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may 2nd

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    may 2nd

    mae all we are poets day..and hows everyone looking up to the weekend over here on Monday..dont know about anywhere else..anyone any mad plans for the weekend ?skydiving ..swimming the channel ...let us know if you are.

    ok we go ..tea and coffee available..including b n c t ..which didnt seem to go down a treat!!

    hiya Lav ..and how are you today? methinks you deserve a hooge cuppa joe!!thats some rain that came down...did the horses all have wellies on???any plans for the weekend ..or still more rain on the way?

    hiya are you today jeez that garlics strong ..smell it from here..15 different types of garlic wow ...any plans for the weekend mate?

    morning are you in that cold freezin place??ok lets take a wild guess for your weekend...does it involve a mattress and covers??thats some guy that about taking the bull by the horns!!

    good morning are you today?ok?well thats step 1 out of the road..the answer being one is get your plan together for how you are going to do it..there are loads of ideas..and also thats a pretty good idea buddying up with someone to get you through the initial times..not being nosey...well I am ..thats how nosey people always start!!..noticed a join date of 2010...can you see the lace curtains twitching???anyway welcome to the madhoose!!

    hiya tt..ou aint doing too much for my travelling mind with your weather reports!!wheres the sunshine ,sandy beaches,garlands of flowers and grass skirts?or has that all been replaced by sunbeds,and McDonalds ?glad your getting on ok.

    mornin Sam and hows your day been? any chance of getting into the garden yet? for the 50s plumbing ..get that lead out ..and down to the scrap yard!!Im planting up parsnips this morning if the weather holds off for me..

    hiya only fail when you quit!!!keep a it girl ..the message will sink in eventually!!when you do drink after being a few days weeks without..sit down and think why did I do that? what could I have done instead and maybe learn from it for the next time you feel like you need a got any plans for the weekend?

    hiya are you doing? pretty good by the sound of it....those voices ..well its just another plan to get you to drink..pmd you may be cured ,as any of us that have quit are..but you are only cured as long as you dont drink...and the thing I like to remember when Im getting a bit giddy with myself ..Im only one drink away from being a complete arse..!so May will be your triple figure month?? excellent youve worked hard to get here..the futures bright if you treat it right...have a great weekend ..any plans?

    hiya ppqp ..hows you ? must be busy ..tommy two hats is it?:H

    Right folks have a great weekend take it easy ,be safe n sober

    I play for a Sunday league football team and my teammates have given me the nickname 'the Cat'.

    crap in the box.

    Jeremy Clarkson has furiously denied using the N-word in an unseen clip from Top Gear.

    "There's no way on God's Earth I would ever have mentioned, let alone driven, a f.cking Nissan!" he stormed.

    I couldn't believe it when I went to a 'Rail Operators' meeting today.

    When I got there some git had taken my seat, there were no refreshments, and the meeting was running an hour late.

    I sat down to dinner and noticed that my fork was dirty. I said to my wife, "This fork is disgusting, it's got old food stuck on it." Well, she went crazy, "How often do you do the washing up then?" she shouted. I replied, "Never." So she said, "Exactly, I always do it!" I looked at her a bit puzzled and said, "Well surely you should be good enough by now not to leave the cutlery dirty"
    br />I was taking up all the space on the bed and my wife asked me to move.

    So now I live around the corner.

    I can't believe my teenage son spends all his time indoors trolling people on the internet.

    In my day we went outside and mugged someone.

    I may not be the most prosperous, compassionate or conscientious person in the world.

    But at least I know long words.

    Missing Wife
    Husband: I lost my wife. She went shopping & still hasn't arrived home yet.
    Inspector: What is her height?
    Husband: I never noticed.
    Inspector: Slim or healthy?
    Husband: Not slim, can be healthy.
    Inspector: Colour of eyes?
    Husband: Never noticed.
    Inspector: Colour of hair ?
    Husband: Changes according to the season.
    Inspector: What was she wearing?
    Husband: Pants and shirt, maybe a dress or something ..... I don't remember exactly.
    Inspector: Did she go in a car???
    Husband: Yes!!!
    Inspector: Can you tell me the number, name & colour of the car ?
    Husband: NLH-638 Black Audi A8 with supercharged 3.0 litre V6 engine generating 333 horse power teamed with an eight-speed tiptronic automatic transmission with manual mode....and it has full LED headlights, which use light emitting diodes for all light functions and has a very thin scratch on the front left door. At this point the husband started crying...
    Inspector: Don't worry sir, we will find your car..........

    Pick a number between 1 and 9.

    Multiply by 3.

    Add 3 to that number.

    Multiply by 3 again.

    Add the 2 digits together.

    Now discover your favourite film! below

    3. Oliver Twist.

    4. Star Wars.

    5. Forrest Gump.

    6. Saving Private Ryan.

    7. Jaws.

    8. Grease.

    9. The Joy of Sex with Male Sheep & dodgy Lady Boys.

    10. Mary Poppins.

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    may 2nd

    Good morning Abbers,

    Thanks for the math problem Mick - I had to go refill my coffee cup to wake up enough to realize what that was all about :H :H
    The floods are receding nicely, what a crazy week!
    The whole east coast was slammed pretty hard with excessive rain while the southern states were dealing with massive tornadoes, not pretty.

    I did see the pictures of the floods in FL Det! Did you see the entire city block in Baltimore, MD that literally crumbled & fell into a ravine taking 10 parked cars right along? Crazy!!!

    I am off to go get the grandsons & bring them back here for the better part of the day!
    I will put their boots on them & send them out to play in the yard/mud/whatever :H
    The sun is back & the temps are pretty mild!

    Greetings to everyone, sending wishes for a great AF Friday for one & all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      may 2nd

      Morning all!
      Hey Mick, nothing like a good math problem to start the day! Good luck on the parsnips, something I've never planted but have heard they're tasty.

      Lav, I heard about Baltimore yesterday, hope no one was hurt. I was in DC for Penn Quarter farmers' market. It clouded up a few times but thankfully no rain.

      Off to do some 'veying work, hope everyone enjoys their day!
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        may 2nd

        Gooooood mornin'....

        Mick you are to funny.. Lace curtains. Yes sir I have been around for awhile. I would post a little then run away when I drank instead of being authentic and just admitting it. I had a lot of personal issues to sort out too. I always ran to AL when I would have to deal with these things. But now I am learning how to face them.

        Lav- so glad to hear the flood is receding.. Your grandsons could probably go swimming. HA!

        Sam- don't work to hard. Repairing plumbing is a task.

        I got this morn and sprinted my driveway. It was a near death experience. It's steep. But I am trying hard to get in shape so the sprinting must be done.
        Good day to all...


          may 2nd

          Mae everybody,still sneezing dang! now Kell has it i'm wondering if its a cold instead of allergies?in any event it's annoying,youngest daughter went to Albuqu(cant spell)NM,i guess they are all "breaking bad"fans and her bf's mom wanted to see what it looked like over there,i wanted to go along for something different but have to work boo,she said it just looks deserty anyways,sent me a pic of her taco salad,but no scenery yet,kids! haha,those floods are crazy,dunno how it can be so dry out west and just horrible weather back east this year,need some balance somewhere,Det,i'll always keep posting here,i need you guys,i'm never giving up,i just have to keep it together,alot of that "im a grown ass woman,ill drink if i want"thinking goes on or a sad day and i figure a nice drinking day will snap me out of it,hah! where does that lead?more sad,self pity,tired of that nonsense,hope everyone has a good friday
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            may 2nd

            Another thing that bothers me is i look at my little calendar i keep and it's full of stickers for each af day,but then it's missing stickers a few days of one week,if i made it the week before,and the week after why bother with the drink week?its dumb
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              may 2nd

              Hi folks - woke up to a sunny morning - brilliant and a beautiful view of the blue Pacific - we are staying on a cliff top so its pretty spectacular. So was yesterday with the rain. Even flood warnings here! Had a good day though. Today we might potter around some rock pools/maybe snorkel depending on conditions. Tomorrow its back to the big city -Honolulu - and my family departs for NZ while I do some work there.

              Haha - lace curtains Mick:H - I have always hated the things! When we moved into our house in NZ it was full of the horrible fly catchers (Mick knows what I mean) - and blocking the views. Ripped them out - didn't care about the sun damage we then had to face - and washed said curtains that over the years were great for dress-ups!

              Parsnips - pass me on those too please. I know they are meant to be delicious but I just don't have my Scottish tastebuds anymore:H

              lav - glad the floods your way are receding.

              Pauly - you will get it to being AF one day - because you have to. Keep posting here. You too BYG.

              Det - if I need to order imported sparking water - I go for Perrier by preference. But I now try to stick to local and if possible avoid bottles. Can't do that in a bar or when eating out of course - although I have noticed that more and more places are offering sparking water on tap. If it has some lemon or lime in it - hard to tell the difference.

              Still not convinced about the kona coffee here SL. I like my coffee strong and robust - with an intensity - and Kona coffee is more mellow - besides its often made through a drip.
              Each to their own!

              Hi there PPQP, Sam, SF. And all others. Hope your weekend goes well - and that you start to turn on the sunshine in the US and Canada - as I am heading that way soon!!


                may 2nd

                Det - I meant sparkling water - not sparking water. Been too close to a volcano lately it seems!:H
                Bloody auto-correct!


                  may 2nd

                  Aloha Friday ABeroooooos!

                  sparking water would be awesome!

                  in a loverly mood after a romantic sleep-in.... wink wink nudge nudge....

                  a hem....

                  Mick, this weekend Sat it's more packing up the house and then off to sword fighting class, then Sun more packing and then I'm attending a class on making medicine from botanicals you can grow in your garden....should be interesting.

                  yes that Baltimore sink-hole was freaky. saw a video clip on it.

                  Pauly, one thing that's held me back in my sobriety over the years is a nagging little feeling/resentment that I'm somehow missing out on something by not drinking. the plain honest truth is that I have WAY more fun being AF. my sense of humor and wonder for life is immeasurably greater and grander. I just have to remember that and get my new neural pathways fully established.

                  back to work for garlic breath

                  be well
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    may 2nd

                    Yeah i've noticed that in your posts Det such positivty,but when you've slipped it's an entire different Det,glad you had a lovely "sleep in"haha lucky! poor little Bobbi text me this morning i guess the bed and brekkie they're staying at is a dirty little house with grungy sheets and towels,she's so mad but i just laughed at her description,i guess it had good reviews online but i guess they lied,gross,can't wait for the pics TT,ive never been so i'm jealous
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      may 2nd

                      sam ..hopefully the parsnips will do good...what I have done is drilled cores into the soil..and filled them with sand..and put the parsnips in ..less resistance to them growing with them in sand....theyre lovely roasted with rosemary on them
                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        may 2nd

                        Det - we can guess what you have been up to!:l


                          may 2nd

                          Well now - that rash I mentioned couple days back to see Dr today - shingles!!!!!:upset:
                          I have not been feeling good, but (as nurses do) I don't like to complain, and just pull up my bootstraps and get on with it - but now i have a reason not to feel good!! On anti viral meds now, hope to goodness they don't make me feel worse...
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                            may 2nd

                            Dang SL,does it hurt?my co-worker had it a few years back she could barely move,i heard 1 in 3 people get hope i dont,feel better sweetie
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              may 2nd

                              sl get yourself better soon....thinking of you
                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

