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Sun AF 8 June

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    Sun AF 8 June

    Just made a huge mistake in the date - my computer likes to be smart and this lands my in trouble if I don't double-check. So here goes again?.
    MAE folks ? guess the Southern Belle will start the thread today as its Sunday afternoon already. I like being back in my real timezone.
    Had a lovely walk today in the wintery sun with my daughter. Walked by the sea and chatted ? I did not bring up any future plans ? so it went well. Topped off with a squizz at an overpriced Vintage shop.
    Back to the grind now ? homework to do ? both her and me!

    Congrats Pauly on your 24 years with the Man. Celebrate and think of the good times and whats special about you two. We often forget this over the years. You and your hubs have been through so much together.

    SF ? I would assume that drinking and peeing in the pool might be the kind of thing you can raise with your building?s manager or residents?committee? Bit hard to control the peeing ? and the problem is that people will always see drunkenness as relative.
    Lav ? many private pools don?t exactly prohibit AL. It depends on what the setting is. I know this is the case from condos in places like Singapore ? where there might be BBQ areas near the pool and people bring drinks and food. But I never saw irritating drunkeness in these places. It will depend on what?s become acceptable in the condo community I guess. One thing I can?t stand is lots of noise ? whether from drunks or soberites ? and I know my tolerance threshold is lower than many folk.
    Hope you get some resolution SF!

    I thought you were visiting your Dad PPQP? Hope its enjoyable.

    Mick is up to his old tricks ? man of mystery.

    Hi there Det and Sam ? better be a good weekend for you too.
    So thread started and now back to my tasks. Be good everyone.

    Sun AF 8 June

    Morning TT....thanks for kicking us off. MAE to all to come.

    Yup, after the garden had a great visit with my Dad. There was actually 6 of us yesterday and with the warm weather spent the time outside. He was in great form, very talkative and actually knew who we were.

    Early evening got a call from renters at the hall, no bartender showed up so they couldn't get at the food they brought in on Friday. Back to the centre to sort them out.

    Lav...seems like I've been assisting since the first day on the job. It's like following behind him to make sure he's dotted his I's and crossed his T's. He does have a lot on his plate these days.

    Going to be a great day weather wise ahead of a week of rain so back to the gardens to get things finished. Mick...hope your mystery day is good. Have a great AF Sunday all....PPQP


      Sun AF 8 June

      Good morning Abbers,

      Greetings TT & thanks for the start up
      Doesn't really matter what month it is, does it? :H :H
      Just so we are all present & accounted for
      Glad you are feeling grounded & at home. Enjoy the daughter time!

      Greetings to Mick the mystery man.
      Greetings PQ, Sam, SL, SF, Pauly, Det & everyone.

      I am on a mission to get as much done today before my grandsons show up this afternoon. Once they are here all bets are off :H
      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Sun AF 8 June

        Hey ho all
        Quick hello as i am doing by phone and my fat fingers and phone keyboard are conflicting
        Wedding was fun, no probs with al
        Woke refreshed
        Hello to everybody
        Liberated 5/11/2013


          Sun AF 8 June

          thats me home now...not a bad day..see you all later
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Sun AF 8 June

            I was just most annoyed with the "spring break" behavior at the pool. It's about four fifty something divorced guys who really act like kids. So impressive blasting music, passing out beers to girls and standing in the pool peeing. I take one look at them and think "gosh you are such a catch....I can't believe anyone let you get away"

            Pool rules only say that you can't have bottles or be under the influence of drugs or al. It doesn't say you can't have al. But I would think once you have drank one you would be considered under the influence.

            It is mostly families that live here and I really can't believe the complex allows the spring break style partying ALL day Saturday.

            At pool now. Divorced guys are here.....but, at least they are not in the water. And if this is biggest thing I have to deal with today I am in good shape


              Sun AF 8 June

              Sorry about the pool SF - that does put a dampener on fun.
              Sam - did the tux with bibs work out?? Glad you had fun.
              PPQ - great that you had a good visit - those ones will make your memories.
              Hope you had a good trip in the rain Mick.
              TT - I do agree re my nursing - I learnt how to nurse working on the wards, on shifts with Sisters that I can still tell stories about - not with my nose in a book, but today is a very different world.
              Oh Joy - found a farm stand that opened June 1st, that has eggs! Bought eggs, radishes and meyer lemons - farm lady said they are getting going and will have lots of crops coming - sound like a little small holding with a stand - she will keep eggs for me, and out of season I can get at the farm! Yahoo! She will also give them to me unwashed - think I have found what I was looking for. Have to open one yet to see how big and yellow yolks are but at least they are different colour and sizes
              Tomorrow the girls are being picked up by their dad - I was not holding my breath, but he just called to confirm. This will be first time that I will be sober without them - it was a good excuse for some me time, with a bottle. I will be worrying as to how they are getting along, so it will be a long couple days. Will hold true though.
              Hot one today - 100 plus - hate AC, so trying to hold out - luckily we have a delta breeze that kicks in most evenings and cools us down overnight - so should not complain too much.
              Happy Sunday all, and probably Monday for you now TT:l
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                Sun AF 8 June


                Why English Eggs Are Way Different From American Ones
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  Sun AF 8 June

                  The best eggs are Kiwi eggs:H
                  I can't believe the guys actually stand up and pee in the pool. SF - do they let their willies hang out or do they sort of dribble it in the water. I am kind of intrigued how you know that are peeing


                    Sun AF 8 June

                    TT - that made me laugh!! It is probably the expression on their faces - dead give away!!!!
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      Sun AF 8 June

                      I am wondering what they do with their hands. Most men have to use them for this kind of exercise but I am completely clueless as to what they in the water. Being a hands free lady I just don't know.


                        Sun AF 8 June

                        We need Mick's input here but he should be asleep at the moment.


                          Sun AF 8 June

                          Here you go ladies:
                          How to Get Those Delightful Dark Orange Yolks From Your Backyard Chickens | Garden Betty

                          I don't think the cleaning of the eggs or refrigeration has any real effect on yolk color.
                          I always get freaked out when I go to Europe & see eggs sitting outside in the open air markets. We're just all used to what we have always seen
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

