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wednesday 28th may

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    wednesday 28th may

    mae all..succcess ..tried to get on here earlier but it wasnt on first thing, but then said uh uh!!think it was something to do with the cathodic didendum of the singularily mephis gearing not being completely enmeshed and synchronised within itself...if it wasnt that then it was just b.lloxed!! :H so how are we this bright and sunny day...he says lyingly as it is hammering down and just been told that its going to be the wettest June going..can we bin it and move on to July?
    right without further ado we go complete with brewing facilities..

    morning gods the amount of livestock you have there now can start a zoo up!!:H you need a biiiiiiiig things are doing ok?excellent..long may peace reign!

    morning Pauly ..hows the headache ? has it gone? more to the point has the bombed out feelin gone?what you up to today then?

    mornin Sam....nice pic man ...ouch!! that culvert looks that a thoroughfare over it?if so should there not be some sort of cover over it ,to stop it caving in with weight?secondly you mentioned lots of rain coming..will the culvert cope and get rid of it before the water has time to build up and wash that sand out..cracking little spot tho.

    hiya SL...hows you today then 96 isnt it?..proper nursey talk ...rinse and repeat..or when you started ,was there a me dook on the end too?!!!:H warning do not take alcohol...makes you dopey..when do you finish your on call?

    hiya are you today then?whats bart then? no I dont need the simpsons as an answer!! you certainly sound like you are ready to get home

    lotsa peeps not here must still be in holiday mode ..c yawl later..have a good one..

    Last night I took the prize for the Most Unattractive Hands 2014.

    It was a nail biting finish.

    Tonight's Scotland-Nigeria match is going to end in a 2-0 victory for Scotland.

    I found this out by simply sending my bank details and mother's maiden name to PO Box 2483, Lagos, Nigeria.

    The female praying mantis devours the male within minutes of mating,

    whereas human female prefers to stretch it over a life time.

    There was a knock at the door this morning, so I opened it and there was a basin on the doorstep.

    I thought, "I'd better let this sink in."

    BBC News: David Cameron has said that Brussels is too big

    That would make it a cabbage then

    I bought a new iPod the other day, called it 'The Titanic'.
    Imagine the shock I got when I tried to put music on it - "The Titanic is syncing!"

    Sometimes, when I'm bored, I like to buy four KitKat Chunkys, melt them a little bit, stick them together and then pretend I'm a midget eating a normal sized KitKat.

    Good gag for next time you're on an airplane and the fella next to you falls asleep:

    Ask the stewardess to borrow her demonstration mask, put it on and shake him awake with an alarmed look on your face.

    I read that Macaulay Culkin was recently booed off stage in Nottingham.

    Another 't' and that would have been a truly awesome sentence.

    I got sacked as a waiter from a vegetarian restaurant for being too clumsy.

    I got a confidential pay-off, but ended up spilling the beans

    Last night I said to my 16-year-old son, "So, you'll be leaving school in the summer. What are your plans for the future?"

    He said, "I'm going to apply to get into university in the autumn. If all goes to plan I'll do my Honours, then my Masters, and go on to get a full PhD."

    I replied, "That's great, son, wish I'd had such ambition at your age. So, what are you applying to study?"

    He said, "Oh, whatever. I just want to put off getting a job for another seven years."

    I created an extra large scratching post for my cat today.

    Well, I stood the sofa up on its side. Same f.cking thing.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    wednesday 28th may

    morning all

    looks rather wet here as well, Mick. The culvert operation is not complete, hence my worries of a large storm. Off to the, and it can't be seen in the pics, is the main bridge crossing the larger creek. I'll see how it all works. The water gets up there during floods, there is no denying. I hope it holds up. Can't afford to pour concrete!

    So this spring I gotten several calls to get bees out of buildings. Last night, got another call. Been looking at bee vacuums and thinking about building one. I can always use something else to do!! In any event, going to look at the bees today and see what the deal is.

    Have a great one everybody, to bee or not to bee!
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      wednesday 28th may

      Good morning Abbers,

      My morning coffee is starting to kick in & I'm realizing that everything smells like dog around here :H
      Guess I'll be busy later freshening up the place a bit :H

      Mick, a little rain is welcome but not too much, huh?
      We had a good rain after dinner last evening but no big storm.

      Sam, I sure hope the rain gives you a break!
      My son & his family are vacationing in the Outer Banks this week but they haven't mentioned any rain problems so far. Good luck on your bee excursion today

      I have no work to speak of this week so I will just get myself out to Curves for now. I guess it would be nice if I fed & watered the crowd here first :H

      Have a great AF Hump day everyone!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        wednesday 28th may

        Mae everybody,all this rain talk makes me jealous! however when it rains here it's just a hot muggy mess,bleh,jeez yesterday Louie was climbing on the couch and i wasn't quick enough so he fell over the arm,right onto his back,on tile! he's o.k but shit,i was so scared,i'm just gonna have to shadow him like i usually do,Michelle is in town for a bit,purple dreadlocks,more peircings in her face,more tats,heaven help me,Louie wouldn't go near her,scared of all that metal probly,oh well,hope everybody has a good Wednezday
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          wednesday 28th may

          Morning here and I have some good coffee. The hosts of this rental picked an excellent blend and there is also an expresso pot. So enjoy!
          The lack of rain is certainly evident in San Francisco although where I am there are lots of trees and green. In 2 days I will be heading back to the land of eternal rain. So much rain in NZ you would think we invented it :H.
          Today is a fun day with a friend - sightseeing and dinner with some other friends. Yummy Mexican food last night and quite healthy too. I think being with locals makes a big difference to travelling.
          Hope all are enjoying their Wednesday. What's Det up to?

          Catch you later


            wednesday 28th may

            whew! here i am fellow ABeroooooos!

            just finished meeting with real estate dude and we are 'almost' ready to pop the sign in the yard, just another week and a half of last-minute repairs etc. I'm learning more about home repair than I really ever cared to!

            TTops, SanFran is such a fun place for culturally diverse cuisine. Dx and I ate at a marvelous Eritrean restaurant there some years ago but dang if I can remember where.

            Lav, wet dog smell? eeew!

            last night at fencing we did cutting drills with live (sharp) steel for the first time. I did a thrust on wet grass, slipped, and ended up unexpectedly doing the splits with a sharp double-edged 48" long sword in my hands! yikes! amazingly I didn't kill myself although it drew some concern, and then laughter from the rest of the class LOL if anything crazy is going to happen it certainly will happen to me.

            Dx and i are doing well helping one another not become unduly stressed with the whole house thing. i think we're doing pretty darn well considering the hectic changes we are going through.

            Pauly, glad your making the most of the BBQ weather

            Mick, nice land work you've got going on. what part of it took 5 months to be signed? just curious.

            arritey...time to tape up the bathroom and make ready for painting.

            be well peeps
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              wednesday 28th may

              Aw pauly - the little ones can cause you mini heart attacks when you're watching them! Glad Louie was OK

              TT, glad to hear you are enjoying yourself a bit! I love to visit the west coast

              Det, you scare me to death with all those sharp toys :H
              Hope the home repairs go smoothly for you - been there & done that SO many times - oy!

              The temperature has dropped 30 degrees since yesterday - I'd say it's a bit chilly but nice!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                wednesday 28th may

                another busy day (off call friday morning!) - check in before off to school for daughter #2 Washingtn planning...
                Mick - for you
                How to tell the difference between an English Police Officer, a Canadian
                Police Officer, an American Police Officer and a Scottish Police Officer


                You're on duty by yourself (don't ask why, you just are, and your Sergeant
                hates you) walking on a deserted street late at night. Suddenly, an armed
                man with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams
                obscenities, raises the knife and lunges at you. You are carrying your
                truncheon and are an expert in using it. However, you have only a split
                second to react before he reaches you. What do you do ?


                English Police Officer:

                The Officer must consider the man's human rights.

                1) Does the man look poor or oppressed ?

                2) Is he newly arrived in this country and does not yet understand the law ?

                3) Is this really a knife or a ceremonial dagger ?

                4) Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack ?

                5) Am I dressed provocatively ?

                6) Could I run away ?

                7) Could I possibly swing my truncheon and knock the knife out of his hand ?

                8) Should I try and negotiate with him to discuss his wrong-doings ?

                9) Why am I carrying a truncheon anyway and what kind of message does this
                send to society ?

                10) Does he definitely want to kill me or would he be content just to wound
                me ?

                11) If I were to grab his knees and hold on, would he still want to stab and
                kill me ?

                12) If I raise my truncheon and he turns and runs away, do I get blamed if
                he falls over, knocks his head and kills himself ?

                13) If I hurt him and lose the subsequent court case, does he have the
                opportunity to sue me, cost me my job, my credibility and the loss of my
                family home ?

                Canadian Police Officer:

                BANG !

                American Police Officer:

                BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! BANG !
                BANG !


                BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! BANG !
                BANG !

                Scottish Police Officer:

                "Haw, Jimmie.. Drop the knife, noo, unless you want it stuck up yer arse!"

                PS - Det, sounds like you need to stay away from Mick as well:H
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

