Glad that your spirits are lifting Mick and that's a relief because there is no way I could have supplied the jokes you do.

SL ? yes its so great that you are piling up the months. Not long to six months. Time is a great buddy to have on our side in the sober stakes. It really does get easier ? especially if you don?t expect it to be a ?rose garden?. Meaning that we still have to deal with crap in our lives but it's a lot easier without all the complications that AL brings. And its great to find new ways to have fun, or re-discover old ones ? take up new interests ? although Sam I am not intending to turn to bee-keeping yet! :H
And for me, its been a relief to get on top of a lot of little things ? like fixing up the house and making it more cosy ? yes, I just love dealing with tradespeople ? Not! :H
So you all have a wonderful hump day or whatever you silly people call it. I am about to serve dinner ? which is a strange casserole bake of veges and tuna ? with all sorts of things from the fridge. And salad.
Not quite what you expected for breakfast! But as Mick says I am an upside-down kind of creature!