tea,banana tea and coffee on the go now..
morning Lav..how are you doing?coffee?here you go..that place looks pretty smart....you going surfing?when is it you go?
hiya Det.....what did you put in that water?with theories and policies like that you could easily be Prime Minister over here!!well done that al hasnt tried to make an appearance mate.
Hiya ppqp..how are you today?yep dont know where everyone went yesterday..cup o coffee for the boss?Isnt it weird..last night I was talking to a mate from the cab of his truck..who was moaning about the weather He said that the wipers hadnt been off since he left Winnipeg ..he is on the way back to Edmonton..makes the world feel really small!!
morning SF.....hope you are feeling a bit more cheery today..whats the point conversations arent really the good for us..we know that one day the book closes for us all..so really it is up to us to make the most of it and enjoy it..now for me getting pissed out of my skull and not remembering ..doesnt exactly sound like fun any more..you could bring up the same about washing ..just gonna get dirty again, dying ..going to happen anyway might as well get on with it..see thats cheered you up no end hasnt it...big smile time!!
Hiya Sam ..didnt look like rain ,didnt smell ,wasnt forecast ..and it hammered down here!!looks a bit iffy again this morning did you get your fiddle practice done?
hi SL Pauly etc where are you?hope all ok
right folks for the off..have a great day...
My father was a very skilled joiner, so naturally, I followed in his footsteps.
Between us we've got eighteen gym memberships and thirty two library cards.
My Chinese Mum bought me some sweets.
"Oh Mum, these are Haribo." I said.
"Well if you don't like them, don't eat them." She replied.
My girlfriend took up jogging to try and lose weight but it didn't work coz she kept running into things.
Mostly restaurants.
60 years ago today Roger Bannister broke the 4 minute mile. He's always been an inspiration to me. Especially the time I was spotted shoplifting by the security guard in Selfridges.
I see more and more dog owners are giving their pets anti-anxiety medication to calm them down.
Wouldn't it be easier to just sell the hoover?
My life has gone downhill dramatically lately. It got so bad that I had to appear on the Jeremy Kyle Show.
"I've got a job, but it makes me feel like I'm better than everyone and that I'm a pretentious little sh.t Nobody can stand me. Before that, I was a gambling addict, and my wife doesn't find me attractive since I've had a testicle removed"
"That's all very well, but I'm here to talk about me" I said.
My wife started holding weight loss meetings out of the house every Tuesday and Friday,
But from what I can gather, it's not working, our house weighs around 3000lbs more those days.
This morning my physiotherapist tapped my knee with a plastic hammer and made my leg jerk.
The nerve.
