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wednesday May 21 th

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    wednesday May 21 th

    mae all ..and how are we today?hump day is upon us again!!wow certainly tempus fugit applies !lets get cracking then and waste no more!!so what are we all up to today then?

    tea and coffee on the go...

    morning Lav..hows the jollies going?you enjoying yourself at the seaside?so whats it to be this morning?coffee ....or an ice cream???:H liked the pic on fb..been paddling..

    hiya Pauly how are you?doing what you are doing ,you are already starting to put your own quit in....just needs that final oomph and push ....thats polite speak for kick in the ass!!!:H all my plants are doing well..except one which is struggling..yep youve guessed it ..little bougie :upset:

    morning Sam...nice machines....talking about there is not one of us on here that can hand on heart say they havent driven with drink in them..when you look back tho relative time it wasnt that long ago that it was an accepted practice..obviously not to be shedded ..but to have had a few merry quaffs was no big out on the land today?

    morning tt ...where I got Montreal from ..duh!!!hows the world with you today?are you working or any time off yet?

    hiya SL....How are you today? yep you n me both ..I def need to give up this ice cream lark..and thats not even about swimsuits!!not long now and you are into triple af figures...done really well.maybe we should start an icf thread !!!

    hiya det ..hows the world treating you today?ok I hope...well did you go n see the godzilla film ..or lounge about instead with yer garlic flavoured ice cream?sure were big creatures them dinos..just look at the one in the Flintstones!!

    hiya SF...Hows you today?ok I hope..yep the pool seems a pretty safe bet to stop smoking..they tend to get soggy and go out!!that yoga sounds interesting det ..tell me more!!Accepted your plan for stash the cash is a good one ..but is there not something about liking your job in there too?

    hiya are you? back at work or still on yer jollies ?

    right folks sun has come out ...on to the garage roof now to do a bit of cleaning ..have a great day all.

    A carrier is someone who doesn't show symptoms of an illness but can pass it to people they come into contact with.

    For example, David Cameron is a carrier for Tourettes.

    BBC News: 'Man pepper sprayed by police drowns'

    Bloody hell, how much did they use?

    I think the American judicial system has treated Abu Hamza very unfairly, so I'm organizing a demonstration. Please print your banners with the following slogan.


    Apparently E-cigarettes can help you give up smoking.
    So I now buy my cigarettes online.

    Today I saw a mechanic sitting on an auto part, drinking a cup of tea.

    Think he was on a brake.

    Saw Godzilla last weekend, and I don't know how he doesn't hurt himself.

    I once went to A&E after stepping on a Lego.

    First the kidnapping of the Nigerian girls, now bombing in Nigeria.

    Anyone else thinks that their president Goodluck Jonathan might be inappropriately named?

    When I'm angry,I count to ten.When I get to eight,I quickly punch the person.

    They never expect that.

    Every time I go on a march, I get pepper sprayed by the police.

    It's happened so many times, I'm now a seasoned campaigner.

    Went to see the doctor after recently finding myself getting obsessed with lorry spotting.

    Turns out I'm HGV positive.

    As I pulled my police car up to the drive-through window, the MacDonald's worker handed me a note with my food.
    "Officer, there are two armed men inside!", it read.
    "Well I hope there are two armed men back there," I said as I drove away, "A one armed man isn't going to be able to make a burger."

    I want my child to learn how to play the fiddle, I was told to look for a teacher online. Now the police have confiscated my hard drives.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    wednesday May 21 th

    Just stopping by to say hi and all is well.
    Lemon Pie yesterday - as well as ice-cream - walking lots and going swimming (pool in the complex I am staying in) but must exercise restraint one of these days!
    Be good all.


      wednesday May 21 th

      tt... lemon pie and ice cream...hope you are doing some serious walking and swimming!!!!:H:H glad all is well
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        wednesday May 21 th

        Mae everybody,lemon pie sounds good TT,i like lemon cake with a cup of black coffee,they go together great,poor little bougie Mick,mine is still doing good but this darn wind keep blowing so there's bright pink petals everywhere! wind in Vegas is no joke,ask Det,it's a NV thing haha,sad news yesterday,one of my neighbors got shot Monday night,twice in the chest,he was only 17, we all feel horrible cuz we've known him since he was in elemetary school,but he ran with a bad crowd,good kid caught up in bad things,hello to all who pop in later,have a nice Wednesday
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          wednesday May 21 th

          Morning all!
          damn, overslept again, been working till late and guess I got to get that shut eye in some time.
          Had a person over doing some work with a back-hoe. I find it fascinating to watch him, he's is so precise with this huge piece of machinery.

          Mick, how goes the gardening? Beautiful spot you have there. Yep, shooting topo today, boring as hell! Then helping my son with his commercial kitchen.

          TT, lemon pie sounds good, lemon meringue? My mom used to make a killer one.

          Pauly, so sorry to read your news of your neighbor. Crazy world sometimes, I swear.

          greetings, Lav, SL, Det, SF, PQ,
          hope everyone is doing well,
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            wednesday May 21 th

            Hi Sam,i forgot to tell you guys,a new article says drinking black coffe 3 times a day(24oz)slashes liver cancer by 50%,drink up
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              wednesday May 21 th

              Quick accountaility check in!
              No ice cream last night (or lemon pie - I did good!)
              Team interviewing my staff today - they are asking is they are understaffed or overworked :H - that would just be me!!
              Good to see everyone - strange without Lav here....
              See you all later.
              Have a great hump day Sam, Mick, Pauly and TT.
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                wednesday May 21 th

                see you got 90 days!! Congrats!!!
                Liberated 5/11/2013


                  wednesday May 21 th

                  Just wanted to track you down and anoint you with your 90 day prize!
                  Doink! (imagine being touched on the head with a magic wand)

                  Great job!!! We are all so PROUD of you! Hope you are feeling like a Queen today! XO, Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    wednesday May 21 th

                    MAE ALL....

                    SL....CONGRATS ON 90 DAYS.....can't seem to get any color on the font, don't know why. And I agree....I miss Lav.

                    I realized I haven't checked in for a couple of days so doing it now before anything else.
                    Home for a quick bite and then back to work for a garden meeting.
                    The long weekend found me dealing with lawyer *$&%^$(, not going there.
                    Weather is a balmy 25 today, there's hope for the garden yet.

                    Promise to catch up with all after tonight.
                    Hope everyone has a peaceful evening.......PPQP


                      wednesday May 21 th

                      Hey kids!
                      I'm checking in real quick to say hi!
                      We've had lots of fun & pretty decent weather.
                      I've been eating almost non-stop it seems but no ice cream. Don 't want to risk ruining a good vacation :H

                      SL, Congrats on 90 days, yay!
                      I sweated out those inspections by the Feds every year too but they always turned out OK

                      Greetings Mick, Sam, pauly, SF, PQ, Det & everyone!
                      The three year old conked out by 9 pm, it's real quiet now

                      Have a great night all!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        wednesday May 21 th

                        Congrats SL on 90'days you little beauty :goodjob::goodjob:


                          wednesday May 21 th

                          heyo ABerooooos!

                          tired from driving all day and here in a hotel room in Tracy CA of all places. had dinner at the bar of a restaurant and noticed a chap to my right that was well dressed but looked like hell. He had the shakes so bad it was hard for him to drink his beer and shots. (shudder) brought back some horrid memories and really DON"T miss any part of that. had my bubbly water and a nice halibut on spinach and horseradish/garlic mashed potatoes. yummo! I'm not used to potatoes though so now I'm super sleepy.

                          Pauly, hope you are wearing your body armor! Vegas can be surprisingly nasty so gotta whatch yer step.

                          great funnies Mick!

                          SL, you win the star spangled garlic and vegemite cupcake award for 90+ days! wooooooo!

                          whats lousy is my dear Dx gets home tomorrow and now I'm in California. d-oh! bad timing.

                          be well everyone
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            wednesday May 21 th

                            Det - drove thru Tracy on my way home from work - we keep passing each other, will have to stop and say hi one day.
                            Have to admit that I love garlic, but it doesn't like me so can't eat much!
                            Glad all is going well Lav, good to see you!
                            Thanks TT, Sam and PPQ! And thanks for the pp tracking me here Bryd:l
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

