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sun11th May

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    sun11th May

    mae all cant stop long so ..just a quick nip see you all..this info on chol seems to be snowballing ....pardon the pun ppqp!!! that article you put up..Im no do ,medic or anything like that...but that article was a definite politician speak!!fence sitting!!what was more interesting was the comments after it made by others..its the muscle aches,weepy ,depression and generally feeling rubbish at times that rings true with me taking them..and where did these magic numbers come from?is it similar to the "yep youre ok to drive if you only drink 2 pints scenario over here?"
    Det thanks for your article ..havent read it yet...but I will..some other interesting ones there too!!
    PPQP...snow ??whats going on???have a brew and snuggle up warm.

    hi Lav..hows you? ..want abrew this time I hear you say?do I hear no? doubt it!

    hiya are you today..or is it bon jour?unfortunately I havent got the menopausal chol reduction scheme available to me!!! have a good flight...

    hiya Samhows you today? ok ?

    Det sword fighting in the snow???sounds like Bannockburn or the Glencoe massacre!!!Det aka braveheart..the all American Jock!!!

    right folks its time to go ...and it pouring down!!!am I mad or what?

    heres some jokes I prepared earlier....

    oh and .....SL WELL DONE ON EIGHTY DAYS!!!!!!!!

    The President of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan, should have known there would be a problem when he appointed Useless Peter as Chief of Police.

    The satellite man calls at Paddy's door.

    He says to Paddy, "I'm here to install your new sky."

    Paddy replies, "Thank god, it looks like it's about to piss down."

    I visited Stonehenge today.

    It's quite remarkable that the souvenir shop is still in mint condition.

    In a survey, one hundred women were asked about their sanitary product preferences.
    50% said they used tampons,
    25% said they used pads,
    and 25% said, " off before I rip your head off!!.

    Dwarves and midgets have very little in common.

    My kids are always accusing me of having a 'favourite child'

    Which is ridiculous...

    Because I don't really like any of them.

    Paddy got a job as a waiter and was eager to impress.
    ' Can we have two cappuccinos please, ' said his first customers.
    ' Certainly, ' replied Paddy.
    ' Oh,and can you make sure my cup is clean, ' asked the woman.
    Five minutes later Paddy approaches with his tray.
    ' Here we are,two cappuccinos.Which one of you wanted the clean cup, ' said Paddy

    "Here you go love." I said to the wife, pulling a can from my bag, "have a beer."

    "No, thanks," she replied.

    "Oh, okay," I said, producing a bottle. "Vodka, then?"

    "No, I don't think so," she sighed.

    Another rummage in my bag... "A lovely brandy, perhaps?"

    "No, I'd best not," she told me.


    "I can't, baby," she said.

    "Oh my god, you're pregnant, aren't you?" I gasped. "It's because you're pregnant, isn't it?"

    "No, you thick git," she replied. "It's because I'm still driving us home from the off licence."

    I was accused of being a sexist in the office today, but that's absolute nonsense. I firmly believe women belong in the workplace.

    Well, those cups of tea won't make themselves, will they.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    sun11th May

    Good morning Abbers & Happy Mother's day if it applies or even if it doesn't :H

    I have to hit the supermarket to restock but then hope to spend the rest of the day outside. I'm not holding my breath but I think, just possibly the raised beds for my veggies are finally going to be put together today. All of the parts & pieces have been assembled, it's time to get the job done

    PQ, I really hope your weather warms up quite a bit & the snow disappears!!!
    Same for you Det!

    Mick, happy Sunday travels to as usual!
    Greetings SL, SF, Sam, Pauly, TT & everyone!

    Have a wqonderful AF day everyone!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      sun11th May

      Morning all! lovely day here, suppose to do some 'veying today. Yesterday's market was good till about 11, then it rain blew like hell, quite the scramble to get packed up.
      Mick, I went through the whole chol debate several years ago. I refused to go on statins for the very reason you sited on the side effects you felt. My dad was the same way. He bitterly complained of how lousy he felt. So I kept getting my levels lower and it seemed the standards for what was acceptable kept getting lower, I decided to stop worrying with it. Cayenne pepper, it is an amazing thing. I start every morning with lemon water and a pinch of cayenne, now that's a real eye opener
      Healing With Cayenne by Dr. John Christopher Prevention, Cure, Curing Protocol, Remedies, Herbs, Alternative Medicine
      just to keep the chol debate ongoing....
      have an enjoyable AF day folks!!!
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        sun11th May

        Morning all - and afternoon/evening etc
        Quiet day yesterday - had movies and pizza at home, daughter #1 slept really late, so just decided to stay lazy. Father let daughter #2 down again - so lots of tears!
        Hoping to have another relaxed day today - some homework nagging to be done, but hopefully that is it.
        No snow here thank goodness, but oh so windy so lots and lots of sneezing!
        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


          sun11th May

          Happy Mothers Day Aberooos!

          hope all our moms get to be loved on, and do some well deserved relaxing and pampering. I'd make you all breakfast in bed but it would be pretty cold by the time I got there.

          Mick, I looked up those historical, some wild history indeed.

          weather indeed is mostly sunny now, and expecting 90F on Thursday.

          Sam, if cayenne is good for health then I should live to 200! just love the stuff. turmeric is another old ayurvedic remedy that is getting significant credibility from clinical trials for reducing inflammation. cool stuff.

          got contractor coming out for house repairs, and lots more packing to clear the carpet for cleaning. the craziness continues! but I shall take TTops advice and NOT panic ommmm ommmm

          be well peeps
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            sun11th May

            MAE ALL...

            Mick...glad to see you got to pop in before popping out. :H You be careful as I think you said it was your turn to drive today. Yup, you never know what's going to happen in Calgary. Think this should be the last of the snow but we're way behind on any gardening.

            Lav...thanks, I think we may finally be going in the right direction temp wise. Time will tell.

            Sam...nope, not kidding. Weather has been crazy for everyone, sorry about having to shut the market down early. Hope your 'veying' is going good.

            SL...sorry about daughter #2, been there done that and it sucks!

   to admit the craziness sounds good on you...keep up the meditation :H

            Grocery shopping done, load of laundry in, stew in the oven, going to relax and escape into a video game with no guilt. :H

            Have a Happy AF Mother's Day all and a Super AF Sunday to all else......PPQP


              sun11th May

              Good on you Det, you're garlic man too!!
              Liberated 5/11/2013


                sun11th May

                I'm approx 70% garlic by now LOL

                PPQ, what video games do you play? i'm a product of the 'gamer' generation myself. I like online multiplayer games pitting myself against other players around the world.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  sun11th May

                  Ok guys I think I am leaving hawaii today. Flight to Vancouver and Montreal tonight. Sounds like you all are having a good Sunday. I have to fill some hours in before I go to the airport but don't want to get hot and sweaty.
                  Pauly - how are you doing? Hope Mother's Day is OK for you.
                  Well I survived a tense and difficult 3 weeks without AL. Wasn't tempted but I sure had to ride out the tension , then the loneliness and at times sort of depression. The hotel I was staying at was soul-less and back in my past I would have coped by drinking in my room. easy to do here as I gather booze is cheap.
                  Of course there were great moments here as well but I would not rank this as one of my more spectacular or enjoyable trips.
                  I know that's not the hype honolulu has but we are a pretty honest bunch here so you can take it:H
                  Catch you later


                    sun11th May

                    I agree with you about Honolulu TT - went there about 20 years ago, and plan to never go back. I do like soem of the otehr islands though.
                    Hope you have a safe trip and maybe a better time in Montreal?

                    PPQ - really does stink doesn't it! Put me in a blah mood today for sure, bit tearful and really low....days like this I miss my mum, and family - lonely and blue. Need to snap out of this....

                    So glad you are not panicing Det - stay

                    Sam - went to the local farmers market today - such a let down, maybe 10 very meager stalls. There was an egg stand, but the eggs were all same colour and size, so I am suspicious - no mushrooms - little of anything. We are in such an agriculutural area, but I believe everything goes to the Bay Area....did get myself a bunch of sweetpeas..but that was it...
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      sun11th May

                      Cheer up SL. Some days just are like this.
                      I miss my Mum everyday - I don't need a commercially driven celebration to remind me. We were very close. Same as me and my girl
                      You have to deal with the ex that doesn't help and it must really complicate your relationship with your girls even if they sort of know why things are the way they are.

                      I am in a bookshop at the moment and just chilling out. I hear you about the eggs. I was quite shocked at the colour of some eggs here. Have I been living in lala land in NZ?

                      PPQP - don't send any snow to Montreal please. I will have enough cold weather back in NZ when I return.


                        sun11th May

                        I imagine every area has different things and certainly every farmers' market attracts different vendors. My son has dropped several that just didn't seem to click for whatever reason.
                        Liberated 5/11/2013

