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May 25th

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    May 25th

    Morning All,
    I'm knackered and in need of a rest. I'm on holiday on Monday, so I hope to get one.
    Have a good one.
    Good luck Breez.:fingers:

    May 25th

    Morning Pop!

    Thanx! 2 hrs before interview & it's a a scorcher outside. Don't have any "interview" clothes for a muggy day & plus the road the office is on is blocked due to construction so I have to walk in heels-ugh-I'm complaining already!

    We here in the U.S. have Memorial Day on Monday (in memory of our honored dead soldiers) so long weekend for most & the start of "un-official" summer!

    Will check in later.
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      May 25th

      Hope you get some rest Popeye and Breez...Good Luck on the interview. Muggy is bad- sorry. You will do great though!

      I too have a long weekend but unfortunately I think I will spend it in the office. I am behind and tired of being behind! I would love a vacation but don't think there is one in my near future. Ah well...c'est la vie.
      I started my morning with a's everyone else doing so far today :H



        May 25th

        A very quick 'Hi' as I head off for the weekend to the mountains - hope all enjoy a nice, restful weekend and you achieve all your drinking goals- I'll be toasting a friend's 25th anniversary with sparkling grape juice! Good luck with the heals Breez - hope they carry you far! :l to all!
        :rays: Arial

        Last first day - 15th April 2012
        Days 1-7 DONE
        Days 8-14 DONE
        Days 15-21 DONE
        30 days DONE
        60 days
        100 days


          May 25th

          Aloha Friday ABing friends! beautiful sunny morning in the high desert. I'm definately ready for the holliday weekend and have a ton of things lined things! speaking of which Dx took me to Bday dinner to a new Vietnamese eatery in town and it was great. My first AF birthday since 1997!!!
          rest up Popeye, suit up Breeze, Lisa 'fraid your not the only one behind...arg! and Arial, sparkling grape sounds very nice...think I'll pour one tonight.
          Be well ABeroooos!
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            May 25th

            Hello All. Happy Friday. I will not drink today. Just needed to make it public.



              May 25th

              Hey All-- just checking in. Son's graduation was wonderful. Looking forward to the holiday weekend. Probably will get some yard work done, have a BBQ and some of that sparkling grape juice Arial
              Glad you made it public Lucky, feels like that's what I'm doing everyday when i post so I reinforce the commitment.
              Wow an AF birthday Det. sounds yummy too!
              Rest up after the exciting times with the grandchild Popeye? enjoy!
              O god Lisa what a wonderful way to start the morning - not --- well try not to work too hard this weekend.
              Yikes Breez, walking any distance in heels makes me cringe. you go girl! good luck!

              Take care all.

              AF 21, March 2010

              "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                May 25th

                Hi again everyone Just checking in for now... I have to catch up on the posts so I can start contributing something meaningful here!

                Breez..good luck on the interview.



                  May 25th

                  :alf: Woo Hoo!!! It's Friday and I don't have to work Monday. Woo Hoo!!! :alf:

                  Hi everyone. Hope you all have a good day

                  What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                  ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                    May 25th

                    I'm back...and it went great!

                    Very informal in that the the Director (Public Health) shows up late & walks in doing his tie & proceeds to complain of his post kidney stone operation pain & how he hates drinking all this water cause he's sick of peeing, blood and pee. mg Then how he saved his stent & try to invent something from it. NICE....then goes "what's your name again?". Poor other two ladies looked at me & go "we can be professional sometimes". Hey-my kind of place!:H

                    This is an ideal weaning back into the workplace job. Pay is ok & no benefits (but have from hubby) & I'm a little over qualified but it's great for networking. It looks promising.

                    I'm just so happy because I'm AF & if I was drinking ....well I would probably not have this opportunity put it that way.

                    Wishing everyone a great day/ weekend....

                    Thanks for your well wishes~I was very confident walking in there knowing I had all my Abber friends behind me!

                    Hi Lisa-ouch, the uncomfortable squeeze that saves lives. Don't work too hard, hopefully you'll catch up.

                    Arial-have fun in the mts-don't yodel too loud!

                    Deter-glad you had a great many more AF b-days!

                    hi lucky-good for you & well wishes

                    Ah Pad-sounds like a great weekend in store for you

                    Hi Noella & bear-have a nice weekend
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                      May 25th

                      I am posting here because I started Saturdays thread...(which it IS for our Antipodean viewers), but realise that you are all yesterday so I am plopping back through the time zones.......
                      Basically then, this means that I never really get to start a thread properly, as when I do...we always have the 'crossing over' thingy when I get veiled hints from people with names that may well start with......say......I dunno..... an L for instance.....and have a sort of 'ushy' quality at the end of the moniker, that let me know I am ahead of myself:H

                      I said hello to Deet and Breez tomorrow, but wish a GORGEOUS weekend to all others (poor Lisa....turn the radio on...and 'get down' to the Jackson 5 whilst working.......I'm at home, but I'll be catching up on all the housework I missed this week so sympathy vibes your way)
                      Hope evryone enjoys their meals/trips/hometime/and NOT DRINKING......
                      (Lucky.....where in the name of Nobby and Leslie, did that little hybrid come from??????)

                      Be healthy and happy abbers........I wuv yooooooooo


                        May 25th

                        My Fruity Gourd-
                        I believe 3 pm in the afternoon for you would be my midnight. So maybe your evenings could be my early mornings. But then we have to think of the Euros & Pop in Scot. brain hurts...don't really want to figure it out precicely. We just luv poking fun at the melon-so post away!

                        Already said hi to you too in the future, and here in the past? Ouch, hurt the brain brain cells need crutches.

                        Licky luvs to U! Enjoy your days off!
                        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                          May 25th

                          Hi again all.
                          Glad things went well Breez.
                          I'm feeling a bit icky tonight. I think I'll have an earlier night than usual.
                          I'll catch you later....or much later tomorrow, melon.


                            May 25th

                            Morning or afternoon Melon....
                            and thanks to one and all for the sympathy for my 'pressing engagement' this morning and my unfortunate situation of having to work this weekend.
                            Could be much worse things.

                            Breez- Yea for the good interview. Hope you get an offer soon.

                            btw- just for the record, sparkling grape juice is SO yummy! Only had it once but wondered why I'd never tasted it before. Then a little lightbulb went off over my head and I remembered why.....

                            Have a grea AF weekend - whatever you are doing. And Det - happy belated birthday!:bday7:


                              May 25th

                              Lisa, a mamogram.....did it hurt? Are your breast shapped like pancakes now? Oh well, good for you, for taking care of yourself.

