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Sat may 17th

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    Sat may 17th

    mae all ...and how are we today?it is absolutely boiling over here ..been up since daft o clock ..snail patrol this morning ..only got 4 of them..washed both cars,brolly out in the back garden so thats it......

    and what is everyone else up to ..we shall see..tea coffee and cold drinks on the go today..

    hiya Lav...ooops sorry about the drink for you??hope the weather fairs up for your dil s graduation party got your holiday head on yet?

    hiya Sam..well ratcatcher extraordinaire did you get on?ees no rat no more??that was a lucky break with the bees...tried that stunt again last night know sort of the casual mention..met with the non starter answer!!!!oh well cest la vie

    hiya Pauly are you doing today?yep I had problems trying to get on the site yesterday too...are you back on the no booze cruise with us good lass ..any plans for Sat /Sun?

    morning the Corsican brother!!:H and how are the war wounds today?now why would anyone take the chance of getting slashed/stabbed up with a piece of steel..when you can take them out a 1000yds with a snipe scope :H oh yes Ive see some clever ones too in my time..remember one guy SLR muzzle down on his boot ..bang toe more..another one getting shot in the thigh from his mate after an ND...nother on Browning 9mm in pocket cocked safety on tripped or something ..jarred the weapon off it went ..took his kneecap..lucky it wasnt pointing inwards!!:H take it by long sword you mean the broadsword??

    Hiya SL glad you are feeling better ..busy busy you then!!you are certainly eating up those miles on the no al path ..well done you:applaud: enjoy tomorrows event .

    right folks orf we go..spose I need to go back into the sunshine have a great day everyone.

    My wife sent me a text last week:

    'When you get home from work I'm going to strip naked and do a sexy dance for you'

    So far I have accumulated 94 hours overtime.

    I tried getting in one of those fancy restaurants last night, one where all the celebs go. The maitre d asked, "Do you have a reservation, Sir?"

    I shook my head, "No I don't."

    He said, "Sorry Sir but we're fully booked."

    I looked him in the eye, "Do you know who I am?"

    He said, "I'm afraid I don't, Sir."

    I said, "Good!" ... kicked him in the balls and ran off.

    Just saw a picture of prince William looking much younger and better looking than usual.

    I think it's been heir brushed.

    In the restaurant last night I asked for the Peking duck.
    "Fine," said the waiter. "I'll ask chef to take its blindfold off."

    I think this crackdown on child pornography is going a bit far.

    The police have just confiscated my wife's ultrasound scans.

    I complained to my doctor that my b.llocks were hurting this morning.

    "I can see the problem," he said, as I stood there in my pants, "Dave, you've got 4-5 years."

    "How can you tell just by looking?" I asked.

    He said, "It's written on the label."

    I went to the doctor's yesterday.
    "Doctor, I've got this awful pain", I said, "I've had it for a while but I can't put up with it anymore, you need to give me something to get rid of it."
    "Okay", says the doctor,"I'm sure we can sort something out, where exactly is this pain?"
    "In the waiting room", I replied, "should I go and get her?"

    I walked into my doctor's room for my appointment..

    "Hello mister Parker." He said, glancing at his notes. "I believe you're having problems with your motor skills?"

    "No, you f.cking thick, four-eyed git. Can't you read?!." I snapped. "My social skills."
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Sat may 17th

    Good morning Mick & all Abbers

    I chose this thread to write on Mick - there seems to be two
    It is much cooler, sunny & dry this morning, very nice for the graduation & party afterwards! I have a bit of cooking & baking to do but I am grateful my daughter is hosting this party today.
    I stayed in my shop until quite late yesterday but am glad I did. I should be able to finish up this job tomorrow & get it shipped out Monday morning. Then I will get my holiday head on Mick :H

    Det, do you need any bandaids? :H
    Geez - be careful!!!!

    Pauly, hope you are feeling better!

    Sam, we had big rain here yesterday & all the usual creeks flooded the roadways again just as they did two weeks ago. Hope your rat drowned!!!

    Greetings SL, PQ & everyone!
    Wishing us all a terrific AF Saturday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Sat may 17th

      morning everyone
      Spent the better part of yesterday worrying about the starter motor on my truck, it ended up being a weak battery instead. BUT, I did learn that if it ever was my starter, the damn thing is under the valve cover. It costs $1000 to replace or 6-7 hours of my time tearing it apart, putting it back together and hoping I don't have left over parts! Regardless, a crisis diverted. On my merry way.

      Soooo the rat is still lurking somewhere, I stuck the garden hose down the hole, waited with shotgun in hand and no rat. I flooded the heck out of the place. Least he/she has a clean hole to come home to.

      Got my swarm all hived and spent the better part of last evening building more frames and putting in the wax. I love the smell of beeswax.

      off to a fiddle fest today, got to remember how to play the dang thing!! should be a mud fest

      have a great one everybody.
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        Sat may 17th

        Hi Guys - I found it hard to get on the site yesterday too. I had to relog in and remember my password! Goodness the weather in Montreal seems to sum up what the weather is like for all of us - during this past week i have had temps up to 28 degrees, down to 9 degrees, humidity, rain - the whole lot. But it was a lovely time there - my work gig went well and I also caught up with an old friend. We chatted for hours and went to some museums, walked around, ate, drank coffee. I also did some shopping on my own :l - now have to worry about too much weight in my luggage. I will have to restrain myself in Toronto - which is the next destination.
        Good to see you back Pauly - keep posting and we will try to keep you on track. Never stop trying to quit.
        Glad the grad party went well Lav.
        SL - also good to see that the funk is lifting. Takes its time doesn't it. Hope the weekend is better for you too.
        I better go - someone here - catch you all later. Ta Ta for now


          Sat may 17th

          Quick check in before kicking girls out of bed and heading up the hill! Ceremony tomorrow - will exhaust me - too many people for introverted me, and caving to keep smile on at all times - would have driven the old me to the bar - not happening to new improved me!
          Will try to check in thru weekend, no promises.
          Bees look busy and settled Sam!
          Morning Mick, TT and Lav
          Hi to all yet to visit :l
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            Sat may 17th

            Mae all,later than usual post from me today,usually i post in the morn while hubs is downstairs watchin porn haha,a joke,while he's watching the news,but today is his day off and i didn't want to disturb him with clickety-clack of the keys,hot as heck here but i love it,except my outdoor plants are frying! quick Mick,what do i do with geraniums in desert heat?bring them inside during the day?maybe put them in front where theres less sun?bougie is thriving,strawberries going good but all else,meh,TT,that was my problem yesterday,had to keep logging in,remember password(at least its an easy one)hope all are good,love you guys to bits
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Sat may 17th

              Well if it's any consolation Pauly my geraniums died from being outside - too wet and they went mouldy


                Sat may 17th

                Happy Saturday ABeroooonies!!

                thanks for the nice kickstart Mick. per our curriculum broadsword is a single-hand sword. Here is the type of longsword we are training mostly: Regenyei Armory

                Lav, i usually have a bandaid or two on me! happily today I'm just pleasantly sore/tired and uninjured. yay! got lots of sunshine and good times doing healthy things with friends.

                TTops, sounds humid enough to be a mangrove swamp there.

                SL, my introvert friend, yer doing great with the mindset.

                Sam, excellent bee pic. i got to see my buddy's hive today which was cool. they really enjoy being parked in a yard full of blooming fruit trees.

                Pauly, glad you clickety-clacked us!

                well, more home repairs etc and some relaxation is in order too. resisting the call of the ice cream...

                be well
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)

