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monday June 2

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    monday June 2

    mae all and how are we today then ....start of the working week so Im sure everyone is up and raring to go! tea and coffee on the go at the moment..supposed to be raining today but fingers crossed doesnt look too much like that just now

    good morning to you Lav.brew are you?.heat and humidity on the way....sounds ok to me..only problem with that is it attracts all the wee flies that bite you..midgies etc

    good morning SL are things with you today?still stinging from the sun od?best of luck with your busy week...just remember time for yourself ..even if it is just taking 5 mins out.

    morning Pauly ,how are you today?ok I its Bradys last week at school..lucky you terror returns!!this sun that we have been getting has done my bougie the world of good ..its still in baby stage but getting new leaves on it

    hiya ppqp ...hows you today?ok I hope need to put up some pics of that garden...sounds good.yep thats me easily pleased!!what hat are you wearing today?do I have to bow when I pass you this brew? :H

    hiya SF ..hows the rebel today then?the cig thing sounds like a behind the bikesheds job at school!!:H thats the attitude day I ll look back and laugh!good for you!!

    hiya Sam..making a solar panel out of a satellite dish..a man after me own heart!!hope you get things sorted out today.

    wakey wakey tt!!!..just in case you slept in!!you ok back in the land down under?

    right folks ...these are the jokes and its a fond farewell from me toodle pip!!!:H

    The parents of Gareth Huntley, the British man gone missing in Malaysia, have appealed directly to David Cameron to intervene.

    What can he do? He can't even find his own kids from time to time!

    As I looked my soon-to-be wife up and down in her wedding dress and said the words, "I do," she slapped me...

    It obviously wasn't the reply she was expecting to, "Do you think my bum looks big in this?"

    A recent study carried out at Leeds University says that babies can learn to love a variety of vegetables if they're introduced to them early enough.

    I'm not convinced. Mine hasn't stopped screaming since I swapped his teddy bear for an artichoke.

    So Rihanna was beaten up by her fella, ella, ella.

    Just bought some barbecue flavoured crisps,

    They taste like bricks and wire mesh.

    I got really drunk at the wedding and at the end of the night I found it quite hard to consummate the marriage.

    "Dave!" said my best mate, pulling me off the bride yet again. "Leave my new wife alone."

    You should have heard the comments I got when I walked into the pub with my new girlfriend in a mini skirt.

    "You f.cking weirdo" and "shouldn't she be wearing that?" were just two of them.

    What's the name of that big ship that sunk in the film Titanic?

    I got a job with a company that manufactures trampolines.

    Now I'll have something to fall back on.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    monday June 2

    Quick jump in to say :hello: Mick & Co.
    Public Holiday here in Ireland
    In typical fashion - instead of having a long lie in - the fecking sleep fairy poked me in the ribs to wake up at the same time as normal :boohoo:


      monday June 2

      Hi everyone. Its Monday night here. I have been very busy sorting stuff out and writing something for a workshop this week - so apologies for the lack of posts but thinking of you all. Lacking mental energy to do much else.
      Sorry that you have the family problems PPQP - will this be a wake-up call for your sister?
      You all have a good Monday - it was a public holiday here too Satz - Queen's Birthday - yes, thats right - the English Queen. I know its not her real birthday but its observed here today.


        monday June 2

        treetops;1667306 wrote: Hi everyone. Its Monday night here. I have been very busy sorting stuff out and writing something for a workshop this week - so apologies for the lack of posts but thinking of you all. Lacking mental energy to do much else.
        Sorry that you have the family problems PPQP - will this be a wake-up call for your sister?
        You all have a good Monday - it was a public holiday here too Satz - Queen's Birthday - yes, thats right - the English Queen. I know its not her real birthday but its observed here today.
        Hey TT
        Ah well we in Ireland would NEVER celebrate the English Queen's birthday - too much history there.
        Must say I have come to admire her recently.
        In a 'nanny' kind of way
        I mean she is 88 and still hopping in and out of cars & planes and able to hold her own with speeches etc at public occasions.
        She even spoke some Gaelic when she was here on her first ever visit to Ireland last year......

        Good luck with the writing ....


          monday June 2

          hiya Satzy ..long time no see hows about ye?...what are you up to ..still slooging away for the good of the country?excellent

          as you can see is a list of all the others who decided that today would be a great day not to bother their ass going to work!!

          Monday Jun 02 Country Australia Western Australia Day
          Monday Jun 02 Country China Dragon Boat Festival
          Monday Jun 02 Country Colombia Ascension Day (observed
          Monday Jun 02 Country Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival
          Monday Jun 02 Country Ireland June Bank Holiday
          Monday Jun 02 Country Italy Republic Day
          Monday Jun 02 Country Kenya Madaraka Day Holiday
          Monday Jun 02 Country Malaysia Gawai Dayak
          Monday Jun 02 Country New Zealand Queens Birthday
          Monday Jun 02 Country Taiwan Dragon Boat Festival
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            monday June 2

            Morning all!!
            Going to try and vacuum up some bees today. Finally got around to seeing where they were. I was told that if I didn't make it by a certain, like the day they called, they would be killed. Well I got a call again, checked them out and it appears from the outside, doable. No climbing involved. I just hope it works ok. We'll see....

            Great pics on yesterday's post Mick. What part of England are you in, if I may asked?
            TT, glad to see you home, serious jet lag??!!
            hello Satz, enjoy your holiday!

            greetings Lav, PQ, Det, SL, SF, Pauly

            Have a good one
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              monday June 2

              Good morning Abbers,

              Pouring the coffee down hoping for quick results :H
              I'm going to need a week to recover after this past week of dog sitting - I AM TIRED!

              Mick, loved your pics from yesterday. You have a lot going on there

              TT, you are one busy lady! Don't forget to breathe!!!

              Hi satz!

              Sam, so you had a bear visit huh?
              Geez - I've never seen one but they seem to be popping up in the news almost daily around here & just north of Philadelphia. Sorry about your bees

              Greetings PQ, pauly, Det, SF, SL & everyone!
              As soon as I get these animals fed & settled I am running away to Curves for a half hour of fun :H

              Have a great AF Monday everyone!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                monday June 2

                hiya on the yorks /Lancs border...if you look at a map, go to junction 22 on the M62 motorway...I live 4 miles from there....
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  monday June 2

                  Mae everybody,glad your bougie is doing good Mick,mine isn't at all,beautiful pics yesterday,i can't believe how everybody lives in such green places and i live in concrete and dust,Vegas is only pretty at nite,sure there's some parts that are nice but not my side of town haha,got 3 hours of sleep last nite,i dunno how i'm gonna make it through work,it's my own fault because i chose to drink yesterday,not alot,but we all know even a little is too much for us,i've got to figure something out,i just don't know what,every thing i try turns shitty,hope everybody has a good Monday
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    monday June 2

                    Hey Ho all
                    just completed my first "cutout". Small colony, great way for me to try this. They were flying in at the bottom but had built at the very top. This was in a fertilizer building at a local farmers' coop.

                    I'll hive them late afternoon. Ended up being maybe 2 lbs of bees. Got the queen. Queen's day!!
                    Liberated 5/11/2013


                      monday June 2

                      accountability check in - keeps me on the straight and narrow....
                      good to see everyone on a sober Monday....
                      will just be saying hi and getting back to it this week. Girls finish school on Thursday - NOOOOO!!!!!!
                      chat later hopefully...
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        monday June 2

                        Happy un-hung Monday ABerooooonies!

                        Mick, thanks for coffee and pointing out that I'm the only sap working today LOL

                        Sam, a bear incursion sounds exciting. yikes! great bee project. I have a buddy whos about 2 months into his first hive and it's a fascinating thing to observe.

                        SF, sorry to hear about the job drama. I'm also looking to vacate the corporate world soon after our house move is over. that's my evil plan anyway. we'll see what I can come up with.

                        Lav's dog boarding house is closed for rest this week

                        Mick, have you listened to the 'hardcore history' podcasts by Dan Carlin? brill stuff. he truly makes history pop into life.

                        Pauly, I drank as long as I thought it was worth it. sounds simple and I guess it really is. I really try to make myself play the 'fast forward game' and mentally preview what will happen after I let myself take that first drink. This is a powerful visualization/meditative technique i think has a lot of merit.

                        well, gotta shove off to hotel land tomorrow so will miss fencing Tue night. just as well I spose to let my poor knee heal up. I passed my first test (the apprentice test) on Sat with high marks happy to say.
                        now I'm nice and sore but very happy.

                        be well peeps and all to come....
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          monday June 2

                          Pauly have you ever tried Antabuse. This combines the visualization Det talks about with some heavy duty meds. I found this helped me to do my final quit and it does not have to be permanent. (Antabuse I mean). Sometimes we need to take drastic measures. I resisted it but did my research and took it. It is not a drug to be played with. But if you chose this we could help.


                            monday June 2

                            MAE ALL...

                            Mick...thanks for the brew and to be on the safe side you should just always bow when you pass it to me. :H What a day! They launched the basketball online registration today and it all worked except the registration page. :H Lot of phone calls and emails made the day fly by. Will try for pics soon.

                            Satzy...howdy to you too. Oh well at least you get to have a whole day off.

                            TT...thanks and I really hope this is a turning point for her.

                   would never catch me anywhere near there. Great pics. Good job on getting the queen!

                            Lav...I would have taken an hour but of course I've never been to curves.

                            Pauly...hang in there. TT's suggestion of Antabuse might be one way to go. I thought of starting on it when I couldn't commit to my quit but it scared the heck out of me. Maybe a chat with your Dr. could get you going in the right direction.

                   you checked off on the accountability list. You're good to go.

                   #2 checking in. Good advice for Pauly, we'll just keep holding onto her till she figures it out. Congrats on passing, with HIGH marks, your apprentice test. And look you still have all your digits.

                            Time to kick back and relax. I think Salmon on the BBQ is in order tonight. Have a peaceful evening all........PPQP


                              monday June 2

                              Dang guys i do think it through,i've wrote every bad thing that can and will happen,for some reason i just cannot get the pieces together,i'm losing hope that this will ever be conquered for me,once an addict,always an addict,damn,damn,damn! i can't take antabuse,i'd be one of those who dare to drink on it,cripes,i can't keep doing this! but dang i can't keep not doing this,my mom is a 63 year old drinker,i can't imagine her sober,she wouldn't be the same,i seen her sober before in my teens,she was forlorn,just not her ugh,too much
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

