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June Justified

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    June Justified

    Good Morning!
    Feels great to wake up sober! I had good dreams all night and I'm happy about my new adventure.
    Thanks for the kind words, we are all so lucky to have such a supportive place to come.
    Don't worry Lav, I don't hold into the shame and guilt once I make plans to never feel that way again!
    Have a great day everyone!
    Day 1 again 11/5/19
    Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
    Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
    Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
    11/27/19: messed up but back on track
    12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

    One day at a time.


      June Justified

      Good morning friends!

      Star, wishing you the very best today & hope the interview goes well
      I am a firm believer in the power of positive thinking!

      Nursie, every morning can be fresh & new, just like today. You have the power to make that choice

      I have no work due at the moment so I will be spitting my day between inside & outside chores. The heat & humidity are really ramping up making it uncomfortable to be out for too long. My closets are being de-cluttered & that's a good thing

      Greetings Dill & Papmom!

      Have a great day everyone.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        June Justified

        Good morning to all...

        I am having a hard time sleeping due to all the stress. Twelve hours gone yesterday, driving, interviewing and trying to find a place to stay. The interview went well, I think. It is sometimes hard to tell. This is the job I want, so feel anxious. I will hear in a week or two if I am in the running.

        Lav, I am having a hard time staying positive. I am saying positive things to myself but there are so many changes and everything is so unsure, so much change, it is hard. I guess I want to know that my house is sold, my husband's job is OK, I have a job I want and like, and a new great place to live. Lots to ask for, but to me the basics. I have to stay healthy and focused. Can you imagine going through this and drinking? That would be self-sabatoging. Maybe taking it more day by day would be good. For the first time in months I have a cold, and I know it is stress related. However, it is not bad and going away already. OK, no more negativity. Thanks for listening.

        To all, have a good day.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          June Justified

          Good morning All!

          Star, I can understand your feelings given so many unkowns! But Churchill once said, "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself." And when you pause and think about it, that is so true! Each day will unfold and the unknowns will become knowns and then you and your husband will make the best of things and make things work! I'm thinking of you and sending you positive thoughts. I know it is hard. Take little moments to be in the present and push everything else aside for that time at least. Good luck with your interview!:h

          Nursie, glad you have decided to rejoin the fight! I think I probably have the record for starts and stops so don't feel too bad as far as that goes!:H We all have our own journeys, eh? I am glad you awoke this morning feeling fresh. I remember when I was in the pattern of daily drinking and waking up hungover. I had gotten so used to waking up after a night of drinking that I didn't even realize how badly I really was feeling. Some mornings were worse than others but I was generally used to feeling badly. Those first few days waking up unhung were truly a surprise and a gift. Everymorning waking up unhung and without remorse, anxiety and shame is a gift!!!! Thanks for refreshing my memory.

          Lav, I'm not good with heat and humidity! I will be doing indoor activities today for the most part. Yesterday the grandkids were over for the day and we had promised to take them to the beach. Off we went in the heat of the day! Luckily there was a shade tree where we set out our blanket and things. I was pleasantly surprised by the breeze, too. Once we got in the water we were fine and OH! how the kids enjoyed it! It was worth the effort. I did note tho that there were no other grandparents in sight. I think it is mostly just younger people that have the energy to get it all together to spend a day like that. We were absolutely exhausted by the time we left and we really only spent a couple hours there.

          Hello Cyn ad Papmom!

          Today is our 37th wedding anni. No big plans, just dinner out. AF of course! Where does the time go?

          Have a great AF Hump Day everyone!

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            June Justified

            Wow Star - up at o'dark again! I hope you start to feel better soon - I am still battling a sinus thing that came at the end of all my visitors. Being tired can really run us down - try to get some rest, it will make everything look better - do you have any of your guided meditations around? Also, I think you have just named your affirmation list! "My house is sold, my husband's job is good, I have a new job that I love and a great place to live." The Universe is about abundance, so of course you are not asking too much!

            Lav, I remember when YB left the house and you did a major purge of his stuff then! Glad to know he'll have to do it himself this time. The bonfire sounds great - just last night I noticed the lightning bugs. We have a long front lawn, and they were really lighting up the night. When I was little I called them 'tail-light bugs'.

            Dill - what a great story! Yes, de-cluttering is a great feeling. There's a wonderful book that couples de-cluttering with Feng Shui work. I always think of it when I sweep off the deck in the mornings - sweeping, and getting things out of the corners of rooms is one of the best ways to get your energy moving. So glad to hear that the tips helped. Here's one of my favorites: if there's a job that you really don't want to tackle, grab your kitchen timer. Tell yourself you will work on the task just for 10 minutes. Set the timer, and get as much done as you can in that time frame, and then let it go. Sometimes that will kick-start a longer purge, or sometimes it will just break the job up enough so that you see the light.
            Your day on the lake sounds like bliss itself.

            Nursie - welcome! I must have missed you when you were on the thread great that you have taken command of the situation and are not at the mercy of that poison any longer. I agree with Lav; zero tolerance is the way to go. Don't waste time and energy on any 'maybe' thinking. It also helped me to remember that a craving is just the needy part of your head talking. It WILL end, it WILL stop, you just have to remember that and get through it - usually it goes away sooner than you think. I was helped by the image of 'surfing' - just riding it out until it comes to the end. Stay strong - you will never regret it.

            We have a family of warblers in a felted wool birdhouse I put out in May. I watch them constantly, worry about them, try to keep the evil sparrows away from the yard, put water out for them. This morning I came downstairs to a deck filled with leaves and branches - there must have been some storm that I slept through - the first thing I did was to go look at the birdhouse - it was still hanging up! Whew! I'll feel a lot better when those hatchlings grow up and get out of the house!

            Have a great day - remember to breathe Star - sending everyone good energy -
            to the light


              June Justified

              Good morning friends & Happy Hump day

              Star, my mother's words keep coming back to me ~ 'no one ever said it was going to be easy'
              You really do have a lot going on right now but you're going to be OK :l
              I benefit a lot from listening to some guided meditations in the evening, especially when I'm feeling stressed. I even have a hypnosis app on my iPhone. Do whatever you have to do to be kind to yourself. Glad to hear the interview went well yesterday - that's a plus

              I have a full day with my grandsons today. They will be arriving at 8:30. Looks like a good day to fill the kiddy pool for them!

              Greetings Dill, Cyn, Papmom & anyone dropping in today.
              Have a great AF Wednesday everyone!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                June Justified

                X-post Dill! A trip to the beach with kids, I can't even wrap my head around that one Happy Anniversary! Mr Dill is one lucky guy.

                Star - forgot to say best of luck with the interview - I know you'll do great, you would be an asset to any company.

                Cheers all -
                to the light


                  June Justified

                  X-post Lav! This is my lucky day!
                  to the light


                    June Justified

                    My goodness -
                    I didn't realize I cross posted with both Dill & Cyn this morning

                    Dill, happy anniversary!
                    So glad you had a great beach day with the kids. I totally understand your exhaustion :H

                    Cyn, I am standing firm with my commitment to maintain my hard fought sanity & peace of mind here. YB is just going to have to manage his own messes. He created them then he can get rid of them. I am not going to be dragged back into his mania, not for any reason. Nice that you are looking out for the neighborhood wildlife I pointed out a deer in my yard this afternoon to my grandsons. They actually stood quietly & watched it for a few minutes until it gracefully ran over to my neighbor's house to chew on his apple trees

                    Hope everyone has a good night!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      June Justified

                      Good morning to all...

                      Thanks for the support. I need it. I had a major meltdown yesterday and almost made myself sick. What a waste of time. Just tired and too many unknowns.

                      Lav, I know what you mean about letting husbands clean up their own messes. Really, letting others take care of their own business with healthy boundaries. Have fun with the boys. We had some loud storms yesterday and tons of rain, so I am sure it will be even greener. I am not able to spend much time outside right now so enjoying what I can see out the window.

                      Dill, thanks for you positive energy, keep sending it my way. Happy Anniversary! Time flies when you're having fun. Dinner out is perfect for a celebration. A day at the beach with kids sounds so fun and tiring!!! Glad you enjoyed the day.

                      Cyn, I love the affirmations and started to use them immediately. Thanks so much. Good things are happening every day. My husband will be gone next week and I will be living alone for the time being. Working and trying to sell the house. I was fighting a sinus thing too but it has mostly gone away in less than a week.

                      I found RJs latest post and a book she recommended, "We are the placebo," by Dr. Joe Dispenza and it is truly about how our thoughts, feelings and beliefs create our reality. So far, learning alot and enjoying the stories. Don't know what is going on with the site, hope they fix it soon. I support advertisements so we don't have to pay. Lots of sites do that and it is fine with me. I feel sorry for new people trying to navigate the site with all the spam and weird posts. Hope it gets fixed soon. Another rainy summer day. Enjoy.
                      Formerly known as redhibiscus


                        June Justified

                        Morning all -

                        Sweet rainy morning here too, Star. I love it - the air is cool and everything seems calm. Maybe it's from too many years in AZ, but I still love a gentle rain (and the occasional drama of a thunderstorm). I hope that you can find some internal repose - of course you know that worry only attracts more worry! Our last house guest is a psychologist, and he gave me a great key to relieve my internal "pressure". He told me to find some pieces of music that signified 'freedom' for me, and to stop every so often and play one and claim that time (just the time of the song) as 'vacation' time. I love this solution - elegant and easy. I find that the 'break' from the work, or worry, or pressure of whatever kind, really helps. Check it out!

                        Lav - you are the best boundary-setting ever; I'm learning so much from you, thanks.

                        I hope everyone is feeling well and has a lovely day. I'll be at my desk, writing, wishing that I was outside doing battle with the invasives (holy cow, the bittersweet is threatening to climb up everything, eeek!). Lots of deadlines to meet today - cross fingers.

                        Be well, everyone!
                        to the light


                          June Justified

                          Morning friends,

                          Lots of rain & thunder overnight but it didn't improve air quality at all. It's still very humid - yuck!

                          Star, sometimes a mini meltdown helps relieve the pressure a bit, we're only human. The key, at least for me is to quickly regroup & get back on plan
                          Glad your sinus thing didn't stay around long, no one needs that stuff. I am completely convinced now that we really need to guard our thoughts because they do become our reality. Keeping our thoughts positive is a big deal. Look at what happened to YB after his years & years of brooding & living inside his head
                          As far a being on your own next week - why not make that a positive thing? Maybe you can plan some time out with friends, see a movie, try a new healthy recipe, listen to some podcasts, etc.
                          Everything truly is going to be OK!

                          Cyn, I love using some favorite music to help settle me down. I especially like playing a favorite CD in my car! About the boundary setting - I am still learning myself. I didn't have much problem with that when the kids were growing up. I had to be brutally clear about what was OK & what wasn't with them. YB is so different because he has such an unusual thinking style. He tends to tell you one thing but thinks & does something completely different. I am still trying to show him that it's actually easier to own your problems & plan a way out than to keep denying, running & hiding
                          I hope you meet your deadlines with ease today!

                          Hello to Dill & Papmom!

                          I have odds & ends to take care of today & a dental cleaning at 3 pm. Lucky me!
                          Have a great AF Thursday everyone!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            June Justified

                            hello everyone and welcome to Nursie!!

                            It's been a busy week! I didn't end up going sailing on Sunday. The wind was pretty strong down in RI and although that's usually a good thing when talking about sailing , in this case it was coming from the wrong direction and would have made putting the jib up very difficult. MY dad was hell bent on going down there anyway and getting some work done but my sis and I were quite worried about him. He had played golf for 9 hours on Saturday and was very tired. We were able to convince him to stay home which he did. So we both puttered around our respective houses and it was all good. We met at my sis's house for a Dad's Day BBQ which was delish as usual. My niece had to bake something for home ec class so she made a blueberry pie. I supervised while my sister got the rest of the meal ready. It was fun and she did a great job!! She took direction from me really well and we had fun together. I think we should bake together more often!!

                            Had a scare with Mickey this week-Lav knows about it as she saw my post on FB. He is doing much better now and the tick panel was negative. I'll give him a few days of pain meds just to be sure but he definitely is improving. He'll be imitating a pogo stick again in no time!!

                            Work is almost unbearable. My boss is just nit picking now and actually told me today that HR is looking to cut a position from our office. I just smiled because I know it will be mine. The handwriting has been on the wall for a while now. If they do that, can I collect unemployment? Its a state non union position. They have to give me a month's notice so i know it won't be in July but the grant that's funding my position is over in September. My self eval is due on June 30th and the formal eval will be soon after. That should be the nail in the coffin. I almost don't care at this point.

                            Today I went to the branch of my gym that has a pool. I haven't done a real swimming workout in decades. I forgot how much I love it so I think I will have a standing date with the pool every Thursday at 5pm from now on.

                            Star-I am sending positive thoughts that if this latest job interview is for the one you want, then you will get it. I'm glad you are feeling better. I'm with Lav about next week-take advantage of the alone time and do some things for you!! I do understand all the stress you are under and that mini meltdown probably was a good thing. Now you can pick up the peices and move on. I think you should seriously think about the affirmation Cyn suggested!!

                            Dill-how wonderful that you son was able to find such a great place for him and the kids!! It does sound pretty perfect. Keep up with the great progress on the organizing. I too love to repurpose things and always feel a sense of accomplishment when I do.

                            Cyn-how are you feeling today? Hope better. Hasn't the weather been gorgeous today? Wish I could have been outside instead of stuck indoors. You go girl with the fixing of the lawn mower!! I've managed a few such feats as well and the sense of pride is amazing!! Can you get any pics of the birdies and their young? I don't think I've ever had a nesting pair of anything but sparrows in my yard.

                            Lav-how was the dentist appointment? You are very brave. I can't seem to make that appointment. I survived a heart attack but can't seem to be brave enough to see a dentist. Its been about 4 years. Besides the pain, the $$ is a big deterrent. I do pay for insurance and get about $1K every year(not rolled) but I know they will tell me i need about 4K of work. Weak gums/bones. Plus I have to find a new practice and that is such a PIA!! Sorry, probably TMI :H!!

                            This weekend I have one demo and Sunday off.
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              June Justified

                              Hope Mikey is on the med now Papmom
                              You really have had a lot going on for quite some time now. Don't forget the all important 'me' time!
                              The trip to the dentist today was fine, just a cleaning but I did make an appointment for July 1 for some work. Really hoping there's not another root canal involved I am fortunate that part of YB's retirement package included keeping us on the township's health plan.

                              Have a great night one & all. Tomorrow the girls come out for a visit. I will probably take them for cherry picking at the orchard nearby.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                June Justified

                                Good morning. Up early and ready to hit the road for a drive to our new destination city. Interview later this morning. I am getting good at this!!

                                Pap, so good to hear from you. Sorry about your dog, glad he is feeling better. The job situation sounds difficult, I hope you can start putting feelers out for a new job pretty soon. I worry about giving notice at my job, they have no idea that I am living a double life right now. Yikes, life can be complicated!!! Baking with your niece sounded so fun. Lucky you to have family near.

                                Lav, thanks for your support, I agree that I have to guard my thoughts. I am taking Cyn's affirmations seriously, wrote them down and they are my new script in my mind. It DOES make a difference. Have fun cherry picking.

                                Cyn, thank you for the support too. I like the idea of listening to music that symbolizes freedom!!!! I have had a hard time listening to anything but really peaceful, mellow music. More rain today, but it is beautiful and green here.

                                Hi Dill, have a great day everyone.
                                Formerly known as redhibiscus

