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hump day 4th June

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    hump day 4th June

    mae all ..and hows the world today?certainly aint thru rose tinted glasses for me...more like red rimmed peepholes!!had to drop Julies parents at the airport ..and of course part of the motorway was closed for motorway maintenance ...or moving holes!!so feeling a bit tired the noo.already had 4 cawfees so another aint going to hurt..any takers? not many on here yesterday..wonder why?still using the main puter till my laptop is fixed..

    ok here we go....

    morning Lav are you today? big brew for starting the thread yesterday..did you get all your cleaning done?

    Sam....and how are you doing then?did the promised rains arrive?well done and Mrs Sam getting away taking yer fiddle with you or not allowed?

    hiya SL.....and how are you today then?any more early starts for crazy questions?take it the audit is over /nearly over...sure that goes something like ....meeting with senior managers..brief overview of findings..any major issues found...provisional scorings ..any questions ? no ..right we ll bugger off early will get a written copy of report sent to you ..can be challenged ,however dated action plan must be submitted by return...and then after all that its ..(heres a cryptic for you!)Alice Cooper time! Read that article that you put up about the woman who stopped drinking and what she discovered..was going to put the link on here ,,but its can I suggest you put it up? it really is worth have a grrrreeeat day

    hiya Pauly are you doing?ok ..hows the kidz behaving?you have got all the answers to quitting ..all you need is to find out why you flip it every now n again..and when you do feel like a drink do something else instead..sounds easy ..I know that it aint..but ou gotta work at it and you will get there :l

    right time to go and for all the lurkers :wavin:

    have a good one.

    My wife and I have decided that we want to have two children.

    Now we need to choose one to get rid of.

    Among mammals, bats have the highest rates of homosexuality....

    I guess that explains Robin and all the leather.

    I popped into the supermarket to buy a packet of condoms and as I got to the checkout, the cashier asked, "Would you like a bag with that?".

    "No", I responded. "She's not that ugly".

    A lot of Scots are saying they will vote No in the independence referendum because they 'don't want to be ruled by that Alex Salmond, he's a complete arsehole'.

    Well in recent times they've been ruled by Thatcher, then Major, then Blair, then Brown and now by Cameron and Clegg, so you'd think they'd be well used to it by now.

    Did you know that, if you watch Lord of the Rings backwards, it's a story about a little guy who gets a cool ring from a volcano and spends the rest of the film walking home...

    Why do midgets make shit parents?

    Because they struggle to put food on the table.

    My wife and 10-year-old daughter are off to see One Direction in concert tonight.

    I'm sure it's just a passing phase, and she'll eventually grow out of it.

    And stop dragging our daughter along to see such shit bands.

    "Can you throw my ball over the fence?" asked the little kid next door today.

    "Sure," I replied, "There you go."

    "Thanks," he said, "But I meant the fence between your garden and mine."

    I've time travelled here from the year 2000!

    It took me 14 years, 6 months and 2 days, but I made it!

    I was struggling to get my car windows clean earlier when my wife said,"Why don't you try a newspaper."

    Just my luck.Not a single advert for window cleaning products.

    The Bible tells us to 'Love Thy Neighbour'.

    I tried that and have a black eye and a restraining order to go with it.

    "Have you been drinking?" My boss asked angrily.

    "No, I haven't touched a drop for weeks now," I replied.

    Apparently I was the worst beer taster the brewery had ever employed
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    hump day 4th June

    Good morning Abbers,

    Thanks for the coffee Mick - I need lots
    The sleep fairy must be on vacation or something but I'm not going to start moaning :H
    I hope you can catch a nap later to make up your sleep deficit. I know I can't because my daughter & granddaughter will be arriving before lunchtime - oh well.

    SL, hope your inspection is over soon - I remember them well!

    Pauly, adopting a zero tolerance towards AL is the only way to win the battle. As long as you leave an opening - it will win every time. It's a choice, your choice

    Greetings to Det, PQ, SF, Sam & everyone!
    Wishing everyone a great AF Wednesday!!!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      hump day 4th June

      Morning friends!!
      off and out to work. Somehow mornings sometimes get away from me and I'm scrambling to get out.
      Mick sounds as if your's was a very earlier AM. The wife doesn't have a choice. Her mantra is she's always second fiddle!!

      Lav, hope your day goes well. How's the chickens? Ever try incubating any? We don't have a rooster by choice, but sometimes I have thought it would be fun to try, having a rooster, that is. Some of our hens have been broody for awhile.

      Have a good un everybody!
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        hump day 4th June

        Mae everybody,yeah Sam i feel like that too,i'll be busy getting ready for work or something else in the morning,look at the clock and shoot,it's already time to head out the door! Brady's last day of school today,luckily my neighbor has been picking him up all week,a huge favor since they get out at 10:45, dumb hours,hello to everybody,let's have a good Wednesday
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          hump day 4th June

          Quick hello. It's 5am Thursday here and off to catch a flight. Just inside Nz.
          Sorry I have been missing lately but preoccupied with work and home. All well.


            hump day 4th June

            Yup - another early start and silly questions - today they have done some goofy things to try to catch us out! Wrap up (as Mick described perfectly) is supposed to be around 3pm today.
            Wish it was Thursday here TT!
            Getting warm again - 90's rest of week and 100's for the weekend - need to do some watering, my plants in pots look sad....
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              hump day 4th June

              hi SL..did you get the Alice Cooper cryptic?
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                hump day 4th June

                Well - they have gone.....they want to visit Fishermans Wharf!
                No, didn't get the cryptic message
                I will put up the link - there is a nice thread that has been started, that is housing is on that thread, but will look for it for my friends....
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  hump day 4th June

                  whew! hidy ho ABeroooooos!

                  another loooong day of driving on the road and my back is killing me. At least I'm checked into tonights hotel room and ready for more adventure tomorrow. Stopped in a little olive town in Norcal and got a big jar of garlic-stuffed olives to bring home.

                  I'll try to catch up soon, just running like made here.

                  be well everyone
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    hump day 4th June

                    MAE ALL...

                    Flying by to say :hallo: In the door and out again......PPQP


                      hump day 4th June

                      Too much driving for me as well Det - and today, I got voted to drive our CEO and VP to Reno on Friday:upset: That will make for a different drive! I would hunt you out for a coffee, but not when I have company....
                      Felt the pull of the store, and lots of bargaining in my head on drive home tonight - I have read that some find this time in their journey a bit of a struggle - I did manage to counter the voices, and still really know what I want, but so looking forward to not having these arguments with myself.
                      Well - last day of school tomorrow, so they will be full of beans when I get home tomorrow evening. Took my car in for a service on Monday and need 4 new tires, it is always something...I will be glad when this week is over - only hump day and I have had more than enough....
                      Hopefully I will get my head back in gear next week:l
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

