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monday 19th may

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    monday 19th may are we all today then?sounds like a good day was had by all off with the great idea yesterday morning og of cleaning the upvc doors on the conservatory ...white,then thought that has come up well ,so did the whole conservatory,the side of the house and all the lower guttering!!oh well nother job done!!no thunder storms today ..the forecast has been revised to "later on in the week"so what are we all up to today then?

    tea and coffee on the go at the moment....

    Hiya are you doing?fair lump of steel that sword isnt it?have you got the ceiling in the kitchen sorted out yet?glad you didnt have the ice cream...Ihad your share ....and everyone elses!!!!:H

    hiya Sam ..glad you enjoyed the fiddle you say not being hungover too!!fact is you actually had the choice whether to stay or wasnt a forced issue cos you had been drinking

    hiya ppqp ...nope wasnt out early doors are you feeling?any better?hope so ..nice brew here ..thatll sort you it a holiday there today?

    hiya tt...glad everything is going to plan..yep must be much better than doing it all in a booze filled haze ..yep ice cream last night pour moi..choc chip cookie with raspberry ripple!Julie loved the Isle of the whole world its the only place she cried when she left...come to think of it so did nicked for speeding there....5 points on the licence an?187 fine..pity you werent over this way but hey enjoy the wureld whilst you can!!

    hiya head on ?work finished?excellent then heres a coffee ..theres no such thing as bad weather..just inappropriate dress :H hope you enjoy down to my brothers this morning see what he has been up to!!

    hiya SL ...glad all went well yesterday...well that is apart from the dodgy food .dodging hugs and sleeping with 2 teenagers!!main thing was I suspect to celebrate the donors and a get together for them..and also all that with no booze ..well done you!:applaud:

    right skates on time for me..take me about 2 hours to drive to Stafford..not the distance but traffic volume...have a great day all..

    I have a bumper sticker that says "Honk if you think I'm sexy"

    I then wait at green lights 'til I feel better about myself.

    I went into our local coffee shop yesterday and saw they were selling Fair-Trade Coffee.
    "What's this then?" I asked.
    "Well, it's a way of ensuring that the producers get a fair price for their produce," the guy replied.
    "It's a bit pricey at ?4.50 a cup, have you anything else?"
    The guy thought about it and said, "Well, our em all blend is quite popular at ?1.50 per cup."

    Mum came into my room looked around and said, "This place looks like a bomb site!"

    I said, "Mum, I did say moving to Beirut was a bad idea."

    My wife went for a full body massage last week.

    shes still there.

    What is the difference between God and a lawyer.
    God doesn't think he's a lawyer.

    "So, how's life in North Korea?"

    "Well, I can't complain."

    Bought some aftershave with a credit card last week. Now there's lots of dodgy transactions on my account

    Seems like my card's been cologned

    We set off on a journey and my wife told me she had forgotten her medication,

    "Which one?" I asked,

    "You know, the one that stops me becoming nasty and insufferable, " she replied,

    "Oh, that one, don't worry about it, " I said, "it doesn't f.cking work anyway."

    The wife was reclining on the sofa not feeling too well, so I made an offer to make her tea, "What do you fancy, luv?" I said.

    She sighed, "Hmm, I don't know. Surprise me."

    Banging a saucepan with a ladle behind her head certainly done the trick

    My mates were taking the p out of me and calling me gay just because I invited them to mine for tea and cake.

    Then, to make things worse I got my head stuck in the window of the Wendy house we were sat in.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    monday 19th may

    Morning everyone. Up early here (5am) to try to Skype NZ. Couldn't speak much as there was major panic going on in my home as my daughter prepares for a big field trip. I can't say I was glad to not be there -wished I could have helped her instead. This was a case of her needing her Mum.

    Yesterday walked for miles and visited some markets, art gallery, shopped. An old acquaintance sent a garbled message late at night from a bar. I couldn't understand it and there was no way I was going to go out on my own at that time to some bar in Toronto. I actually hope he does not get back in touch. No temptation of me drinking - just a meeting I would rather avoid.

    PPQP - hope you are feeling a bit more chirpy - not good. Here's a big Hug:h from the East Coast. Well sort of the Coast. Has to be near the real ocean to count for a Pacific Islander like myself! National holiday in Ontario today - for Queen Victoria's birthday We don't even celebrate that in NZ - but a holiday is a holiday.

    Mick - if Julie liked the Isle of Skye I am sure she would love NZ!
    Very different but similar (no castles down our way). I would love to go back to Scotland and also do a trip to Ireland.

    Hope everyone else is doing well after the weekend. Icecream or not. Have a great Monday


      monday 19th may

      Good morning Abbers,

      Happy Monday to one & all. Sunny but kind of chilly here so far
      Woke up to a nice email reminder from Quitnet that today is my 5 years smoke free anniversary - not bad at all
      Grateful granny here!!!

      Mick, the next time you feel a cleaning attack coming on let me know. I could keep you busy around here for a week or two :H :H
      Thanks for the coffee & yes I think I'll be packing some warmish clothing for my little trip! It wil be nice to break out of here for a few days

      TT, sounds like you are making the most of your trip!
      Glad you were able to avoid the bar scene, yuck.
      Hope your daughter was able to get together for her trip

      Greetings PQ, Det, SL, Pauly, Sam & everyone checking in today!
      Have a great AF Monday everyone!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        monday 19th may

        Morning all!!
        Mick I had to look twice, thought you had written isle of Skype! Guess my brain saw TT's post of trying to skype and merged the two. Gotta drink that coffee fore I read stuff.

        got my motorcycle running again yesterday. Began working on the other one that I need to sell... bumblebees had built a nest in the air filter compartment. That was a new one on me. Been awhile since I've done any trips, maybe late fall.

        good lawyer joke there, Mick!

        greetings to each of you. Have a great Monday

        ps Lav, see Xposted, well done on the smoke free!!
        Liberated 5/11/2013


          monday 19th may

          Mae everybody,great job on not smoking for 5 years Lavit's a horrible habit to have especially around our grandbabies because they emulate our actions,i seen Louie pretend to smoke a straw!! and he's so little,bleh,my plants are dead,dead,dead,after the 100 degree weather this weekend,i give up on buying anymore,they look so beautiful and lush at home depot,after a few weeks in my care,drid up old yuckiness,hope everyone has a great monday
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            monday 19th may

            I've been moving like crazy. We haven't had cable or internet connected is amazing what you can get done without those distractions.

            Mick-sounds like you are filling your days with adventure and living on the edge

            TT-last I knew you were in Hawaii---so now Toronto! I was only in Toronto once and very briefly. Hope you are enjoying it. I know that you will be glad to get home!

            Lav-Smoke Free 5 years. I think I have landed on the quickest way to quit smoking.....move to an apartment complex that has gone completely smoke free. Can't smoke anywhere on the property. I did not know this moving in, but began to suspect it as I was checking out some stuff on their website a week ago. I will admit though....I thought I would be able to go outside somewhere and smoke. Upon signing the smoking anywhere. A year ago....this would have been big deal to the point of me probably not moving in.

            I don't smoke in my car. I don't smoke at work. Literally only at home outside (no matter the temp). Since we are still between apartments...I will smoke at the old one. But, I am not running over there "just for a smoke". I am using the logenzes (which is what I used during the day).....and it is going rather smoothly. I haven't been eating like a horse....but, I am interested to step on the scale in a few days

            I am kicking back at the new is more awesome than I had imagined. I LOVE the layout of the apartment. I wasn't 100% sure....but, now that we are in rocks!

            Went for a 3 hour interview the other day. Significant increase in pay.....but, we are working out the details. I start a new yoga training next month. I have a teacher who I have been going to for years and her classes amaze me. So I am going to study under her teacher. I have to travel to the training 6 weekends....but, I am looking forward to being immersed in it. I have started a few yoga gigs.....but, eventually want to transition over to strictly therapeutic.

            Funny moving I came across all my old "how to quit drinking books" this "one" may have the answer. No. Quit drinking and look for support from people who have been there. If you slip/relapse get back on, but never give up. There will be times even a year later when a drink sounds like a good idea. If drinking was ever a good would never ventured to quit. All the back and forth is a waste of time. written

            Sam and Pauly...great to see you. I will be back more consistenly and often! Please don't consider that a threat:H I have missed you guys!


              monday 19th may

              Happy unhung Monday ABeroooos!

              a wee lapse of willpower today. found myself pulling into an establishment after an errand, walking up to the bar and ordering a double. one scoop of French vanilla and one scoop of salted caramel ice cream. egad! now I'm bouncing around like a 3 year old.

              Sunflower, good to see you again and best of time with the new intense yoga which sounds great.

              SL, I didn't even know we had a fire til I read your post last night. wow! thankfully no smoke down this way in the valley.

              Lav, huge hoorays on your NF time! fab indeed.

              sure missing my dear wife, but staying the course between packing up house and working tons.

              be well everyone!
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                monday 19th may

                Det - also had icecream last night - I had to keep TT company:H You are posting earlier in the day - gets me confused
                Well - the government arrived at 10am today and have just told us they will be here till Friday to audit us - glad to have it out of the way, but this will be one heck of a week:upset: I will be stuck in office for long days!
                Very well done on the no smoking Lav - that is lovely - I smoked a bit when I started nursing school but it did not stick (like AL did) - my brother is a big smoker and tried to stop so many times. Ca is so smoke free - my girls did not enjoy the smell of the casinos this weekend...
                Hi Mick, Sam, Pauly and SF - well better get back to the running around like a noodle (was going to say chicken, but out of respect for Stella changed my mind!)
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  monday 19th may

                  Stella is used to the puns & tongue twisters SL - no problems :H

                  Greetings everyone. Checking in tonight because I don't think I'll have a chance in the morning. My girls should be here any moment to spend the night so we can take off on our adventure first thing in the AM
                  The hotel has free wifi & I'll have my iPad so I will check in when I can. Have a great week everyone
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    monday 19th may

                    Lav - have a wonderful time!
                    Bon Voyage:l
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

