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Saturday the 26th Maywayhay......

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    Saturday the 26th Maywayhay......

    Mornin' loopers!!!

    Well, I am back home faaaarrr earlier than I thought I would be...the boy is recovering nicely after his op, which was less complicated than they thought it would be.
    He had a bit of a touch and go in the recovery room, as he always has trouble breathing after general anaesthetics...(last time he was rushed into PICU twice as he stopped breathing which was hideous...and a very long time before he was stable again)....wot made me a bit flummoxed was that after the op, when his dear mummy and I were pacing the floor of ward 24a, was that we were told that we could go down to the recovery room after a couple of hours....the hours came and went, and no call....we asked at the desk, and the nurse calmly said...'oh no, you can't go down yet, they are having trouble getting him to breathe, so they're not ready for you'??????????
    I realise that sometimes people can get in the way when staff are rushing around with tubes and oxygen masks and stuff, but surely, after all the frights his mom has had after operations (which have been MANY), she would be allowed to go down and sit with him??? She always wonders whether this one will be the last time she sees him alive.....and to be told to sit and wait when you know that your son is struggling, frightened and in pain, is quite bonkers......He is 16, but has the comprehension and social skills of a 2-3 year old...he is non verbal, and can hardly see..when we were allowed down, they were still struggling with him, but he calmed down so much with our prescence, that his breathing started to regulate very quickly........I guess it's a tricky one for hospital staff, but many parents would much rather see their child with tubes and machines and be there to hold a hand, than to imagine the worst in another room.......oh well....he's good now, I know they are doing their's just very difficult......
    He's stable now, sore and a bit grumpy, but whacked out on pain relief so sleeping quite a lot, and his dad has come in to take over for the weekend, so I have a couple of days off, but I'll go in today and get my quota of kisses from the dear fellow...
    Thank you all for the PMs for the little lovely to have your thoughts.......

    Aaaaaannnnnyyyyway...on with Satdee... 'did the interview go??? I trust that you actually got there and didn't collapse in the street and have to have your footwear surgically removed?????

    Hope the meal was good D and DX...although with Deety boys new promotion to 'best chef in the whole damned garlic eating world'....I doubt whether anything comes up to the culinary ones expectations:H Perhaps it's time for your own restaraunt to open Deet???
    'Welcome to the 'The Crapload'....garlic served with everything"

    Much love to all on this (still) dark Satdee morn.....4:00 am and all's well (although a bit droopy eyed) body clock is TOTALLY nonked after 4 days of being awake almost 24/7
    Blaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............................ .

    Snogs...........Weespacedouthead.................. ...xxxxxxxxx

    Saturday the 26th Maywayhay......

    I am so glad he operation went well. It is still Frida noon here, that kinda leaves me with jet lag.

    What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
    ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


      Saturday the 26th Maywayhay......

      Wee, what a story. That poor mom has a lot to deal with. Again, you have my total admiration for what you much so I will not give you grief about starting a thread a day ahead.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Saturday the 26th Maywayhay......

        Gosh Lushy......we really HAVE taken our benevalence meds today haven't we??????

        I'm not worthy....I'm not worthy.......

        Oh, and BTW....I am NOT a day ahead......YOU are a day behind, my poor little backward 'Merican........:H
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


          Saturday the 26th Maywayhay......

          Ah-my favorite fruit from the gourd family!

          I just finished posting my interview story (it went hilariously well-thank you for asking) in Friday's thread & you're already in Saturday.

          Glad everything went well & they are lucky to have such a sweet, melon as yourself by their side.

          Enjoy your days off Sweetie!
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Saturday the 26th Maywayhay......

            glad to see some things never change!

            I'm going away for the weekend, so I'll take advantage of the early thread and wish you all a Happy Time Travelling Saturday.




              Saturday the 26th Maywayhay......

              Party on Melon! ;-))

              He'll be alright, you'll see. ;-)
              Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                Saturday the 26th Maywayhay......

                how frustrating melon --I'm not fond of hospitals and the way they think sometimes, It is good to hear things got better when you were with your boy. Hope your rest is sound.

                AF 21, March 2010

                "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."

