good morning to you Lav.brew are you?.heat and humidity on the way....sounds ok to me..only problem with that is it attracts all the wee flies that bite you..midgies etc
good morning SL are things with you today?still stinging from the sun od?best of luck with your busy week...just remember time for yourself ..even if it is just taking 5 mins out.
morning Pauly ,how are you today?ok I its Bradys last week at school..lucky you

hiya ppqp ...hows you today?ok I hope need to put up some pics of that garden...sounds good.yep thats me easily pleased!!what hat are you wearing today?do I have to bow when I pass you this brew? :H
hiya SF ..hows the rebel today then?the cig thing sounds like a behind the bikesheds job at school!!:H thats the attitude day I ll look back and laugh!good for you!!
hiya Sam..making a solar panel out of a satellite dish..a man after me own heart!!hope you get things sorted out today.
wakey wakey tt!!!..just in case you slept in!!you ok back in the land down under?
right folks ...these are the jokes and its a fond farewell from me toodle pip!!!:H
The parents of Gareth Huntley, the British man gone missing in Malaysia, have appealed directly to David Cameron to intervene.
What can he do? He can't even find his own kids from time to time!
As I looked my soon-to-be wife up and down in her wedding dress and said the words, "I do," she slapped me...
It obviously wasn't the reply she was expecting to, "Do you think my bum looks big in this?"
A recent study carried out at Leeds University says that babies can learn to love a variety of vegetables if they're introduced to them early enough.
I'm not convinced. Mine hasn't stopped screaming since I swapped his teddy bear for an artichoke.
So Rihanna was beaten up by her fella, ella, ella.
Just bought some barbecue flavoured crisps,
They taste like bricks and wire mesh.
I got really drunk at the wedding and at the end of the night I found it quite hard to consummate the marriage.
"Dave!" said my best mate, pulling me off the bride yet again. "Leave my new wife alone."
You should have heard the comments I got when I walked into the pub with my new girlfriend in a mini skirt.
"You f.cking weirdo" and "shouldn't she be wearing that?" were just two of them.
What's the name of that big ship that sunk in the film Titanic?
I got a job with a company that manufactures trampolines.
Now I'll have something to fall back on.