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wednesday 7th May

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    wednesday 7th May

    mae are we doing?wow definitely a shortage of people on here yesterday...mustve all skeedaddled how are we all today then? lets see shall we.My mate is coming over today so it is mosey round the shops and out for lunch..just like 2 old biddies!!:H
    tea,banana tea and coffee on the go now..

    morning are you doing?coffee?here you go..that place looks pretty going surfing?when is it you go?

    hiya Det.....what did you put in that water?with theories and policies like that you could easily be Prime Minister over here!!well done that al hasnt tried to make an appearance mate.

    Hiya are you today?yep dont know where everyone went yesterday..cup o coffee for the boss?Isnt it weird..last night I was talking to a mate from the cab of his truck..who was moaning about the weather He said that the wipers hadnt been off since he left Winnipeg ..he is on the way back to Edmonton..makes the world feel really small!!

    morning SF.....hope you are feeling a bit more cheery today..whats the point conversations arent really the good for us..we know that one day the book closes for us really it is up to us to make the most of it and enjoy for me getting pissed out of my skull and not remembering ..doesnt exactly sound like fun any could bring up the same about washing ..just gonna get dirty again, dying ..going to happen anyway might as well get on with it..see thats cheered you up no end hasnt it...big smile time!!

    Hiya Sam ..didnt look like rain ,didnt smell ,wasnt forecast ..and it hammered down here!!looks a bit iffy again this morning did you get your fiddle practice done?

    hi SL Pauly etc where are you?hope all ok

    right folks for the off..have a great day...

    My father was a very skilled joiner, so naturally, I followed in his footsteps.

    Between us we've got eighteen gym memberships and thirty two library cards.

    My Chinese Mum bought me some sweets.

    "Oh Mum, these are Haribo." I said.

    "Well if you don't like them, don't eat them." She replied.

    My girlfriend took up jogging to try and lose weight but it didn't work coz she kept running into things.

    Mostly restaurants.

    60 years ago today Roger Bannister broke the 4 minute mile. He's always been an inspiration to me. Especially the time I was spotted shoplifting by the security guard in Selfridges.

    I see more and more dog owners are giving their pets anti-anxiety medication to calm them down.

    Wouldn't it be easier to just sell the hoover?

    My life has gone downhill dramatically lately. It got so bad that I had to appear on the Jeremy Kyle Show.

    "I've got a job, but it makes me feel like I'm better than everyone and that I'm a pretentious little sh.t Nobody can stand me. Before that, I was a gambling addict, and my wife doesn't find me attractive since I've had a testicle removed"

    "That's all very well, but I'm here to talk about me" I said.

    My wife started holding weight loss meetings out of the house every Tuesday and Friday,

    But from what I can gather, it's not working, our house weighs around 3000lbs more those days.

    This morning my physiotherapist tapped my knee with a plastic hammer and made my leg jerk.

    The nerve.

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    wednesday 7th May

    Hi ho all well here. Very busy and very tired. Have an important meeting tomorrow so hope it goes well. Sorry for the brevity but thinking of you all.


      wednesday 7th May

      Good morning Abbers & Happy Hump day to all

      Hope you have a wonderful biddy lunch Mick :H
      I'm not planning on doing any surfing Mick unless I can find a board with a wheel chair with seat belts attached :H
      We are going on the 20th, just for two nights. Not sure if I can cope with sharing a hotel room with a bouncy 3 year old longer than that. Really looking forward to the change of scenery.

      SF, so sad about the loss of a young life. Reminds me that it will be 11 years this summer since my 18 year old nephew died in a car accident. I wonder what he would be like now. I hope your friend finds the strength she needs to cope :l

      TT, hope everything goes OK for you today!

      Det, somehow I don't think plant farts are a big part of the weather problem but thanks for your input hope you got some well deserved rest!!

      OK, I will start my day with some exercise then see what develops!
      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        wednesday 7th May

        Morning all
        overslept so gotta be brief... hope everyone enjoys their day to the fullest!
        Liberated 5/11/2013


          wednesday 7th May

          MAE ALL...

          Morning Sam...hope you enjoy your day to the fullest too.

 this point I'd take the brain farts.

          TT...hope your meeting goes well.

 really is a small world, especially since joining MWO. At least I'm not alone dealing with this weather. Enjoy moseying and lunch, which makes me think of Julie. Is she planning on retiring soon?

          Decided to take my time this morning so sausages are on the go, anyone interested? Have a great AF Wednesday all and all to come.....PPQP


            wednesday 7th May

            Mae everybody,Mick,that chubby biird cartoon was cute,not much going on with me except the same old nonsense,im not sure what im doing anymore,i know what i want,who i want to be,but putting the pieces together is hard,ugh,i just dont know what to say,you guys have been my rocks,i want to be you,i probly wont post here for a bit,i love you all,but i feel disrespectful right now
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              wednesday 7th May

              Don't be too hard on yourself Pauly....we'll find you around the boards, maybe lurk around the newbies nest for some insight, just keep posting....PPQP


                wednesday 7th May

                I get ran over in the newbies nest haha,i remember when i first came to mwo,if i read about relapse,i would say to myself"oh theyre drinking,why cant i?"i would not want to compromise someone elses quit with my b.s,i just don't understand myself,i'm a kind person,i love my life,why?this stupid thing has me by the balls,if i'm sick,want to drink,if i'm tired,lets drink etc.oh shoot enough about pitiful paulywogg
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  wednesday 7th May

                  Hang on in there Pauly. Don't let the beast rule your life. You are worth way more and booze makes you so unhappy. But we are here for you.


                    wednesday 7th May

                    Sorry Pauly...
                    Here, not feeling very chipper - don't do being sick very well - hanging in and hoping to get better soon....
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      wednesday 7th May

                      Is this for real! I recently found a coffee shop inside a church....serves coffee, sandwiches and free wifi. Made a note to myself that it would be a nice quiet place to work and have lunch. It's a Baptist Church and it is Wednesday....a low head count of 300 people have arrived for a 1pm service. Don't these people work?

                      On my way here i stopped to pick up a salad. I am standing in line behind this woman....perfect body, hair, nails, outfit.....I could look like that if I didn't work I said to myself. Then she turned around....and it is Ms. Big Star. Ok.....she works.....but, she has people LOTS of people

                      Pauly it is up to you to decide. It isn't easy....but it sure as hell is easier than being a drunk. That I can guarantee.

                      Lav I am sorry about your nephew. Lives cut short is never fair.

                      In reading the obits the other day I saw several who had passed at various ages 32, 27, 49, 59...the one that stuck out was 49. My mind shifted to holy shit I have less than seven years! Something about reframing it reminds me it's not about is about who you become. Where could I do a better job? Make more effort? Not perfect yet


                        wednesday 7th May

                        Hey SF, don't be too hard on yourself! Getting AL out of our lives was the first & hardest step to take. The rest of our 'wonderfulness' will come in good time

                        Pauly, don't give up trying, OK?

                        SL, I imagine you are still on the antivirals & pain meds? Hope you feel better soon, take good care of yourself.
                        I am not ashamed to admit that your misfortune prompted me to finally take my Rx to the pharmacy & get my vaccination done on Monday. I made YB get his done too just because I'm such a nice person :H

                        Hi there Sam, jealous that you got to sleep. I had one dog get me up at midnight to go out then the other got me up at 5:30 this morning......WTF?
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          wednesday 7th May

                          Lav - I am delighted you got your shot! I am already signed up for mine in 6 months - they say to let this settle first.
                          yes, still on the meds - I have not taken so many pain pills for years! I don't take meds very often at all - and had not had any pain meds since goodness knows when - it is nice to know my liver has had a bit of a rest and can cope - still avoiding liver toxic meds though!
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                            wednesday 7th May

                            ahoy ABerooooos!

                            here in yet another hotel, enjoying the sunny weather. Another good productive day happy to say.

                            SL, sorry to hear yer stuck on the pain meds. When I took them for my busted ankle they gave me the weirdest dreams (even weirder than normal LOL)

                            no, plants don't fart but people have been rumored to so my presidential campaign slogan will be
                            "put a cork in it". Det for president! ok, you guys have to help me raise 40 million dollars....

                            Pauly, you sound pretty bummed....anything we can do to perk you up? how bout a movie or a nice walk around the neighborhood to clear your mind? I'm off for a walk in a few minutes myself. if I'm not careful I can get stuck on the darn computer for waaay too long.

                            no idea what tonights dinner adventure will be just yet.... but AL is not on my menu at any rate.

                            be well everyone
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)

