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friday 9th May

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    friday 9th May

    mae all ..fabulous friday is whats on the cards today then?its pouring down with rain ..those calves born this week are going to be well impressed to be born round here!!rabbits are stomping away in their hutch outside..but methinks they wont be coming out this morning..ot some more seeds to pot up so might do a bit of that.

    ok tea and coffee on the go so here we go eyes down look in:H

    Hi Lav...and how are you today? ok did you go and get your blood press and all that checked?was it all ok....even as the keeper of the terrors?Ive got to go and get my annual stroke check up,so need to get that haven by any chance sent a load of rain this way have you?its not stopped..cuppa joe ?there you go..any plans for the weekend?itch and rash has gone ..I am now normal????????????????????????????

    cuppa joe
    The possible source is as a shortened form of 'a cup of jamoke' - which was a common reference to coffee, its being a compound of Java and Mocha. There are examples of the jamoke usage throughout popular culture including in the Preston Sturges movie Hail The Conquering Hero (1944).

    An alternative, plausible theory is that since "joe" is a term for a "fellow, guy, or chap," a cup of joe is referring to the common man's drink. The use of joe in the earlier reference can be traced back to 1846.

    One popular but erroneous attribution is to Josephus Daniels (1862-1948) who, as Secretary of the U.S. Navy under President Woodrow Wilson in 1913, was said to have abolished the officers' wine mess. And thus coffee became the strongest drink aboard navy ships known as "a cup of Joe".

    there you go to amaze your friends and influence people!!!how you doing?ok..piriton is a wee yellow tablet contains chlorathingy!!what are you up to today..

    morning SL..glad you are feeling better today...hey you could start an online surgery here!! words like motrin and chlorpheniramine. you are well in!!any plans for the weekend? horse riding? mums a good one!

    tt..alo to you but no al in aloha hows that for a start?did you go and see your dad?a grand post you put but surprisingly enough ..I have never suffered directly with pmt pains ...consequentially I have!!!!One of the things that I did find when I worked in a female nick,was eventually as time went on ..for some reason they all had their periods round the same time..and howled at the moon together..A grand week to take leave on believe me!!!so where is your next stop?

    hiya Pauly....all that and hurricane Louie too!!sounds like you get it bad .ermm tbh I think your looking back at last April /May a non starter!!think you just need to say sod it ..Im doing it..but guess you know that yourself..just think the booze monry can go towards a wee holiday

    Hiya probs with the funnies...glad you are ok ..never been a beach bum ..been called a bum before but never a beach...:H ok ok I thought my leetle mexican joke was funny!!any plans for the weekend?

    Hiya are you today? ok? ..when do you move?thats some haven you have got for your lunch there!!thats a good swop..pool for alc...oh and the fab guys thrown in too!!!:H

    hiya ppqp are you ? a travelling coffee for you today?so you are off down to see your dad?have a great time

    right brethren..cest moi ..fini ..ende have a great weekend ...dont forget is poets day as early as possible!!!! c ya

    Looked out of my window and just saw this 'thing' hurtling down the road.

    Few seconds later, another 'thing' right behind it.

    I thought, its just one thing after another...

    I asked the librarian if he had the new book about erectile dysfunction.

    He tapped his keyboard, and peered at the screen. "It's not coming up", he frowned.

    I said "That's the one."

    BBC News - Women set to be allowed to serve combat roles on the front line .

    I think you will find it's spelt " Rolls ".

    A man phones the council to make an enquiry, "How much are your manhole covers?"

    "Er, I'm not sure we sell to the public, sir," said the receptionist. "I can go and check with someone. May I ask what its for?"

    "It's for my wife."

    "Er ... as a present?"

    "No ... for her gob."

    I woke up this morning and decided to jump in the shower.

    After half an hour, I thought, "I'd better turn it on, all this jumping has made me sweaty."

    I received a letter asking me if I had a TV license.

    I sent one back offering them the rights to broadcast to my sitting room

    See the French are getting rid of their flag for a design that's a bit more recognisable....a white cross on a white background.

    John Travolta: "I want to go to Grooce for my holidays"
    Travel Agent: "Greece is the word"

    I see a woman was detained for having sex on a Virgin Air flight from London to Las Vegas, but the man was not detained.

    As usual, the guy gets off but not the girl.

    My dad believed that if you lived by the sword you died by the sword.

    As verified the night his sword swallowing act went pear shaped

    I hate having dinner with my wife's friends.

    I can never remember which ones she secretly hates.

    I always see two girls at the same time.I'm not unfaithful.

    Just cross eyed.

    Just heard about a new car insurance called, ""

    They say they monitor your driving and if you drive like a girl, you get cheaper insurance.

    I put it to the test, so I've started talking on my phone and texting while driving, putting makeup on while doing 80 on a motorway, cutting across roundabouts and even disabling the indicator switch so I'm unable to use it.

    I also merge lanes without looking, park on the line in car parks so I take up 2 places, and use other cars' bumpers as positioning devices when parallel parking.

    Just logged onto their site and I've saved ?148!

    So Katie Price is divorcing her latest husband, Kieran the plasterer.

    They met as he used to work for her

    Putting on her make up.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    friday 9th May

    Not sure what you mean about my Dad Mick????


      friday 9th May

      hi sincere apple hodges :H:H.. thought my memory was pretty good but obviously not your post mixed up with ppqp..hey happens to us all....Malcolm/ Fred/Jane/Joan/Ann (delete as necessary!):H
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        friday 9th May

        Good morning Abbers!

        Looks like rain on the way this morning Mick so I guess we'll both be all wet today :H
        I have a fairly simple day ahead, a trip to Curves followed by a few hours on stinky little boy watch!
        My B/P check was fine yesterday, no problem. I am starting on a statin drug though because I've not been able to lower my cholesterol enough on my own. My family history of high cholesterol & clogged up arteries is horrendous & I don't want to go there
        We'll see how it goes on a very low dose!

        Greetings Pauly, TT, PQ, Det, Sam, SL, SF & everyone stopping by today!
        Have a marvelous AF Friday!!!!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          friday 9th May

          Mae everybody,Lav,high b.p and cholesterol run in my family too,gramma and mom so i know it'll only be a matter of time for me,it's weird though gramma had no bad habits,but maybe her diet,i dont know,yesterday was a whirlwind,i love Louie to pieces but sometimes he's just in a grouch mood and wants me to hold him the whole time! i was tryin to get my sheets washed,then bed made,its hard with one hand haha,youngest daughter came by too,so sweet she made me a flower in NM at a glass blowing class they went to,brought hubs and Brady some dried crickets and worms flavored in ranch,i ate 3 just cuz they didnt think i would,didnt really taste like anything actually,well shoot off to put the laundry i didnt get to yesterday away,hope everyones friday is good
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            friday 9th May

            Quick check in, taking today off as I am so behind with stuff - being yucky put me way behind.
            Quiet weekend (holding my breath) - no riding this weekend - Saturday no alarm! WooHoo - may manage the movies. Sunday is USA mothers day - girl #2 has volunteering, thats all on the calendar....
            See you in a bit, :l:l
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              friday 9th May

              Let me know how the statin goes Lav. As you know I couldn't take them - even low dose - but lots of people tolerate them.
              Mick - yes, I thought you might have me confused with PPQP. Its just that my Dad was cremated many years ago and you had me worried:H - last thing I need is him to worry about (he was a difficult man to put it politely).
              I am off to Montreal on Sunday - a long broken flight via Vancouver. I am sure I will need at least a day to recover when I get there. Better polish off my appalling French.
              Montreal is an interesting city but its always a challenge to make travelling work for you when you are alone.
              I sympathise a great deal with you Det - I couldn't stand living in hotel rooms so much as you do. This place here is a studio apartment and has a microwave - had to make my tea in it this morning! Thats a disgusting way to make tea.:H
              Today's treat is a visit to the pay coin laundry at the hotel. I have to take $6.25 of quarters with me and sit there in the laundry. Really exotic!!!:H

              Yes, one sees the young and not so young beach bums here - also so many homeless people. That has been a real shock to me. I have been told parts of LA and San Fran are similar.

              You all have a great day/evening and no doubt this crazy traveller will check in to have a chat.


                friday 9th May

                Pauly - today I would rather hold a baby than do the laundry. I miss physical contact! :upset:You will have strong arms.
                Take care SL this weekend. remember for some us - its the 'getting better' phase in which we relax and think we deserve a drink. I know you know that!


                  friday 9th May

                  One strong arm at least TT haha
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    friday 9th May

                    Aloha Friday ABeroooos!

                    ok, trivia for the day: 50% of all heart-attack victims had low to normal blood cholesterol. really!
                    our enemy is systemic inflammation and not cholesterol which is hopefully good news to those concerned.
                    more info for those so inclined to study: Worried About Cholesterol?

                    sure nice to be home with my sweetie getting caught up on tons of paperwork and looking forward to fencing tomorrow.

                    TTops, we don't even own a fact I've never had one.

                    SL, happy sleeping in tomorrow!

                    tons of nasty weeds to pull.... better hop into it.

                    be well peeps!
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      friday 9th May

                      you spying on me TT? I did groceries a little later today, and was strolling around as if I had all the time in the world, thinking what would I get for my nice, quiet, peaceful lunch and you know what suggested I buy him! Hurried up and got out of there..silly bugger, but it could have been so very easy!
                      Sounds like you are hanging in there Pauly - do hope you have a hurt wing??
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        friday 9th May

                        well done Sl..for not turning your plans into cans!!have a brew instead!!sounds like a chillaxing weekend for you?hows the shingles..are you getting any better ?
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          friday 9th May

                          hmmmm got a bag of coffee from a discount outlet with a rather noticeable typo on the label
                          'french toast'
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            friday 9th May

                            Haha,enjoy the "french toast Det"how funny
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              friday 9th May

                              Just as I suspected Det. Here is what I found when I checked for Stephen Sinatra MD
                              "Healing the Heart" workshop: Psychospiritual component of a "healing" program run by cardiologist Stephen Sinatra, M.D. In 1995, the program included meditation and a "visualization" involving patients' requesting guidance from believable "spiritual powers."

                              He couldn't make that angle fly so he wrote his book on cholesterol (not based on scientific facts & study) & is selling a lot of supplements. No thanks

                              I've watched my father & 67 year old brother die from clogged up peripheral arteries, endure surgeries & amputations, repeated strokes & another brother is currently dealing with all that - no thanks. I have faith in real science & my ability to steer clear of quackery
                              Don't believe everything you see or hear - look for the science behind these guy's claims because their opinions can be harmful.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

