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mon12th may

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    mon12th may

    mae all...and how are we all today? ok I hope ..well was out yesterday..absolutely brilliant day...very successful..

    ok off we go tea and coffee on the go ...

    hiya Lav ..and how are you doing today?well ..did the beds get done?or work in progress..Im replanting today ...celery ,fuschia,kale and spring onions..oh and broad beans.brew before start time ..want one?

    Hiya Sam are you doing today?started this morning with lemon and some cayenne pepper..ermm bit too much..nearly blew my head off!! you out with your surveying rods and chains today?

    hiya are you today then?its weird writing that ..when I know that we are 12 hrs ahead of you!did you have your relaxing day yesterday?(on your day 80 )..sweet peas are still on the go..pity about your farmers market

    hiya are you today?thanks for that was really interesting..there are some other ones on there that I want to have a look at too..sounds like you have got quite a bit of work on the go there mate

    hiya ppqp are you today?ok I hope ..brew for the boss ? grovel......yep I drove yesterday..hit nothing ..reversed into nothing..soon be ready for my test :H

    tt....lala land???:H how are you today? you dont exactly paint a brimming picture of honolulu....bucket list ..delete!well done on not taking the al to help out with what sounds like a crappy time...just because you have got a goodly amount of time without al in doesnt automatically mean that in some sh.t situations the thought wont all need the support at times..anyway how is Montreal?enjoy yourself..remember aint a rehearsal

    watching all the calves playing in the field..they really are zooming about!!

    right peeps time to go ..take care and have a great day

    My mate is a Flash photographer.

    He also takes pictures of Vanish,Mr Muscle and some other cleaning products.

    "I bought my five year old his first bike." Said Paddy to Mick.

    "And,can he ride it?" Asked Mick.

    "Ride it?" Replied Paddy, "He doesn't even know how to start the bloody thing."

    Quasimodo went to his doctor.
    ' How can I help you,' asked the doctor.
    ' I just don't feel right,' replied Quasimodo
    ' OK,can you take off all your clothes and we'll try to find out what's wrong. ' said the doctor.
    Quasimodo took off ten vests,eight shirts and fourteen jumpers.
    ' When was the last time you took off all your clothes? ' asked the doctor.
    ' When I was at school, ' replied Quasimodo.
    ' Did you never wonder what happened to your school bag,' replied the doctor.

    If you fail at everything else in your life, be content in the knowledge that for just a very short time you held the record for the Youngest Person in the World.

    Just as I came home from work tired and irritable, I heard my daughter burst into song:

    "When I was just a little girl, I asked my mother 'what will I be? Will I be pretty, will I be rich?', here's what she said to m-"

    "K Sarah, that's enough for's sake", I interrupted.

    I went to the Bureau of Missing Persons the other day.

    The place was deserted.

    I saw a woman walking towards the door, so I opened it for her to be nice.
    Instead of thanking me, both she and everyone else on the plane started screaming.

    These energy companies must be making a clean fortune. With the amount of unpaid bill warning notices they send me in the post, they could have paid the bill themselves.

    It's a little known scientific fact that if you removed all your veins from your body and laid them end to end.

    You would die

    My doctor said my paranoia is getting out of control.

    I said, "You're not really my doctor, are you?"

    I said to the barman, "I'll have a pint please, my wife's just left me."

    He said, "Do you think she'll be back?"

    I replied, "Doubt it, I've strangled her."
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    mon12th may

    Good morning Abbers,

    Thanks for the coffee Mick - it's helping
    Had a lot of fun working like a dog outside yesterday but a lot was accomplished. Today I will get back out & starting planting some things in my brand new raised beds. I really look forward to some weed-free gardening for a change!!!

    Have fun in the garden Mick!
    Greetings Sam, SL, Det, PQ, SF, Pauly & the traveling TT!
    I'm off to Curves then expect my daughter & granddaughter by lunchtime so it will be another busy day for me.

    Have a great AF day everyone!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      mon12th may

      Morning all!
      how is everyone today? I'm feeling a bit tired, the Saturday market always wipes me out as I get up around 3 am and don't get to bed till around 11 pm, then up to do veying. That was ok when I was younger but I feel like I need a little time to rebound.
      Mick, you tried the lemon and cayenne? Start with a small pinch of cayenne and work your way up. It is an eye opener, for sure. Here's another link on the virtues. Had you ever heard of Dr Christopher? He was an English herbalist.
      The health benefits of warm lemon and cayenne pepper water | Body Unburdened

      Morning Lav, so glad you're able to get your fingers dirty! Without our raised beds, we wouldn't have boo to eat. Also we get to trade mushrooms for greens at markets.

      Have an enjoyable day everybody.
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        mon12th may

        Haha - I am catching up with you guys in the timezone. I am in Vancouver airport at the moment - no sleep last night - flight too short and noisy people around.
        Waiting on the next bit to Montreal.
        Don't like the sound of those 3am starts Sam.
        You all have a good day.


          mon12th may

          Happy un-hung Monday ABeroooos!

          a soooper busy work day, and things are getting crazier on the home-front too. Dx's poor dad had a stroke and her mum is freaked out, so Dx is flying to Hawaii this Wed right in the middle of everything. aaaargh! (do not panic.... ommmm ommmm).

          TTops, glad you survived the Waikiki tourist experience. did you score a case of those cheesy noise-activated electric hula dolls?

          Lav, Sam and Mick I'll have to garden vicariously through you until we find a new place. in the meantime I have a jar of lentil sprouts started. better than squat I guess.

          zoom zoom

          be well everyone
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            mon12th may

            MAE ALL....

            Wow the day just flew by. Busy but not hectic that's the way to go. Temp almost hit 20 today, there's hope for us yet.

   that's funny, the being ready for your test. :H Glad the outing was uneventful car wise.

            Lav...we'll have to see a pic of those new raised beds you know.

            Sam...yup we can't just do what we used to even without AL.

            TT....hope you get some rest on your jaunt from Van to Montreal. I promise I didn't ask for any snow.

            Det...sorry to hear about Dx's Dad. Remember you can always lean on us while Dx is away. We won't be able to help physically but we'll be there all the same.

            Off to figure out what to have for dinner. Lentil soup maybe? Have a peaceful AF night all.....PPQP


              mon12th may

              Popping in to say "hello". I am loving this pool weather. Move this week to the new place....I can't wait to sit my butt at their pool.

              School lets out In two weeks......I am thrilled to have a break from the homework drama. Thinking about making things final at my place around then. It's been easy money....but, it's still draining to be there.

