ok on we go then..tea n coffee on the table.
Firstly ...Sam ..well done and congrats to you my friend :goodjob: you deserve it mate..
hiya tt..and how are you today?whats the weather like there?still as warm as yesterday? have you cast the woollies off and now jotting about in a short skirt ?egad:
hiya Lav...hows the veggies growing? weather ok?theres just been a smash on the motorway near us...and there are chickens running all over the motorway ..they have had to close it..wagon carrying them toppled over..daughter has finally got a job as a midwife in Sheffield ..so chuffed for her.heres a brew for you ..Im having bovril yum yum!!any plans for today?
hiya Byrdie ..you ok ? thanx for the cinammon tip ..I was putting it on an apple last night!!
Hiya Det..how are you doing mate ? hey if its that good ..might end up in the field with the bull and cows !!!how dx doing ok?
hiya Pauly..take it that your af plan? has landed on its head!!dust yourself off and have another go..:l
hiya ppqp ..hows you today?weather ok for getting into the garden ..is it all sorted out yet or are there still things to be moved etc?Bovril or coffee for you?are you at work?
the veg plot

first poppy out

the terrible two this morning

I accidentally put my bag down in a puddle the other day.
Spent the rest of the afternoon listening to complaints about her soggy arse.
Six times already this week, the wife's reminded me her mother's coming to stay over the weekend.
She must think I'm f.cking MADE of gritted teeth.
I said to the newest employee at work today, "If you lose any of your items, you must report it to Jamal from Accounting."
"Alright," she replied, "Does he help find it?"
"No, he just probably has it," I replied.
I just want to thank the girl who ran with me for the last few kilometres of the Great Manchester Run yesterday, not wearing a sports bra. Your lack of support got me through.
I've been to Liverpool, never walking alone is pretty good advice.
Bob: "I've started to learn to play the trumpet."
Jack: "Had no idea you had an interest in music."
Bob: "I don't. Just can't stand my next door neighbour."
I'll never forget the day when my parents went,"Son,we love you,but it's about time you did your own thing.You've got till the end of the week to find your own place."
I know it's pretty standard practice,but I was seven.
Hitler, Fritzel and now a bearded 'lady' winning the Eurovision.
Good job Austria, carry on
I met up with a girl from a dating site today. After talking to her on the phone, I was looking forward to it, especially as she seemed to be really into golf.
But, as soon as I saw her, I realised that I'd misunderstood the words "I'm just onto my sixteenth tea".