Det thanks for your article ..havent read it yet...but I will..some other interesting ones there too!!
PPQP...snow ??whats going on???have a brew and snuggle up warm.
hi Lav..hows you? ..want abrew this time I hear you say?do I hear no? doubt it!

hiya are you today..or is it bon jour?unfortunately I havent got the menopausal chol reduction scheme available to me!!! have a good flight...
hiya Samhows you today? ok ?
Det sword fighting in the snow???sounds like Bannockburn or the Glencoe massacre!!!Det aka braveheart..the all American Jock!!!
right folks its time to go ...and it pouring down!!!am I mad or what?
heres some jokes I prepared earlier....
oh and .....SL WELL DONE ON EIGHTY DAYS!!!!!!!!
The President of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan, should have known there would be a problem when he appointed Useless Peter as Chief of Police.
The satellite man calls at Paddy's door.
He says to Paddy, "I'm here to install your new sky."
Paddy replies, "Thank god, it looks like it's about to piss down."
I visited Stonehenge today.
It's quite remarkable that the souvenir shop is still in mint condition.
In a survey, one hundred women were asked about their sanitary product preferences.
50% said they used tampons,
25% said they used pads,
and 25% said, " off before I rip your head off!!.
Dwarves and midgets have very little in common.
My kids are always accusing me of having a 'favourite child'
Which is ridiculous...
Because I don't really like any of them.
Paddy got a job as a waiter and was eager to impress.
' Can we have two cappuccinos please, ' said his first customers.
' Certainly, ' replied Paddy.
' Oh,and can you make sure my cup is clean, ' asked the woman.
Five minutes later Paddy approaches with his tray.
' Here we are,two cappuccinos.Which one of you wanted the clean cup, ' said Paddy
"Here you go love." I said to the wife, pulling a can from my bag, "have a beer."
"No, thanks," she replied.
"Oh, okay," I said, producing a bottle. "Vodka, then?"
"No, I don't think so," she sighed.
Another rummage in my bag... "A lovely brandy, perhaps?"
"No, I'd best not," she told me.
"I can't, baby," she said.
"Oh my god, you're pregnant, aren't you?" I gasped. "It's because you're pregnant, isn't it?"
"No, you thick git," she replied. "It's because I'm still driving us home from the off licence."
I was accused of being a sexist in the office today, but that's absolute nonsense. I firmly believe women belong in the workplace.
Well, those cups of tea won't make themselves, will they.