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thurs May 8th

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    thurs May 8th

    mae all are we today then?ok went out yesterday with my mate...old biddies .com!!put the world to rights,the prison service, became expert gardeners, redesigned the house without Julies help :H and finished off with an all in carvery.
    also managed from somewhere to get an allergy rash on my arms..took some piriton...sent me to sleep!!!rash is going now thankfully.managed to get a little bit done in the garden but its pouring now!!ok on we go tea and coffee for all.

    hiya tt are you today? how did the meeting go ..did all go to plan?where abouts in the world are you now..we dont really know nae pics(hint hint )have a good day night ..whatever it is!!

    hiya Lav...hows you did the day go with the exercise start?..oh and as for the wheelchair on the probs ..sure I can sort something out for you !!!have a brew while I think of the next invention

    hiya Sam ..hows things today then mate..up in time today or another sleep in?another 2 calves been born...

    hiya boss lady (ppqp) how are you today ?yep we had a pretty good day for Julie retiring plans of that yet tho we have discussed her going part time in a couple of years..she actually enjoys her job so we shall see.So what are you up to today then?you in charge today ...heres a brew ..grovel grovel!!

    hiya Pauly are you today then?feeling any better ..sent you a pm...cant really say anything the end of the day its you that needs to make the choices ..we can only help and support you..whatever you do I wish you the best in your quest....see poetry again!!

    Hiya Det are you today ...what was on the me n u last night for eats?as for your presidential campaign ..ermm can give you a couple of quid towards your 40 mil!!

    Hiya are you today?sounds likee you had a dose of morbidity along the way there..hey we all get that..enjoy and make the most whilst you can..sounds interesting free wifi, sannies and coffee in the church ..interesting slant that one ..keep smiling and chin up

    hiya SL..where did that avatar come from?hope you are feeling better today..glad the booze hasnt had a look in..even when you arent feeling too things have changed..well done you.

    right folks ..orf we go ...take care have a good one c yawl

    Desperate for the toilet at a mate's new house, I asked him to direct me to "the smallest room in the house"

    His pantry will never be the same...


    Skyping for schizophrenics

    Just saw a headline asking "How would your dad react if George Clooney proposed?"

    I think the better question is why would George Clooney propose to my dad?

    My wife farted on me in bed last night, so I told her, "See from now on, tell me when you're about to do it, so I can be warned."

    So far she's phoned my work 17 times.

    Manure Investing.

    I don't buy into that shit.

    I was gonna' post a video of me relaxing, napping, doing nothing at all and just enjoying the day, but.........
    My employer prohibits us from using our cellphones.

    I've just paid ?5 for a 19th century painting of a cow, from the local charity shop.

    I think it might be Art Mooveau.

    Can't believe what I've just done.

    I spent a hundred quid in poundland.

    I've never owned a shop before.

    Great, just came home to a letter informing me that I've been called up for Katie Price husband duty.

    Did you hear about the Indian goal scorer who was in a bad spell of form?

    He missed an absolute sitar.

    What did the Indian boy say to his mother when he left for school?


    "Dad,what tips can you give me on having a successful marriage?"

    "Just don't be a muppet son."

    "Really?..That's the secret?"

    "No son,don't get married."
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    thurs May 8th

    Good Thursday morning Mick & everyone!

    Nearly 8 am & no sun in sight yet, oh well.
    I am out soon to have my B/P checked & med renewed. The rest of the day I will be in my shop making some money

    I always fear poison ivy when I've been working outside - I am downright paranoid about it these days Hope your rash disappears quickly Mick!

    Greetings to all & wishing everyone a wonderful AF day!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      thurs May 8th

      Good morning all
      off to farmers' market in DC... should be nice and toasty.

      Morning Mick, hope your rash is going away. What is piriton? I began getting rashes on my arms due to the sun, now I wear long sleeves in the summer.

      Morning Lav, P.I. has really taken off in the last few years. I don't get it too bad, I have to keep a look out for ticks!! They are terrible. We got some guineas as I heard they help control them, but the foxes seem to like to control the guineas. I believe the guineas are way down on the brain train. Not a lot going on in that small space.

      have a good one everybody!!
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        thurs May 8th

        Hi all, think I feel a little better today! Yeah!
        Det - did not fill the prescription - just using motrin, hate anything that makes me feel out of control in any way.
        Sam - piriton is chlorpheniramine.
        Hope all have a good day - weekend is on its way
        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


          thurs May 8th

          Morning from the Aloha State - still here. Gosh you guys have been making me feeling thankful about the lack of nasties in NZ(well apart from drunk rugby players and politicians of course!:H) - no PI there or ticks either. You all take care in the garden.
          Lav and SL - you got me thinking about the shingles vaccine - I am 59 this year! I didn't even know it was recommended for 60 year olds. No publicity about that back home so I will be asking my dr next time I am in contact thats for sure.

          Well done SL on not partaking of the usual liquid pain relief us of the AL-addicted persuasion have been prone too. I used to drink to help my depression (we all know thats dumb as AL is a depressant anyway - I knew that but sought the temporary highs from AL) and when I used to get very painful periods many moons ago AL was my go-to menstrual pain relief. It was effective but caused all sorts of other probs as we all know. As for drinking pre-menstrually (I was one of the ladies who had demon-like PMS) that was a recipe for insanity but yes, I did it. To "help" :H my emotional state and to turn me into someone from Mars. This was the most addictive and vulnerable time of the month for me. I could write volumes about things that happened to me during that week - but I won't:H. Just a warning to those who might be lurking!

          Well Mick - you sound like you had a swell old time with your old friend. I had lunch with an old acquaintance from the 1980s yesterday and that was good too. Although spinach salad and water may be a bit different to what you ate! Yes, it was a super healthy lunch but I made up for it on my own last night. Went for a very long walk and indulged in cheesecake - my excuse was that cake was all that was on offer at the cafe I ended up at and I was about to collapse from lack of sustenance. Had some soba noodles and miso later with tempura vegetables - the soup was OK but the tempura was disgusting - far too greasy.

          My meeting went really really well - so thats an anxiety-inducing moment now in the bucket.

          You all take care. Weekend approaching so I hope there are lots of fun and non-PI things on the horizon and that Lav and PPQP get some sun soon.


            thurs May 8th

            Mae everbody,i wish i were in Hawaii with you TT,just kicken back on the beach,i dunno why p.m.s is such a killer,tried some evening primrose as Kuya suggested awhile back,seemed to make this go around worse,i just get in those moods,yell at hubs,snap at kids,eat cheetos non stop,feel nuts basically,so of course in al thinking,i'd rather drink than feel nuts,cripes! had an app with doc this week but the two dates got coincided(get my drift)so that was canceled,i don't know what they do if i'm a 40 year old going through menopause anyways?sheesh tmi(sorry men)at tbe end of it all yes,it's up to me not to drink venom,i'm just being honest and i've "known"you all for awhile now,i just feel safe here,this thread is home,i was looking at last years calendar and my april/may sucked too,maybe its the flucuating weathere,allergies,just excuses?somethings gotta give,love you guys
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              thurs May 8th

              Evening primrose never made a cat's whisker of a difference to me Pauly. Prescription anti-depressants did help me a lot (not my drinking but they really really helped the PMS for me - my partner will testify in court to this:H). I don't knock anti-depressants as the right ones made a huge difference to my life.
              Women go through menopause at many different ages and it can take years. The good news for me was that (despite my insane menstrual history) I didn't have any obvious problems with the menopause. It was real easy for me. Apart from drinking AL but thats not necessarily related. Sorry guys who are lurking but this is a big part of our lives::l

              Pauly - I am not relaxing on the beach at all - I am working now and I have never been a beach bunny:H. I don't mind snorkeling if its real good and will have a swim now and again. But Might jump in the pool today (did that the other day and there was a drunk creep there!). Thats if I get some work done. Still early here in the day and it looks very hot outside. Kind of humid.


                thurs May 8th

                Ah TT,i know your hard at work,just saying if i was there with you i'd be a beach bum while you're hard at work,shoot don't think we're gonna get a vacay this year,with hubs fines and my tax bill,everything extra goes for that,kind of a bummer
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  thurs May 8th

                  I am easily tempted Pauly - so if you were here I bet I would be a beach bum too! Sober beach bums of course!


                    thurs May 8th

                    Drinking iced coffee TT
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      thurs May 8th

                      So I am back at the church "coffee house". I moved up a level...and they run white awesome! And there is no pressure to buy something...although their menu is quite reasonable....may be my new lunch place.

                      80 and sunny...and off to the pool! The complex I live in now was bought by people from Ohio and the actual pool is the contract the pool is open all year. One of the gals tried to explained that it is "Memorial Day to Labor Day"...I laughed and said..."Honey, you are not in Ohio anymore". They are losing so many residents....I am so glad we secured our place across the street and move in next week. That pool literally looks like it came right out of a "vacation" brochure....cute guys and all

                      Hubby can't understand why I make such a big deal out of the pool....but it literally is what replaced by nightly drinking habit. I really enjoy just sitting there, reading and being out of the house. When I am too close to the house I like I should be cleaning it

                      Pauly...PMS....people told me this and I never believed them. But I can vouch that after about six months PMS as you know it disappears. I used to have the absolute worst PMS. PMS has now diminished to the point I barely notice it.


                        thurs May 8th

                        I had PMS for about 25 years. And those were not regular months either.


                          thurs May 8th

                          MAE ALL...

                          Just popping on to say hi. Been a long day and I'm looking forward to a quiet relaxing evening. Think I'll skip my opinion on PMS, I never suffered from it.

                          Sunny day and got to about +17 so we're headed in the right direction. Meet and Greet with the new community garden members on Saturday so I think I'll sneak down and have lunch with my Dad tomorrow.

                          Chat with you in the morning......PPQP


                            thurs May 8th

                            Lucky PPQP! hope everything is well with everybody,tired,did a bunch of cleaning,hurricane Louie is being a turd,welcome to my life
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              thurs May 8th

                              whew! hidy ho ABsters!!

                              finally home and still very happy to be AF, even if I'm totally beat and tired.

                              TTops, I really was a beach bum in Hawaii for about 6 months in my teens. it was really not very fun tho but i certainly learned a lot about life and myself. many stories to tell but i won't clog up the thread and I'm too tired.

                              Pauly, sometimes when things are seeming 'too much' it means you are close to a's hoping for your happy breakthrough!

                              Mick, thanks for the funnies...just what I needed to wind down here after the long day.

                              I think I'll be sleeping early tonight...

                              be well everyone
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

