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may 2nd

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    may 2nd

    OK - over my self pity!

    I snuck into the freezer for the icecream, then poured hot choc sauce on, gobbled it up and hid the evidence - all at 2pm on Friday afternoon - it then struck me that a couple months ago the exact same behaviour would occur but with wine:H:H

    bkyogagurl - I am sure you have probably posted this, but what does your name mean? I get the yoga bit...but and does bky work for a nickname? or something else?? I also despise net curtains! I actually have no curtains, and just shutters in the bedrooms to allow for sleep - I like to see outside. How are we doing on 5/2? Obviously thanks to ice cream I am doing just fine? You too I hope? And i won't be joining you sprinting for sure.

    Mick - no holiday for us on Monday - enjoy the long weekend.

    I have a girls weekend - well, my daughters, not a "girls" weekend:upset: They have a horse show on Saturday - Western Dressage - and then homework, volunteering etc...
    Off to get #1 child to her guitar lesson - see you later!
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


      may 2nd

      sl...about 2 hrs ago ...had battenburg ice cream ...and mint choc chip ice cream ..with rasberry jam on it!!!!pick my car up this morning 1.15 am has been uncrashed!!!:H
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        may 2nd

        MAE ALL....

        Mick...yup it was an exhausting day yesterday, other boss didn't show up at all. Apologies for not posting. Hold on, got to go find out what all the talk about Lace curtains is....still don't get it. or is it because of the flies TT mentioned? Our holiday isn't till the 19th, I'll be ready for it. Rained all day and the temp is now at 0 so they're calling for 5cm of snow overnight. No outdoor trip for Dad tomorrow.

        Lav...OMG, I ended up with #9 :wow:

        Sam...well that's better than suring work isn't it?

        Bky...waiting for you to answer SL's question about your name. :goodjob: on deciding to learn how to face life's issues instead of running. We're right here with you.

        Pauly...hope you're feeling better soon. When I slipped/decided to drink after 3 months it was very hard for me to admit it. Lots of tears at that time. Even though I started at day 1 again, I did not negate the time I was AF. The more you hang around here the harder it is to give in to those thoughts. Brain training 101.

        TT...your cliff top sounds heavenly. Did you manage to get some snorkeling in today? Family headed home tomorrow, when are you heading back?

        Det...I don't remember the last time I had a hem...sleep in. I agree with Pauly there is a lot of positivity in your posts these days.

        SL....shingles uch: We can be our own worst enemies can't we. Hope the medicine helps and not hinders you. Enjoy your girl's weekend.

        Mick...what are you doing up at 1:15am but glad to hear the car is uncrashed.

        Off to cook a pizza for dinner. Have a peaceful night all.....PPQP


          may 2nd

          oh no, I love icecream, especially when it's hot like today (plugging my ears so I don't hear anymore about icecream)

          SL, if you rub raw garlic all over yourself.... it prolly won't help the shingles but people will stay the hell away from you while you're feeling lousy. wish i had a better idea!
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            may 2nd

            Det...that won't have to cover your eyes!


              may 2nd

              Determinator;1656614 wrote:
              SL, if you rub raw garlic all over yourself.... it prolly won't help the shingles but people will stay the hell away from you while you're feeling lousy. wish i had a better idea!
              Thank you for the big laugh! I would ask for help in applying, but this rash is not pretty so think i will not do that:H:H
              Mick - ice cream at 11pm - tut tut! Go get some sleep so you are not too tired to drive your fixed car!
              PPQ - Mick was saying he was being a nosy nieghbour doing a little looking around at bky (twitching the lace curtains). Sorry you can't take your Dad outside, I know how good that is for you all.

              PS - back to me again - I really thought I was not old enough for shingles, that was a bummer today Ha!
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                may 2nd

       son got shingles at the age of 10! Go figure.


                  may 2nd

                  I actually asked my NP for a script last November - thinking I AM at that age.....
                  The script is still sitting in a folder on my desk. Guess I'd better get myself to the pharmacy soon. Hope you feel better soon SL. Stress always seems to be a precursor to a shingles outbreak.

                  PQ - did you really just say snow?
                  That just sucks, sorry to hear that!

                  Pauly, just do what we do. Wake up every day & pledge to yourself (and to us) that you will not drink. Sounds simple but that how I got the job done - one day at a time

                  TT, I really want to see your pictures - no pressure :H

                  Hi Det, Sam, bky & everyone!
                  I just had a nice chat with YahYah on FB - she sounds great

                  I will sleep like the average dead person tonight - I am exhausted :H
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    may 2nd

                    Byg - does your name stand for Bikram Yoga Girl?

                    Sorry about the shingles SL - hope they don't get complicated and don't hurt too much. I believe rest is good also forthem.


                      may 2nd

                      Dx shared this with me today and I found it enlightening

                      Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability | Video on
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        may 2nd

                        Tree is does.. But I no longer practice.. I have always been a runner and starting having hip/knee problems and the bikram seemed to aggravate it- one among other reasons I quit enjoying it.
                        I have moved on to weight lifting which I like better.

                        I put in a request for a name change but haven't heard back from anyone.

