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af day wed may 14th

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    af day wed may 14th

    mae all..happy hump day ...and how are we all this fine day?been up since 5.30 the garden since 6 ..its been really lotsa bits and pieces done ..despite the fact my back is aching and I said I was doing nothing!!

    ok on we go then..tea n coffee on the table.

    Firstly ...Sam ..well done and congrats to you my friend :goodjob: you deserve it mate..

    hiya tt..and how are you today?whats the weather like there?still as warm as yesterday? have you cast the woollies off and now jotting about in a short skirt ?egad:

    hiya Lav...hows the veggies growing? weather ok?theres just been a smash on the motorway near us...and there are chickens running all over the motorway ..they have had to close it..wagon carrying them toppled over..daughter has finally got a job as a midwife in Sheffield chuffed for her.heres a brew for you ..Im having bovril yum yum!!any plans for today?

    hiya Byrdie ok ? thanx for the cinammon tip ..I was putting it on an apple last night!!

    Hiya are you doing mate ? hey if its that good ..might end up in the field with the bull and cows !!!how dx doing ok?

    hiya Pauly..take it that your af plan? has landed on its head!!dust yourself off and have another go..:l

    hiya ppqp ..hows you today?weather ok for getting into the garden it all sorted out yet or are there still things to be moved etc?Bovril or coffee for you?are you at work?

    the veg plot

    first poppy out

    the terrible two this morning

    I accidentally put my bag down in a puddle the other day.

    Spent the rest of the afternoon listening to complaints about her soggy arse.

    Six times already this week, the wife's reminded me her mother's coming to stay over the weekend.

    She must think I'm f.cking MADE of gritted teeth.

    I said to the newest employee at work today, "If you lose any of your items, you must report it to Jamal from Accounting."

    "Alright," she replied, "Does he help find it?"

    "No, he just probably has it," I replied.

    I just want to thank the girl who ran with me for the last few kilometres of the Great Manchester Run yesterday, not wearing a sports bra. Your lack of support got me through.

    I've been to Liverpool, never walking alone is pretty good advice.

    Bob: "I've started to learn to play the trumpet."

    Jack: "Had no idea you had an interest in music."

    Bob: "I don't. Just can't stand my next door neighbour."

    I'll never forget the day when my parents went,"Son,we love you,but it's about time you did your own thing.You've got till the end of the week to find your own place."

    I know it's pretty standard practice,but I was seven.

    Hitler, Fritzel and now a bearded 'lady' winning the Eurovision.

    Good job Austria, carry on

    I met up with a girl from a dating site today. After talking to her on the phone, I was looking forward to it, especially as she seemed to be really into golf.

    But, as soon as I saw her, I realised that I'd misunderstood the words "I'm just onto my sixteenth tea".
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af day wed may 14th

    Morning folksies from across the Atlantic.
    Great news Sam - I have already posted on another thread but here's more :band2::band2::band2:
    lots of music for you!!
    Thats a relief that your daughter has a job Mick. You can ask her for a loan now!:H:

    All this talk of things to add to our breakfast food - cayenne, turmeric, cinnamon, garlic - did anyone mention cumin? We might as well have curry for breakfast1 I will pass you on the Bovril Mick - having my usual tea and coffee.

    No short skirts either! I have skinny old ladies legs and prefer not to show my knees these days. Actually I found it very cold - much be the cold wind coming from PPQP's part of Canada. The same temperatures back home would feel much warmer - so there must be more to this than just the actual temperature.

    How's the chilling man? Talking to you Det. Hope all is well there.

    OK - better go and get some stuff done as I have work to do. Big hello also to Pauly, Lav, SF, SL and all the others lurking around!


      af day wed may 14th

      Good morning Abbers & Happy Hump day!

      Mick, your garden & bunnies look great
      You should go grab a few of those road chickens, they would love to roam around your garden too :H
      Congrats to your daughter & wishing her well in her new job!!!!

      Morning TT!
      No mini skirts for me either. That was OK back in the '70's but not now, no way :H
      Hope you have a good day.

      I am heading out to Curves then straight back to my shop, work is waiting.
      Wishing everyone a great AF Wednesday. So happy for Sam reaching his one year milestone

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        af day wed may 14th

        Ahoy ho ABerooos!!

        pleasantly sore today after a sword workout last night that would have made Robert the Bruce proud.

        Sam, mega kudos to you brother!

        Lav, just love those shoes you posted yesterday.

        Mick, great pics of yer lovely yard and critters.

        Pauly having trouble? sorry I didn't catch that. comon hon....hop right in here with us xxxooo

        TTops, I'm chillin pretty darn good between work and exercise. got my sweetie to the airport this morning and she's off to HI for a week taking your place

        having fun researching ancient anthropology lately. looking like the first Americans were actually the Solutreans from what would be modern day France and they got here a whopping 18K years ago by following the mammoths across the frozen oceans during the last ice age. can you imagine what an incredible adventure that must have been? a conversation like: 'hey Ong, since there's nothing on tv yet...why don't we follow the mammoths thousands of miles across the pacific ocean and see where they are going?" those were some incredibly tough people.

        curry for breakfast? heck ya! I often put curry powder on my eggs for brekky.

        ok back to work for me

        be well!
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          af day wed may 14th

          MAE ALL....

          Mick...thanks for the kickstart. Nope not all done still have to move the berm. Love your pics especially the terrible two's. Gorgeous day today in the 20's rain starting tomorrow and going through the long weekend. Oh well, what will be will be, not stressing over it.

 know that's exactly what happens. So it was +20 here so should reach Montreal on Saturday. How long are you going to be there?

          Lav...hope you had a productive day.

          Det...sounding good. Now I'm going to have to look up "Robert the Bruce" :H Hope Dx is doing ok. Off to see if Ong has a facebook page.

          Well it's prime rib, mashed potatoes and cauliflower for din din tonight. Can hardly wait. Check with you all in the morning.....PPQP


            af day wed may 14th

            hey ho all!!
            a late check in and I want to say thank you all for the warm wishes. You all are great support. The daily check in with this thread and the friendship here has been crucial for me to stay honest and keep doing the do!! thanks again, friends.
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              af day wed may 14th

              Aw Sam, we are all very happy for you & glad you are here with us

              Hey PQ, did you find Ong on Facebook? :H

              Det, just imagine really having those shoes, huh? :H
              I can't believe those folks really made that trek but if you insist I'll bet those wooly mammoths smelled like hell :H
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                af day wed may 14th

                my bad, they were walrus not mammoth (although they probably smell just as great)

                PPQ, dinner sounds fab!

                I just had a huge bowl of broccoli lightly sauted with a crapload of garlic, and while sitting down with that saw the post in another section here about garlic helping to ward off lung cancer. cool!
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  af day wed may 14th

                  Hi all - gone into myself a wee bit - terribly tired (knackered!), long work days and not feeling 100% - I am an introvert at heart, so realise that I have gone into myself.
                  Not drinking - I promise! Just reflecting....I am sure I will come out of it, but wee bit quiet just now.....see you all around when my head back on straight:l:l
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    af day wed may 14th

                    Oops - so very well done Dear Sam....that is just great!
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

