The movie people asked the borough to close off their street & surrounding streets so they can't even park, let alone get into their house. What a hassle
    If it turns out to be too much they just may be back tonight. Apparently the filming has been going on until 2-3 AM.
    I now have ownership of the INSANITY TWINS for a week (my son's Goldens). I just don't understand why they didn't take the dogs along on their vacation to the Outer Banks, NC :H :H
    YB still hasn't said why he's returned but he has been pleasant. He's still never told my why he left 4 years ago this month. I have worked hard on letting go of the need of knowing all the 'whys' in my life. Sometimes shit just happens!
    So that's where my head is at the moment

    Star, I really hope you can find some peace soon. I know you are very aware of the importance of taking care of yourself thru all this. Changes happen & often lead to good stuff

    Dill, thanks for the congrats. I am so happy to be free of all that expensive & unhealthy addiction. I really wanted to be a good role model for the little ones - so far so good!
    I hope everything works out for your son, he deserves the best for himself & the kids

    Hope everyone is having a nice day!!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Magical AF May

      "And they who for their country die shall fill an honored grave, for glory lights the soldier's tomb, and beauty weeps the brave." -- Joseph Drake

      On this beautiful Spring day, I'm thinking of all the soldiers who did not get to return home to their families and of the loved ones that suffered their loss as well.

      Lav, it surely will be interesting to see how things unfold in your household. Will things fall into place as if the last 4 years apart never happened or will it be a bit of a struggle assimilating a man back into your world? Or will it be something in between? Anyway, life is what we make it and I know you will make the best of yours. Interesting about the movie being filmed in your daughter's neighborhood. It would be nice if they would receive some kind of compensation for the inconvenience tho!

      Star, Papmom, Cyn have a wonderful AF Memorial Day.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Magical AF May

        Good mid-morning friends

        Did I forget to mention that YB returned with a black cat? Do you have any idea how exciting it is in this house right now with my 2 dogs (who have never seen a cat) & my son's 2 Goldens (who are both insane anyway)? :H :H

        Dill, I think the answer to your question falls in the 'in between' category!
        YB has never, ever been good at expressing his thoughts & feelings, so a lot always go unsaid with him. If he can maintain his current 'acceptable level' of thinking & behaving then I'm OK with the situation. IF he reverts back into a mass of negativity......I will show him the door. I definitely will not fall into another depressive state because of him & medicate myself with wine. I have learned my lesson

        I am flying my flag today in honor of those who have served our country. I am also the one who maintains the flag holders at the cemeteries where my Dad & FIL are buried - always have.

        Hello to Star, cyn & Papmom.
        Papmom has been very concerned over the failing health of her kitty, hope everything is OK with her :l

        Have a wonderful AF day!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Magical AF May

          Happy memorial day all -

          Lav - you are again a great teacher: letting go of the need to know 'why' seems to me to be an essential ingredient of peace. OMG, a cat?! And I'm so sorry you have to handle all that on top of the insanity twins - when we went to Ocracoke Island last year, we took our dogs! Good luck with keeping all the fur on it's respective animal.

          PapMom - good luck with kitty, so sorry that you have to go through the worry.

          Dill - your son is very brave - I wish that we as a country supported his health more. I hope that you get some 'Adirondack chair' time today.

          Star - good job taking care of yourself amid all this! Change is always happening whether we recognize it or not - you are brave to take it head-on. Remember, even a new pair of nice new shoes doesn't feel comfortable right will live your way into the answers.

          I did battle with garlic mustard this morning; a truly Sysiphian task. Now it's off to finish (as in completely done) the taxes. Oh yes, I still do have to. I'm using our next guest's arrival on Wednesday to hold my feet to the fire.

          Cheers all ---
          to the light


            Magical AF May

            Good morning...

            Made it through the holiday weekend....just can't sleep well and it is taking its toll. I will be better off going to work today, then hopefully sleep well tonight. No news on job fronts, too early.

            Lav, hope your time with hubby is peaceful and loving.

            Dill, pretty hot here, and muggy, we put the air on.

            Cyn, even with self care I am struggling...

            Have a great day.
            Formerly known as redhibiscus


              Magical AF May

              Morning all!

              Peaceful around these parts, so far

              Hot, humid & afternoon thunderstorms on the menu today - swell. The AC has been on here for a few weeks primarily to eliminate most of the allergens. I'm sporting a small patch of poison ivy on my wrist already - what else is new?

              Star, sorry about the sleep deficit, I'm having the same issue. I've had an enormous surge of hot nighttime flashes waking me hourly. They started up mid-April for absolutely no reason
              Do what you can to keep yourself balanced during this period of change because everything is going to be OK. Just keep the faith :l

              Greetings to Dill, Cyn, Papmom & anyone dropping by today.
              I need to go let the Insanity Twins out of the garage for a morning romp & breakfast. They really haven't been too bad so far

              Have a great day all!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Magical AF May

                Hi all -

                Star - I like what Lav said - 'keep the faith'. Today I am sticking with L Hay: "All is well, everything is working out for my highest good, out of this situation only good will come, and I am safe". Good luck - keep on taking good care, and try to get some sleep. No sleep can really make the world look different...

                Lav - hot flashes, me too! And in March I went on HRT, absolutely no help. Last night I didn't take it - I'm not so sure it's the right approach for me, but when it gets hotter here, I'll re-evaluate. Hope things remain calm and happy for you at home.

                PMom - good luck with the pet issues ---

                Dill - did you get some holiday time in? HB and I had a little impromptu picnic at a sweet in-town lake here, very peaceful. We were going to try to get the canoe in the lake, but my neck issues are really flaring (too much painting and pulling of garlic mustard!), so I thought the better of hoisting the canoe on the car. The picnic was perfect.

                Still working on taxes today. Hoping to finish, then will get going on the 2nd round of fix-ups for the guests tomorrow: clean out and wash the floors of the screen porch (something that doesn't usually get done before the end of the summer, so having guests is a good thing), plant more plants, scrub down the deck chairs, paint the front door (oh, only kidding on the one), iron the sheets....

                Off to the races - so happy to be AF today --

                May all be well...
                to the light


                  Magical AF May

                  So glad to be AF today too!

                  Cyn I loved your phrase "a truly Sysiphean task" as I had never heard that term before and of course google gave me a short lesson in Greek mythology! That danged garlic mustard! It is the bane of our woodland as well! Your picnic sounds lovely.

                  Lav, sorry about the PI! I just got over a bout of it myself. I am hyper aware of that nasty little plant and STILL it manages to get me one way or another!

                  Star, I hope you take time to relax and restore yourself through this stressful time. How will this move affect your son?

                  As for me lately I have been feeling the need to simplify. I feel like we have too much to take care of, to organize, to maintain. Mr. D is beginning to feel it too. I am determined to make life more manageable and less stressful!

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    Magical AF May

                    Good morning...

                    Thanks Lav for telling me to keep the faith. I need to, it is a real time of stress for me, especially financially. Getting another job takes time and it is hard to be patient when feeling panic and fear...not in a good place but trying to picture good outcomes and positie affirmations.

                    Cyn, those Louise Hay sentiments are the exact ones I am affirming. Out of this situation only good will come. I just have to keep strong and you are right, with no sleep and with high anxiety, it is draining. You do so much, it is alot of work to keep a house up and looking good.

                    Dill, I have to simplify and want to, so little by little getting rid of alot of things. Again, our youth is spent accumulating, later we need to donate, sell, downsize. I just don't have the energy for lots of stuff. My son is OK, don't talk to him alot he is so busy.

                    I love this time of year weatherwise, the lilacs smell heavenly, the warmth is so comforting, even though I have the air on. Work today and being positive. Have a good day.
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      Magical AF May

                      Good morning - another early morning for you, Star! I hope that you get some sleep soon - you need it to stay balanced. Congrats on keeping your head and heart during a really difficult situation; hang in there.

                      Dill - I have been feeling exactly the same way! Especially with the ground/woods here - I just asked my husband (who wanted a house with 'land') what was he thinking! And inside too - so much Stuff - even after all these moves. I think after going through my Mother's things, I realize even more that 'you can't take it with you'. Lat night (as I was ironing sheets for the guests) I saw a show on houseboat living. While some of the boats were floating luxury apartments, one was a 40 foot long boat on a cannl in England - 250 square feet. It looked perfect - everything that a person needs, no more, everything close at hand (and less cleaning). Oh well, nice to dream...

                      Lav - hope you have good weather today. It went from 80 yesterday to 40 this morning. Poor Mr Tree has come down with a cold - I am force feeding him Oil of Oregano, hopefully he'll recover quickly. But staying well in this weather is really a challenge...

                      Pap - take care -

                      Guests arriving today and staying through Sunday -- I'll try to get here each day, but forgive me if I can't make it...

                      Wishing all a great AF Hump Day,
                      to the light


                        Magical AF May

                        Good morning friends!

                        Feel lucky that all we had was a nice rain last evening. Apparently the damaging storms skipped by this area.
                        It's currently 68 degrees, it hit 90 yesterday & was hot.

                        Star, I am on a mission to get rid of bits & pieces myself. I know that downsizing is in my future so I may as well get started now. Hang in there & do a little each day
                        Change is undoubtedly hard but not necessarily a bad thing. Focus on the good stuff like living close to your daughter & grandbaby

                        Cyn, the reason we're sitting here on 2.5 acres is because YB wanted the land. I don't cut grass because it kills my allergies & I'd rather spend my time doing more interesting things :H
                        There is so much to take care of around here & I have to admit it is getting to be a bit too much for a couple of old farts. Btw - I have never ironed a sheet in my life :H You really go overboard in the kindness department

                        Greetings Dill. I am with you on the journey to simplify around here. YB will be 62 in October & is talking about retiring of the forces that drove him back here. The simple truth is none of us are getting any younger, right? I am giving some thought into shutting down my business as well. I'm not as busy as I used to be - never really recovered after the economy tanked.

                        Well, I need to feed & water animals then get to Curves.
                        Have a great AF Hump day everyone!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Magical AF May

                          Good morning...

                          Slept better, took a few Benedryl to ensure a better night's sleep. Whew, I need to rest. Well, heard from one job, phone interview tomorrow, not my first choice but I will be open and willing to listen. I am waiting to hear from my dream job.

                          Lav, decluttering feels good. I want to really downsize but my husband is not there yet. I am working on him.

                          Cyn, take care of yourself this weekend and have fun.

                          Dill, hope you are doing well.

                          Have a great day.
                          Formerly known as redhibiscus


                            Magical AF May

                            Good morning!

                            Wow Star, it sounds like you are making great progress on the job front! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. Are you and Mr. Star looking for a rental apartment or house in the new location? How is Mr. S doing in his job search? Keep calm and carry on. This time of upheaval will pass.

                            Cyn, I thought you were joking about ironing the sheets! LOL! I have never in my life done that! You are quite a qracious hostess, I must say!

                            Lav, shutting down your business? That's a big move! Mr. D and I both enjoy the free time we have in retirement and I recommend it heartily if you can afford it. I must say, the health insurance premiums are a bear and Mr. D will not be 65 for another 2 years, 4 years for me. So until then I am doomed to keep paying those high premiums. Sigh. Will you have health coverage if Mr. L retires?

                            Cyn, enjoy your company and try to relax.

                            Yesterday was a very busy day for us around here. We had business to attend to with our lawyer and then drove quite a way to meet with BIL and SIL to put flowers on my HB's parent's grave. We didn't get to do it on the weekend. Had dinner with them too. Today looks like a much more peaceful day. I will meet a gf for lunch at Panera, but that's about all I have planned. I hope all of you have a safe and AF Thursday.

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              Magical AF May

                              Good morning friends,

                              Up way too early thanks to my piggy swissy & her digestive problems :H
                              What else is new??

                              Star, you have the right attitude so just stay open to all possibilities. We never really know what is around the corner for us. I constantly remind myself to enjoy the ride because that's what really counts Hope the phone interview goes well for you. I am just starting to think about how easy condo living could be.......hmmm.

                              Dill, hope you enjoy your lunch out with your friend. Those moments are special & few & far between.
                              I have been lucky & grateful not have to worry about health insurance. We are both still covered by YB's contract with the PD. It's was a part of his retirement package from the township. The current employees are dealing with something very different I hear. I remember the FOP pushing for this decades ago during contract negotiations.

                              Well, the cold front has dropped the temp by 30 degrees! Kind of nice out but still damp.
                              I spent yesterday afternoon removing damp dog smell from my living room, oh well :H

                              Greetings Cyn, Papmom!!!
                              Have a great aF Thursday one & all.

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Magical AF May

                                Well, good morning once again friends
                                Hope the sun makes an appearance sometime today.

                                Can't believe May is almost over. Who/what shall we become June 1?

                                My plan for the day starts with a trip to Curves. After that I'm not exactly sure - depends on the weather I suppose. I'm sure I'll end up cleaning up something either inside or outside :H

                                Greetings to Dill, Starr, Cyn, Papmom & anyone dropping by.
                                Have a great AF Friday everyone!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

