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Tuesday af 10 June

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    Tuesday af 10 June

    Evening people. This is a quick welcome - just to get the thread rolling but I am hoping that Mick will find his joie de vivre and serve you guys coffee and tea and post some of his ahem:l jokes. But we all have our down times and life is sometimes asking a lot from us - so Mick, you just return in your own way. Anyway you have checked in - its not like you went MIA.

    Det - good to see you on the thread but you sound super busy and it must be maddening - esp doing all of this in the heat.

    Its cold here - definitely winter but not nearly as extreme as what many of you get in North America or England. I'm practically running round in my bikini:H so that SF can roll her eyes because bikini material I am not. At least I still have control over my bladder (I think) and so can be trusted in a pool. Did I tell you guys that I bought a really great blue "swimming costume" (one piece) in Hawaii?

    What to wear to Mick's birthday and two year anniversary party? Seems like a good excuse to get some new threads. I bet Julie would:H

    Maybe catch you later - you know when its Wednesday here and still Tuesday there

    Tuesday af 10 June

    well here we are ..the bad penny has returned!!!so welcome to crap!!thank you to all those that were asking about me....Im ok...set of circumstances caught up with me which took me on a downer and made me really feel at a loss,worried and every so often I get these arse dropping out moods..something got to live do a lot of people only they aint drama queens like me!!

    anyway how are we all then? ok I hope right on with the show n t available

    hiya tt ..hows upside down land?...thanks... so what are you up to today?the whole track yesterday seems to have been based around the urinary detection of some anti social toss pots!!as there is no chemical reaction based detection system..then maybe need to go down the birds of prey route...or at least kestrels do..they have a singular colour view of their prey (think its blue)and when their prey moves the urinary trail is detected and shows up on the maybe the answer is in a visual aid ie glasses..then we could have the pee police!!some convo this is ..sorry but had to tag it on somewhere!!are you back at work yet?everything ok?yep you are right about the sleep..went to bed early last night ,but was awake this morning at 4 with the sun streaming in.

    hiya are you today?ok I hope..have a brew that was an interesting comment you made..drinking at people..quite true that is..we seldom drink with people..maybe time for another visit to Longwood...heres an orchid that we have got on the front window sill..its doing well Julie hasnt killed it yet!!!so what are you up to today then?

    hiya Pauly are you today? me Im feeling better thanx..what are you up to today then?you looking after the kids now that they are not at school or have you got someone to watch them?

    hiya are you today?dont worry about the blues ..they do go over time definitely..glad it all went well in the end with the kids and their is strange of the reasons why we dont go back to al is actually accountability to here and the people who helped to get us here, and the fact that we would let people down, but again as time goes on ,the reasons become secondary and it just becomes just a fact of life ..I dont wont even notice just happens!!

    hiya ppqp ..hows you today then it heres a brew ..grovel grovel time..what hat is it today then?what am I getting for fathers day? I reckon can you just fix ..can you just..:H

    hiya Det and hows the nuthouse today then? off on your travels then?so someone nicked your trailer hitch?..just put the telly on in the background ..its 8.50 am ...and in the 3 minute advert break 4 of the adverts are about booze and 2 about borrowing money..oh and one about condoms!!what a great mix for a wake up call :H

    right peeps thats me offski so have a great day everyone..from smiley me

    Nicolas Cage said in an interview that he avoids watching his own movies.

    He's not the only one.

    Sadly, I've lost my parachute.

    Its brought me down.

    Just about to test out my new invisible frisbee.

    Here goes nothing.

    Yesterday evening, I had to change a lightbulb. A bit later on, I crossed the road and walked into a bar.

    I realised my life was a big joke.

    You've got to hand it to short people.

    Well they can't reach everything, can they?

    Police fear rise in domestic violence during World Cup..Too f.cking right, The Wife throws all sorts of things at me shouting "you're not watching that crap I'm watching the soaps"

    I was driving home tonight, and a police car cut me up.

    Honestly, I'd have pulled him over and given him a piece of my mind if I'd been sober.

    I clicked on a link for the 'Canadian Grand Prix' earlier...

    It actually brought me to a Justin Bieber fan site.

    My wife and I got into an argument because I accused her of being stupid.

    Eventually, she jumped up out of her chair, and yelled, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't walk out that door!"

    I replied, "The plane hasn't landed yet."

    My wife and I were enjoying a day at the beach until I handed her a warm can of coke:

    "What is this?" She moaned, "I told you to put them in the cool bag."

    "I did" I replied, "look, it's a Louis Vuitton."

    At a 5-year-old's Birthday party.

    Whoever decided that a bouncy castle and inflatable boxing gloves were suitable entertainment is mental.

    Literally every child is crying, even the girls who didn't want to fight.

    On the bright side, it's been a good workout for me and I'm undefeated in 12.

    What's the difference between chants and chance?

    The English will have some chants in Brazil.

    I just hung up a picture of a cat in my apartment.

    "What happened to the picture of Buddha you had?" asked my girlfriend.

    I told her, "That was Zen, this is Meow."

    As me and my friend were queuing for the pepsi max roller coaster at the pleasure beach, I said to him.

    "I'm closing my eyes when we're at the top."

    "Why...are you scared of heights?" he asked.

    "Nah" I replied "it's just Blackpool looks even more of a shit hole from up here."

    I run a charity called 'Help the undead'.

    We've raised thousands so far.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Tuesday af 10 June

      Good morning Abbers,

      I'm trying to get myself together to go visit my daughter & granddaughter today.
      The weather is hot & humid here with T storms popping up now & then. Sounds a whole lot like summer :H

      TT, I really hope you didn't buy a swimming costume! It reminds me of the nuns I used to see at the beach back in the 60's.......they had swimming costumes :H

      Mick, glad you are back
      Stella was packing for her trip to make a house call
      The orchid is lovely. I can't grow them, I kill them with kindness!

      Greetings to everyone, sending wishes for a wonderful AF Tuesday for everyone.

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Tuesday af 10 June

        Morning all
        back home sober and sound. Weddings are interesting events. A lot of planning and time goes into an event that is over quickly. It was a beautiful day for it, which was fortunate as it was outside. It was good to see friends but it was a little alarming how plastered a few got. Now I know how I looked in the past. Did not have time to make tux-bibs, but I know there's a market out there for them!

        Hope everyone is doing well
        Liberated 5/11/2013


          Tuesday af 10 June

          Mae everybody,glad your mood pased Mick,i hate bad moods where you just dont want to be bugged,my sleeping pattern has been horrendous these past couple nights,you know where you're tired but just cannot doze?ugh,then is messes up my whole day and i feel exhausted,anyways hope everybody has a good Tuesday
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Tuesday af 10 June

            Hi - hanging in here. Getting some texts and all sounding good on the camping trip, but gosh it is quiet without them!
            Good to "see" you back in your full glory Mick!
            TT - I wear swimming costumes too - my girls laugh, I think it is a British term???
            Week is moving on - soon it will be hump day...
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              Tuesday af 10 June

              MAE ALL...

              Thought I'd check in at work...mistake! Internet is terribly slow. Will check back when I get home.....PPQP


                Tuesday af 10 June

                Mick--so glad to see that you are feeling better!

                Things are good here. Getting ready to take off for a weekend full of yoga.

                Everyone stay well and sober!


                  Tuesday af 10 June

                  Ah...that's much better.

                  TT...thanks for the kick start. It's hard for me to remember your in your Winter time now. Weather reports help. :H

                  Mick...there you are back to form. Love the orchid. Garden plots are starting to grow it's actually looking quite nice over there. Still haven't moved the berm yet so think we are going to plant the pumpkins in one of the raised plots for now. Today wasn't as busy so got to spend some time at the garden.

                  :hallo: Lav, Pauly, Sam, SF

                  SL...glad to hear your hanging in. You can put up with the quiet as long as those texts stay positive. We're watching you.

                  Hamburgers on the barbie so have to go. Have a peaceful evening all....PPQP


                    Tuesday af 10 June

                    Ah PPQ - glad you are well connected now.

                    Thanks to all of you for reaching out. I have managed to work out that my error was not having a new goal. I worked for 4 years to get to 100 days, and arrived.....then what! Left room for mind games. I realised today when I posted 110 that I am close to 4 months, so I think I will move to calendar months. Already I feel as if a bit of a weight has been lifted and I have something to strive for. I have a similar need in my personal life, I always need something pleasant on the calendar in front of me - it keeps me moving forward.

                    Got myself a pretty orchid too - I don't really know how to post photos, or I would send you mine:H I love orchids and Trader Joes sell wonderful ones at a great price....

                    PPQ - no cheese on burger, need to fit into my swimming costume (no bikini here for sure)!!!
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      Tuesday af 10 June

                      SL, now that you have 4 AF months in your can happily look forward to celebrating 6 months AF & that's a big deal

                      Hi there PQ, Sam, SF & Pauly! And you too Det, wherever you are!!!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Tuesday af 10 June

                        scottish lass;1670506 wrote: I realised today when I posted 110 that I am close to 4 months, so I think I will move to calendar months. Already I feel as if a bit of a weight has been lifted and I have something to strive for. sure)!!!
                        I remember reading a pretty similar post from Mick around his 100 days. Right Mick? That's exactly what I did and yup it did feel like a weight was lifted. :h

                        :hallo: are so right. After doing 3 months twice I really appreciated my 6 months. Stella will have to get her shoes on for SL's big day.

                        Think it's time to hit the covers with my latest murder mystery. Chat tomorrow....PPQP

