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Sunday 18th May

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    Sunday 18th May

    mae all are we today then?all doing fine?goooood you can see not out early doors over here is luverly...26/7 degrees yesterday more of the same today..and then next week ..rain :upset:

    ok tea and coffee on the go just now.....

    hiya Lav...well how did the jamboree go?ok did you get that job finished up for posting on Monday?holiday head at the ready?cuppa coffee awaits you ma'am

    morning Sam ...cracking pic there did the fiddle fest go?all well?wow thats a bit steep for a starter..$1000 is it gold plated?

    morning are you?shopping ..too much weight ..just chuck the clothes out!!glad you are enjoying yourself..pretty good that you are managing to travel and work too..where are you after Toronto?you bimbling over this side of the world

    hiya the new sl..hows you today?soon be ceremony time ..hope it all goes well for you..just keep the cheesy grin going..then folks dont know whether you are mad ,bad or sad..or plain nuts!!!have yet another great af day

    hiya Pauly..hows you today?put the geraniums in the shade when its reeeeely hot and give the a little water..but not on the leaves it ll fry them..glad bougan is doing ok ..Im growing one that I rescued fingers crossed it will survive..

    hiya are you thanx for the info on the swords..some quite strange looking weapons on that for the ice cream....go for it!!!

    right peeps short n sweet so take care and have a good one

    After eating three McDonalds in the past four days, I realised it was time to re-evaluate my life.

    I've now decided to start going to KFC more often.

    My friend said he was better at using an abacus than I was.

    I wouldn't count on it though.

    I quit eating alphabet soup because it always gave me major loose vowel movements.

    I've just been stung by a bee. 20 quid for a jar of honey!

    I have been working at the European office of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) today and I must say it's a tiny place.

    There's barely room to swing a cat.

    "How about a dirty weekend in Paris for our anniversary" , the wife suggested.

    "That's a fantastic idea love!, and when I get back, I'll take you out for a curry!....

    Just been banned from Sainsbury's, when they asked if I had a "bag for life" they weren't impressed when I got my scrotum out.

    I think my accent is too posh.
    I was having dinner in an Indian restaurant and told the waiter that I didn't want too much spice so he showed me to a cramped table in the corner.

    I got pulled over by a police officer and his dog sniffs for drugs. He comes over and says to me, "My dog says you have weed in the car." I responded, "Well I don't know about that, but I want whatever got you talking to the dog!"

    A man is standing at a urinal when he notices that he's being watched by a midget. The midget drags a small stepladder over, and climbs up to admire the man's private parts close up. "Wow," comments the midget, "those are the nicest balls I have ever seen!" Freaked out, but flattered, the man thanks the midget and starts to move away. "I know this is a strange request," says the little guy, "but would you mind if I touched them?" Again, the man is taken aback, but seeing no real harm in it, consents. The midget reaches out, gets a tight grip on the man's balls, and says loudly, "Okay, hand over your wallet or I'll jump."

    One night a lady came home from her weekly prayer meeting, found she was being robbed, and she shouted out, "Acts 2:38: 'Repent & be baptized & your sins will be forgiven.'" The robber quickly gave up & the lady rang the police. While handcuffing the criminal, a policeman said, "Gee mate, you gave up pretty easily. How come you gave up so quickly?" The robber said, "She said she had an axe and two 38's!"

    Q: Did you hear about the guy who dreamed he was eating a giant marshmallow?
    A: When he woke up, his pillow was gone.

    I saw a young teenage kid on the subway today. He had a Mohawk hairstyle dyed yellow, green, and red. He caught me staring at him and in a nasty voice asked, "What the f*ck are you looking at?" I replied, "Sorry, but when I was about your age I had sex with a parrot. I thought maybe you were my son."
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Sunday 18th May

    Good morning Abbers!

    Thanks for the coffee Mick!
    Had a great time at the graduation celebration yesterday. It's turned quite cool here, we all sat by a toasty fire outside, the grandkids roasted marshmallows

    Just a bit more work to do today then I can put my head in vacation mode. It's looking like a pretty cool week coming up, not exactly beach weather, oh well.

    Sam, awesome picture of your bees!!!

    Greetings to all & wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Sunday 18th May

      MAE everyone.

      Lav - got your graduation times mixed up. Sounds like a good day. Any plans for the 'vacation' or is that different now that you are supposed to be 'retired'?:H
      Det - I had the ice-cream urge last night but resisted. I am staying here in Toronto above a deli-to-die-for that has cakes that would make your eyes stick out. Somehow they look elegant, yummy, decadent and healthy at the same time. But for some daft reason cake is a social thing for me and so I will wait until I meet up with friends. Looks like Toronto will have much to offer in the food department. Here for about a week and then to San Francisco. I have enjoyed my stay in PPQP land so far!!
      Not heading your way Mick. :upset:

      Its sure easier doing this part of the trip sober. I am renting someone's condo and back in my drinking days I am sure I would have locked myself up or broken something or panicked about how to work the washer etc. That may still happen but at least I don't have the embarrassment of calling up the owners in the middle of the night (after drinking) to say the electricity has overloaded and gone dead - yes, that happened to me once in Italy when I only had my young daughter with me. Or spilling red wine on the sheets at a B and B in Scotland and getting a stern telling off from the owner. Actually she was a monster all around and I am sure some bleach would have taken the wine out. We were paying good money at the time. The next day we stayed in a B and B near the Isle of Skye where the owner himself was merrily very drunk and riding a sit-on mower at c 11pm in the summer late-night. You should have seen what he looked like when he served our greasy 'Full English' (oops Scottish:H) the next morning.

      Sorry to clog this up with my travel rants but I hope it brings a wee laugh. I am off to explore Toronto today, maybe do some work later and possibly meet up with an old friend. You all have a wonderful Sunday - here's to sober forever and a less messy life!


        Sunday 18th May

        MAE ALL...

        Mick...I was surprised to see your post this morning. Enjoy the weather while you can. careful on the beach next week. Even though the temps aren't warm that UV light from the sun can still get you. about temptation all around you. Good plan on holding off on the cake. Glad you're enjoying Toronto, I've never been myself.

        Feeling a bit under the weather yesterday so didn't head down to Dad's. On the mend so think I'll get in a visit on our holiday Monday. Other than that chores and grocery shopping on the list. Have a great AF Sunday all and all to come....PPQP


          Sunday 18th May

          Mid morning all!!
          had a great time at the fiddle fest, it got cold later in the evening, but that just helped keep the pesky bugs away. Got home late, decided not to camp with the wife away and animals with their needs. It was so nice out yesterday, I was tempted not to go, but once there, I had enjoyed myself seeing friends I don't typically see, even maybe have the beginnings of learning a new tune or two. And the best part, NOT BEING HUNGOVER!!
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            Sunday 18th May

            Happy Sunday ABanooodlers near and far!

            Mick, here's a beauty if I could justify the expense: Regenyei Peter

            TTops, very much enjoying your travel narrative.

            Sam, that's great news you had fun fiddling with friends

            well, managed to avoid the ice cream so far. plenty of fruit in the house for when the temptation arises.

            trying to get the greasy grunge off the ceiling in the kitchen isn't quite as much fun as I would have hoped. d-oh!

            now kicking back and watching a documentary/interview with Noam Chomsky and getting my philosophy fix.... fun stuff.

            it's sure nice to be home alone and not fighting the AL voice all the time. I hear it's distant murmurs at times, but I'm just glad they are distant

            greetings PPQ, Lav, and anyone else that pops in

            be well
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Sunday 18th May

              Hi all - Pretty drive today! Bit of a fire with you though Det - is it near you??
              TT - how long will you be in SF? So close to us.....
              Vacation Lav - think I missed that coming up - hope you have a great time.
              Sam - my great unlce was a fiddler and a fiddle maker - lovely noise.
              PPQ - hope it is a passing unwellness?
              So 360 miles in two days, bad meal last night that upset my cast iron stomach, sharing room with two teens, and bed with one of them, pool area totally run over with storm for a lot of drinking, but seemed to slide thru without too many thoughts - only when menu was presented, and when got home to unpack (reward time) - felt good to have not had to fight it.
              Ceremony was good, lots of tears and even a hug of too but celebrated the donors well which is wonderful.
              Had a lovely honey and lavendar gelato - not icecream Det:H:H My treat for being a good girl!
              As Det said "it's sure nice to be home alone and not fighting the AL voice all the time. I hear it's distant murmurs at times, but I'm just glad they are distant "- I totally agree (not alone but still agree)!!!
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                Sunday 18th May

                SL - Just a few days in San Fran and really busy.
                Glad you quelled the AL voice.
                Had some Icecream tonight and it was good.

