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Magical AF May

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    Magical AF May

    Good morning friends on this first day of May

    I am seriously hoping for sunshine & butterflies this month after such a long winter
    Yesterday's 5" rainfall left my area looking like this:

    The farmers will not be happy today, that's for sure!
    My chicken yard looks pretty much the same way. It takes a while for all that water to soak through the heavy clay soil.

    I'm just going to stay in & get some work done today
    Have a great AF Thursday everyone!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    Magical AF May

    Cross-Post Lav! and we each started a thread! I'm popping my post over here and we'll make this the official thread.

    Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management, which is perhaps the most important ingredient to living a happy, healthy and rewarding life.
    ~Marilu Henner

    Welcome to May! I feel like we have turned a corner somehow!

    Papmom, I knew you would come up with a plan. Now that you have a plan you surely must feel better and less stressed.:l That's fantastic news to have your nutritionist telling you you need to eat more! That's not something anyone has ever said to me!:H

    Lav, I too think about down-sizing, but I just love our home and can't bear the thought of leaving it. We will surely have to one day as it is a lot of work to maintain. OMG! That flooding looks awful!

    Star, Did you listen to the Bubble Hour with Dr. John Kelly as a special guest? It was about the science of addiction and how the brain is affected by alcohol and that society needs to get rid of the stigma surrounding it because that keeps so many people from seeking help. I learned so much from listening to that one.

    Thanks to all for the birthday greetings. I did have a very nice birthday and felt loved.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Magical AF May

      Good morning on this May morning...

      Thanks to both of you for starting a May thread. I just could not think of any ideas for a name. This is great.

      Lav, wow what a lot of rain, unbelievable. We are getting some rain here, but nothing like that I hope. Hope your day went well and you got a lot done.

      Dill, loved the quote, alcohol made our lives out of control even though we all functioned. I love the part about having realistic is life, things happen, we have to manage each challenge as it comes up. I have been listening to the Bubble Hour but not that episode. Will have to take the time too. That site is really valuable. I love technology and all the information we have access too. We just have to access the good stuff.

      Did better yesterday decluttering. Interviewed a few realtors, and will have them look around my house next week. I am really working on detaching, giving things up, releasing with love. Getting better, able to sleep a little more. Now we just need to land some jobs....

      Thinking about change and how I tend to picture negative things and have to actively work to picture the best case scenario. I have to make things good, and have that positive outlook. Will work on that today and every day.

      Pap, love your plan B. I always try to have a few extra plans and work on being flexible. We too have to stick to a budget and are taking some big risks currently. Being happy with what we have is an art. Sorry your pets are getting so many physical ailments. Glad you get to eat more. I wish I did.

      Lots to do today, cleaning out garage and going to Good Will. Probably several trips. I was thinking, even if I give away too much, I can always replace in the future. Have a great Friday.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        Magical AF May

        Good morning friends,

        Praise the Lord, the flood waters are receding :H
        Seriously, that was a lot of rain Wednesday!!! I saw an online map of all the closed roads across the county - incredible! At some point I have to get someone on my roof to seal around the vent pipe where water has been leaking in lately & making it's way to my kitchen ceiling

        Star, one day at a time is always the best method, no matter what we are doing
        I am famous for driving myself nuts worrying about stuff that hasn't even happened yet. I have made a concerted effort to change my thinking patterns over the past 5 years & I am grateful for that. Sounds like you are starting off on the right foot, good for you

        I've been asked to go pick up the boys at 8 am & keep them for the better part of the day.
        So here I go, as soon as I grab another cup of coffee & a shower!!

        Greetings Papmom, Dill & Cyn - are you back yet??
        Have a great AF Friday everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Magical AF May

          Hi Lav, have you had fun with your boys? I could relate to your comment about worrying about stuff that hasn't even happened yet! I have worked on letting go of that kind of stressful thinking. When I find myself going down that road I remember the line in the Desiderata: "But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness." Sometimes it still happens tho.

          Star, you sound like you are making peace with the decision to make the move. I know it will be stressful, but also it will be an adventure! Be sure to take us with you where ever you go.

          DIL update: not only is she still attending her sessions and staying clean, she finally contacted the Children Services caseworker. At this point it is too late to stop them from taking legal action to request sole custody be given to my son. But if she keeps moving in the right direction perhaps that decision could be reversed sometime in the future.

          Have a great AF Friday everyone!

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Magical AF May

            Oh yes Dill - I had 9 hours of fun time today :H
            Muddy jeans, soaking wet shoes & socks - the whole 9 yards :H

            That great news about your DIL!
            Amazing what one can accomplish with a clear head, good for her
            Does she have any job skills Dill or possibly thinking about going back to school?

            My DIL has been going on job interviews the past few weeks. Went to one today & was hired on the spot. I think this is the job she really wanted all along - Behavioral Specialist Consultant & Mobile Therapist for an adoption/foster/trauma informed mental health program. Being an adoptee herself had a lot to do with her choice. Now she just needs to receive that MSW on 17th
            I've changed quite a few diapers & cooked a lot of meals over the past 5 years - I am happy that I have been able to help!

            I'm probably going to have a tough time staying awake until bedtime - I am pooped!!!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Magical AF May

              Good morning friends!

              I see cyn is back - yay & welcome home!
              That sounds like one strenuous adventure you had cliff walking, glad you are back in one piece

              I am being a grownup today & meeting an old friend for lunch & a walk through Longwood gardens. I could use some fresh air after spending all day yesterday with stinky little boys :H

              Greetings to one & all. I hope we all have a great AF Saturday!!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Magical AF May

                Good morning to all...

                Lav, know you had a great day with the boys, exhausting, active, but great. So happy to hear that your DIL has a job before she graduates. How wonderful. It sounds like a really intense job. Whew. But, that is what social work is all about. Nursing is intense too. Great careers, helping others.

                Dill, so happy to hear DIL is moving forward, not backward. Will send prayers that she remains strong and focused. You have faced so many challenges in the past year or so, what would it have been like if you had not been AF?

                Cyn, happy to hear the trip was a success and so interesting. That is the type of trip/vacation I like, with a purpose, not just laying around a pool, with alcohol as a main focus. I know the English love their drink, but to drink and hike like that would have been precarious! How do you feel physically after the strenuous activity?

                Errands to run, then walking with a friend. It is cold and damp here, does not feel like spring at all. I will be making soup again to keep warm. Have a great day.
                Formerly known as redhibiscus


                  Magical AF May

                  Good morning friends,

                  Up way too early again, oh well.
                  I wish I could reset my dog's internal clock or something. Guess I'll just have to wait it out

                  I had a nice afternoon out with a friend yesterday, need that
                  Today will be filled with outdoor work, hopefully. Just heard there could be some afternoon showers on the way. Had a surprise pop up thunder storm last evening!! Today is my DIL's birthday but I think I'll just hold on to her gift for a while, her parents are visiting this weekend.

                  Star, hope you got out for your walk yesterday, despite the weather.

                  Dill, what's keeping you busy this weekend?

                  Greetings Cyn & Papmom! YB has been up in your neighborhood this weekend papmom. Went fishing on the FV Hard Merchandise again out of Gloucester with Dave Marciano. Seems to be the only thing that makes him somewhat happy anymore ~ fishing. Whatever!

                  Have a great AF Sunday everyone!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Magical AF May

                    Good morning...

                    Woke up to a beautiful sunrise, pink orange glow all over the sky. Lots of birds were chirping, and it was a wonderful way to wake up.

                    Lav, yes I did have a long and windy walk yesterday. We walked over three miles, it had warmed up by late afternoon and was sunny. Nothing like a really good girlfriend to spend time with. I am pleased to hear you had a lovely time with your friend, too. Your husband is fishing in New England? Sounds like it is irritating to you. The trip or the fishing or just that he does his own thing? Hope you have a good day today.

                    I got a lot of cleaning done yesterday, took more stuff to good will and donated books to a local book nonprofit. More to go. I am getting better at getting rid of stuff, this will be my theme for the next few weeks. I am going back and forth about moving, starting a new life and making a new home. I'll be OK about it, then scary thoughts rush in and I feel panic. I am getting better at telling myself it will work out, it is time, family is more important than a home you love. It's funny, I present myself as not being materialistic (to myself) and yet my home, my things, are so important to me. I am thinking a lot about change, how hard it is, and having less. I really don't use much of what I have, it is time to give it to the next person. I keep saying the Louise Hay affirmation, I release this house with love to the next family. I am working on keeping my thinking calm and positive. It DOES make a difference, right Lav? It just takes a lot of practice. So, moving forward with goals, will make more for this week. Any feedback on change or personal experiences would be welcome.

                    Have a great Sunday.
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      Magical AF May

                      Hello AF Friends,

                      As a matter of fact I have been kept busy this weekend by regular activities child care, but additionally we had twin calves born sometime the night before last. The mother seems to have rejected one. By the time we figured this all out it was probably at least 24 hours old and very weak. We've been working with it to help it regain its strength and hopefully we'll be able to find a way to get the mother to accept it. So, that's what's been taking up some of my time and effort.

                      Absolutely no way I would have been able to be out in the paddock giving a bottle to a calf last night after sunset if I had chosen wine instead. So glad to be AF for the little fella! Fingers crossed that we get the mother to accept him!

                      Star, I think you are doing exceptionally well with walking yourself through this possible/probable change. In a way I envy you. You are lightening your load of "things" with a goal in mind of moving. That makes it easier to part with things that you know you do not really need. It will make the move smoother. But if you end up staying put, you will also benefit from the over-all decluttering! I can't say I have any tips for you. You seem to have it well in hand!:goodjob: We have lived here for 22 years now and it is unbelievable how much we have. I did manage to part with my piano last month which was sad but at the same time felt like a heavy load off my shoulders. I had had it since I was a girl, but I no longer play and no one here does either. The young woman across the road was THRILLED when I offered it to her so I found comfort in that.

                      Lav, Perhaps you should try doggie diapers!:H:H

                      Cyn, I am so very impressed with your accomplishment at Land's End! What an experience that must have been to be surrounded by so much of God's beautiful creation! I loved it that you were able to engage in the process and achieve such a goal but were able to stop along the way and take it all in and appreciate all of it. I do hope you show us some of the sights you saw.

                      I am a believer in using positive affirmations, too. When I worked with troubled kids in the Severe Behavior Handicap school setting I spent a lot of time working with them on positive self-talk, which is along the same lines.

                      Have a great AF Sunday all.

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        Magical AF May

                        Hi dear friends -

                        Thanks for the heads-up Dill - I guess people found the other post, so I won't re-do. I just took time to read back on the last week in April - my what a lot going on. Star! What a big change! I think all the emotions you are feeling make sense, and it is good that you are noticing them and moving on with your plan. Who knows where it will all lead - but change is happening all the time, whether we notice it or not, I think. You sound like a master declutter at this point - you go girl!

                        I am feeling physically well and proud of myself. I see that a BIG part of me needs to move, and needs to be outdoors. No wonder I have such a hard time physically when I spend 10 hours a day on the computer, sheesh. I got up early this morning (dogs, Lav!) and walked 2 miles in the wind, but I loved it. Step daughter arrived just after we got home on Friday, and I didn't want to spend the morning waiting around for her and her Dad to figure out what to do with the day -- I just got out and walked. Made me feel more in control, and did me a world of good. I devoted myself to bush-whacking for hours yesterday and did a couple of hours today as well - I can see a real difference in portions of our 'forest', so that also makes me happy. I'm going to try to finish the downstairs painting tonight so that I can start a real work week tomorrow with a clear head...

                        Grief has hit me anew on returning - I had both my parents happily in my heart and mind on the trip, but somehow coming home I am just reminded of loss. I suppose that's the way it goes.

                        Thanks everyone for the recipes and links - love them all.

                        Wishing all a good AF night --
                        to the light


                          Magical AF May

                          Good Monday morning everyone - if there is such a thing

                          Chilly out so I am wrapped up in my blanket working on a pot of coffee.
                          Nothing real big planned for today so I will see what develops. I will start with a trip to Curves of course

                          Cyn, good to see you back to your routine after such an amazing adventure
                          My early riser got me up & going again this morning, guess I'll just have to get used to her new sleep schedule. I'm sorry you are missing your parents, that is something we just have to carry with us. I still just want to talk to my Mom after all these years.

                          Star, sounds like you are making some real progress, good for you!
                          I'm not irritated with YB for going on his fishing trip, I really don't care. In the early years of our marriage he used to take off & go hunting. I've always been disappointed that he never showed that much enthusiasm in going anywhere with me, especially if it was somewhere I wanted to go. I am jealous of people who have spouses who actually like to spend time with them & not just force themselves out of some sense of duty

                          Dill, you certainly have been on extra duty!
                          Goodness, being a nanny to a calf - that's quite a job! I hope everything works out OK
                          I'll bet the grandkids are excited about the new babies. What a great experience for them!

                          OK, I'll just get myself moving & start off on the right foot with a trip to Curves.
                          Wishing everyone a great AF Monday.

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Magical AF May

                            Good day to all -

                            Dill - what an amazing story about the calf! I second what Lav are nurse/nanny extraordinaire. I was glad to read about your DIL's progress; sending prayers that it continues.

                            I hope that the day holds beauty for everyone - a great AF wake-up is already a great gift, don't you think? It was windy and cold this morning, but I got out in my garden gloves and did a quick clean-up of the front garden, whew, that lifts my spirits, no more internal groaning when I look out at that garden. I can only do the bush-whacking on the weekends; by the time I get my tick-avoidance gear on and work and then do the after-tick shower and tick-proof the clothes in the dryer, I'm pooped. So I'm just going for the quick dandelion/garlic mustard harvest and debris cleanout (in light colored clothes of course so I can do a visual check...)

                            Slogging away at the computer today, but hoping to get somewhat caught up --- wishing everyone well ---
                            to the light


                              Magical AF May

                              Hello AF Friends,

                              The calf is getting stronger and the mother seems to be softening toward him somewhat. She hasn't let him nurse yet but she isn't as strong in her efforts to kick/push him away. I think it will just be another day of bottle feeding and then hopefully she will acquiesce. The calf is getting stronger and more persistent in his efforts to nurse.

                              Yes Cyn, it was wonderful to wake up AF and it is wonderful to be able to help this calf with confidence, not second-guessing myself in my efforts and decisions. I am more and more cognizant of the fact that my judgement after a certain hour in the evening for many, many years, was questionable to say the least. It takes distance and time to see these things clearly, especially when I didn't want to acknowledge that my drinking was a problem to begin with!

                              Star, I am listening to an audio version of The Good House which was a book recommended by the ladies on the Bubble Hour. It's about a high-functioning alcoholic who does not believe herself to be an alcoholic in spite of evidence to the contrary and even some serious consequences, like a DUI and an family Intervention. It's a fiction but it's very well done.

                              Lav, I'm making the crockpot red beans/rice tomorrow, finally! I'll let you know how it goes.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

