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    Good Day All,
    I'm feeling a lot better today.
    I didn't eat anything yesterday and I'm a only a little hungry now. I'll wait until dinner time before eating anything. I read recently that fasting is one of the best things you can do for your body.
    I'm having a lazy day today and I have tomorrow off, so I'm going fishing.
    I hope you all enjoy today....


    Good on you Paul,

    Hope the old runs will not befall you while in the boat, grin ...

    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:



      Morning Gents~

      Heading out for a ride with family to the shoreline. Long weekend here but yardwork will wait until tomorrow.

      Glad you're feeling better P!

      Enjoy everyone......
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic



        Happy fishing Popeye. Happy sunday Paddy, Breeze and the rest of the crew.
        Hope your happy meters are well into the red!
        I'm soooo sore from workout yesterday. Feel great. Off to a party tonight so I've
        got some apatizers to make.
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)



          Hello Sundayers...Mondaymelon here
          Poopeye ( that name!!) get ready to heave the buttocks over the starboard side should the tumbleygrumbleys begin.
          Enjoy the shoreline Breeezyteezy (I take it that's the beach???) Have a splash and a paddle for the melon
 are just a goon...
          Plateful of horses doves for the Melon please Deetyboy (vampire repellant)...enjoy your party treasure.....
          I have exactly 20 mins on MWO and then it's of with the hell hound before I get ready for workiepoos......We had a great time at the Titirangi craft fair yesterday....Much to the Balds shock and horror, I accidently bought three beautiful burnt glass tiles and two Indian puppets...I don't know whether we are going to be allowed to go again:H We then took the hound to a nearby beach for a trot and a dig in the sand which he looovvvvveessss. The weather was unsettled, but the rain and drizzle only seems to make the NZ foliage look even more luxuriant so no biggie....beautiful stretch of sand lined with palm and ponga covered knobbly hills and towering Pohutakawa trees.....Bootiful:h

          Off to my little cerebral soldier soon, weeks are busy so may not be on now 'til next weekend...Have a good one all...and LOTS of love to everyone who needs it
          Be healthy, be happy
          Weemelon xxx



            Hello all, hope you are having a good weekend. I was lazy and didn't ge out of bed until noon. That's what days off are for right? Anyway, doing well and son and I are going to finish up on the motorcycle we worked on yesterday afternoon. Hope all have a wonderful AF weekend.

            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?



              Good evening Popeye, Paddy, Breez, D, Weemelon and Bear - Am recently back from my trip to the Alps and my first port of call when through the door was, of course, to say hi to all here, so :hiya: :hi: !

              Glad you're feeling a bit better Popey and enjoy the fishing, and have a fun time with your son, Bear - Weemelon, so glad to hear the 'little one's' OK and your trip to the market went well - the pictures you paint of NZ are calling me...! -

              Actually am feeling very insignificant in the greater scheme of things today, having come back from the awe inspiring mountains - hiking in the Alps surrounded by the Eiger, Monch and Jungfrau (all 3-4,000 meters) and their glaciers, visiting a cave system forged by 10 glacier waterfalls over 100s of thousands of years - put my short life in perspective and made me feel very humble, though also inspired by this incredible beauty, majesty and sense of...power I suppose. From the smallest alpine plant with their amazing colours and shapes to the towering peaks, to the shear power of 20,000 litres of water per second pouring though this cave system - I can usually use words to express myself reasonably well, but I'm certainly struggling to explain how I feel at the moment! And I don't even have any photos to share as I had no camera! Oh well, guess I'll just have to go back again!

              Anyway - love to all here and any to come - enjoy your Monday off if you have it, or hope the start of your week is good if you don't. Take care and many :l
              :rays: Arial

              Last first day - 15th April 2012
              Days 1-7 DONE
              Days 8-14 DONE
              Days 15-21 DONE
              30 days DONE
              60 days
              100 days



                Arial - where did you go?? It sounds incredible. I want to go too!!
                Sounds like the feeling I had after going to Seaside Oregon and just taking in the beauty of the mountains and the ocean. Awe is a good word.
                Popeye...did you catch anything fishing?? Glad you are feeling better.

                I had a pretty good day. Went to church this morning and then went to work. Not terribly exciting but ok by me. Happy to be off tomorrow for Memorial Day.

                Hi to everyone else here today too... Paddy, Breez, Deter, Weemelon, MDbiker!!



                  Hi Popeye, hope you had a good day. I have had a lovely day even though I've been
                  on late shift. Love Paulax



                    Greetings all! AF Day 28 - whoo-hoo 4 weeks - my cravings have been popping up the past two days and haven't had the time/energy to do the CDs as directed. Super wiped from work, booked solid, could barely move from my recliner to get to the computer to say hello! Two more busy days then ... off! We still have booze in the house, just nothing I like. Feeling good overall.
                    "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams

