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Magical AF May

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    Magical AF May

    Good Morning!

    Hi Lav, It's a beautiful day here in southern Ohio. We're headed up to the lake for some boat time. Boating and drinking definitely do not mix well, in my opinion, so I'm pleased to be gratefully AF today!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Magical AF May

      Hi Everyone. Its been a rough week. Girl kitty declined so much since last Saturday that tonite I gave her the ultimate gift and let her go to the Bridge. She was in obvious discomfort. I had made the decision this morning and made an appointment for 5. When I got home tonite she was hanging over her water bowl. I knew then I had made the right decision. It was still hard to let her go. I am now catless for the first time in 51 years. She was only 14. Too young to leave me.

      I had a nice memorial day weekend. Stuck around the house on Saturday and did some floor scrubbing on my hands and knees. Sunday my dad and I went out to Western MA to watch my nephew play baseball. Then we all went out to a late lunch courtesy of my brother. Monday my sister took me shopping in the afternoon and we managed about 8 outfits for less than $300 (her treat). I'm in a size 12 now! Down from an 18!! I even bought skinny jeans. Oh my, so scandalous at my age!! Tuesday back to work and convinced more than ever I have to start job hunting again. My boss wouldn't approve sick leave for today ( I had a doctor's appointment for a BP recheck) because we had 3 people out plus her. It ended up I didn't have to cancel because 2 of the people who were supposed to be out came in. I was kind of pissed. I've rescheduled for next Friday and asked for the day off. Denied. I'm keeping the appt no matter what-it's the 3 rd time I've rescheduled because of my job. This is just kind of the straw you know? So much else going on.

      On top of the job thing the financial mess I'm in is really ramping up the stress. I'm not sure I'll be able to afford the gas for my car to get to work next week. god forbid another animal gets sick in the next couple of months. Tonite's sad goodbye cost me over $200 which I had to sign another promissory note for because I just didn't have it. My mortgage is due tomorrow and a credit card payment on Monday. After that I will have exactly $20 in my account until Friday. I'm scouring the house for things to sell. The most valuable things I have are original paintings from my aunt (her work sells for the high hundreds and sometimes thousands). I absolutely refuse to sell those. I've got my juicer on Craig's List but so far no serious bites. My sister is paying my nephew to mow the lawn. I'll be cancelling my hair appointment in June and the boyz haven't been groomed since January but they will have to wait a few more months. I've really got to get serious about finding a 3rd job. Sigh. Well enough about me and my woes.

      Lav-interesting news about YB! I have complete faith that you will protect your independance at all costs while at the same time embracing whatever YB has to offer as long as its positive. Hoo boy, a new cat to throw into the mix too? He is full of surprises!!

      Cyn-thanks for letting us all in on your special VIP guest last week! Very very interesting! Sounds like you were the perfect hostess and that she enjoyed her visit very much. I'm sure it was an oasis for her!! Good luck with the "boys" this week!

      Dill-Exciting news about your son moving out! It must be the right time for him. I wish him the best of luck and can't wait to hear all the good things that await him and his kids!

      Star-I totally get all your stress and anxiety. I'm so glad you are eating right and taking advantage of the good weather to get some fresh air. Don't be afraid to use the benedryl or a mild Rx sleep aid to get you through this time. My only relief these days is a good workout and going to sleep. I've been reading like crazy at bedtime-knitting and quilting mysteries-whatever I can download from the digital library. I truly pray that this agonizing time comes to an end soon for you and that you and Mr. Star will be on your way to being close to your daughter and new grandchild.

      The pull of drowning my sorrows and being blissfully numb is very strong sometimes but I'm unwilling to throw away 4 years of hard work. I also know that the bliss is very shortlived and followed by hell. No thanks.
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        Magical AF May

        Aw Papmom, so very sorry about kitty :l
        Better that she is no longer in pain or discomfort.

        I am not at all happy with the cost of vet care these days. They are just getting ridiculous. We simply cannot put ourselves into debt while padding their pockets.
        I really wish there was some other way for you to cover your monthly expenses. A 3rd job is not ideal by any means. Is there any way you can reconsider staying with your sister? Wasn't that something you were talking about a while ago? Getting rid of the mortgage payment would be a huge help. I'm just thinking out loud.

        Peace reigns here so far & I intend to keep it that way.
        Like you Papmom, I will not throw away my hard work. We've both learned the hard way that AL doesn't improve any situation.

        Dill, I totally agree that boating & alcohol do not mix. I live so close to the Chesapeake Bay & hear about (AL related) boating just about every summer. Hope you had a great day on the water.

        Star & Cyn, I hope you are both relaxing a bit.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Magical AF May

          :lPapmom:l, so sorry to hear about your kitty. I truly feel your pain. She is no longer suffering and is at peace.

          Your financial struggles break my heart. I had lunch two days ago with a dear friend and old colleague. She broke down and cried telling me about the dire straights she is in financially. She had to go to a debt consollidator (sp?) and is going to have to spend $500 a month for the next 3 years to get out of it. Thing is, she got into debt because she didn't have the money to begin with. I'm not sure she will be able to keep meeting those paymets. She is retired but will definitely have to get a job now, and fast! I just hate for her (and you) to have this kind of worry. I am not surpirised that you had thoughts of hiding in the bottom of a bottle, but I am glad you thought better. It would surely only add to your troubles. And alcohol costs $$, even if it is the cheapest on the shelf, when you drink in the amounts we here can manage! Unfortunately, my friend has not seen the light yet and she does look for comfort in the bottle. It only makes everything worse and altho she kind of sees that, she can't find her way out.

          Lav, we did have fun on the boat yesterday! Today we have a family get-together. I'm making ice tea this morning and thinking about all the times I felt I couldn't enjoy these gatherings without my wine. Now I think I am grateful to be fee of the wine so I can truly enjoy this get-together!

          Hi Star and Cyn,

          Have a great AF Saturday all!

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Magical AF May

            Good morning friends!

            Just love waking up to the insanity of four dogs
            I just have to get thru today & tomorrow then the twins will go home :H

            Dill, glad you enjoyed your day!
            Sorry to hear about your friend. I am really careful with spending in hopes that I won't end up in a similar situation. I've never been an impulsive buyer & I am grateful for that.

            Thinking about you this morning Papmom :l
            You have a lot on your plate as well.

            Hello to Star, Cyn & anyone dropping by today.
            I am likely to make a trip to the paint store today. YB has pointed out that some of the walls in this house still have the original builder's paint on them. I do know that but just haven't really cared all that much :H

            Have a great AF Saturday one & all!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Magical AF May

              Just saw something that we all could use more of.......

              How To Stop Making A Big Deal About Your Problems

              What do we call ourselves for June??
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

