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Wed AF 11 June

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    Wed AF 11 June

    Hi there abberoos! Just a start to Wednesday?s thread ? all pretty peaceful here. Cold, grey weather and there has been flooding in a lot of parts of the country. Guess its getting warmer for you PPQP ? and you deserve it after the weather.

    Glad that your spirits are lifting Mick and that's a relief because there is no way I could have supplied the jokes you do.

    SL ? yes its so great that you are piling up the months. Not long to six months. Time is a great buddy to have on our side in the sober stakes. It really does get easier ? especially if you don?t expect it to be a ?rose garden?. Meaning that we still have to deal with crap in our lives but it's a lot easier without all the complications that AL brings. And its great to find new ways to have fun, or re-discover old ones ? take up new interests ? although Sam I am not intending to turn to bee-keeping yet! :H
    And for me, its been a relief to get on top of a lot of little things ? like fixing up the house and making it more cosy ? yes, I just love dealing with tradespeople ? Not! :H

    So you all have a wonderful hump day or whatever you silly people call it. I am about to serve dinner ? which is a strange casserole bake of veges and tuna ? with all sorts of things from the fridge. And salad.
    Not quite what you expected for breakfast! But as Mick says I am an upside-down kind of creature!

    Wed AF 11 June

    mae are you all?ok I Im feeling a lot better today..getting back into exercise mode,so thats something ..aching quite a bit today,but dont mind off we go then..t n cawfee on the go..

    morning tt..hows upside down land today then?ok ...too right you wouldnt be able to supply jokes like have to be 90% short of a picnic for that game!!hey brekkie can be whatever you want it to be...must admit ..had some strange ones in my time!!hope all is well in your part of the wureld today.

    hiya are you today then?ok I hope..all this talk about bathing costumes and swimsuits SL says very British..shades of Victoriana and bathing belles in the wooden bathing huts at the well known resorts of Scarborough Brighton etc..I digress ..!!feeling better now so Stella can unpack her kit ..guess its just one of those things...took some pics to show you ..will put them on at the will def be bored with my garden!!..recorded a prog on telly ..a real one not Levi and his gang ! of Amish people being shunned ..2 hrs long ..cant see Julie watching that!!going up to my friends farm today ..get some eggs ..and helping him do drystone walling ..well he is Im labouring!!here you go brew for you.

    hiya Sam are you then?ok..glad you made it through the is an eye opener to watch the bevy merchants isnt it?Ive got a 60th to go to soon ..all ex army all people I served with ..should be interesting!!

    hiya Pauly are you doing ...are you sleeping any better?I went to bed earlier last night..woke up at 4 this morning with the daylight starting to come through..

    morning SL are you today then? sitting in your cozzy?bet it is quiet there..enjoy it while you can tho!!good idea on the months ppqp is right ..exactly what I did ..went on to months..when you do that the same process happens as when you count in days ..odaat..but what happens is your brain starts to think longer term ..its like the transition from wee school to big school!!its strange because people either count in days or notice ,hardly ever in weeks
    posting photos is really easy..I use tiny now adays...

    hiya the murder story going ..want to know who did it??glad you go some time in the garden cant beat it!!planted out my courgettes and cucumbers yesterday..sitting here with a brew..want one?you in the big chair again today?

    hiya SF ..thanks are you today then? a weekend of yoga? jeez Id be tied up in knots ..literally!!

    right peeps ..tis time to go so I bid you a fond farewell..take it easy and have a great day.

    first radishes..3 different kinds ..teaspoon there to show the size of them!

    first turnip pulled ..tea tonight

    this is my latest challenge..a banana tree ..not plant but tree if I can get it right it will have bananas ..eventually!!

    garden at night...put these solar lights in...they all change colour..wake up one morning to find a bloody plane in the back garden!! that white blob to the right of the shed is a horse trying to get in on the action

    the plant surgery!!from the right..banana tree, apache chilli pepper,gerbora,bougainvillea,and New Guinea begonia

    quick tip for growing plants under cloches...dont buy expensive cloches polytunnels etc..get a sheet of clear plastic ..about ?5.00 brand new..put some sticks in line on one side..put sheeting on the inside of the sticks ..bend to desired width ..then sticks in the other side stop them blowing away in strong winds get 2 sticks and tie rope twine between them the push into ground one each side of sheet so that rope is over the top

    My posh neighbour told me she was going to put her child into a creche.So I phoned the police.

    Any maniac that deliberately creates a motor accident using their offspring needs locking up.

    I gave my wife ?50 and told her to go out on Thursday and leave me in peace while I watched World Cup football.

    "I won't need that much," she laughed.

    "You will," I said. "It's got to last you five weeks."

    My phone bill was huge this month.

    A couple of weeks ago I rang in sick for my wife and her boss asked me what was wrong with her.

    'David Beckham:Into The Unknown' was on TV recently....

    I didn't see it, but it sounds like Brooklyn's being asking for help with his secondary school maths homework.

    The first step of divorce is her throwing all my shit in the street and ends when the judge says I have to give it all back to her.

    I walked up to a prostitute last night, stared at her boobs and said, "How much?"

    "?50." she replied.

    "Thought so," I said, "They're probably the worst implants I've ever seen."

    My mate said, "I like your car."
    I said, "It's not very practical now we've got a baby."
    He said, "How about I buy it off you."
    I said, "Yeah go on then. Three grand?"
    He said, "You've got yourself a deal."
    I said, "Nice one... you're going to make a brilliant dad."

    I'm not saying my wife's stupid, but before her scan, I said 'wouldn't it be wonderful if we had twins?'

    To which she replied 'no way, I couldn't handle being pregnant for 18 months!'

    School is so much easier these days. I recently passed an exam in Cheerleading.

    I just walked in and said give me an "A".

    And they did...

    My Chinese neighbour said to me, "Lik Mayall no more."

    "True! We've had self-adhesive stamps for some time now." I nodded smilingly.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Wed AF 11 June

      Good morning Abbers & Happy Hump day

      TT, sorry but tuna casserole does not sound appealing at the moment :H
      Hope you enjoyed your meal!

      Mick, glad you are back in form! Stella was just about ready to make a house call on your behalf :H
      Your garden pics are fabulous. I don't think I've ever seen such large radishes!!! Good luck with the banana tree. I had one years ago that did quite well but sadly didn't survive the move to this house.
      You have quite a GREEN THUMB!!!!!

      I have been asked to watch my grandsons ALL day. They will be here shortly & I hope it stops raining soon so I can get them outside for a while

      Greetings PQ, SL, SF, Sam, Pauly, Det & everyone!
      Have a great AF Wednesday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Wed AF 11 June

        Morning all!
        Mick, glad you're on the mend there. Your pictures are great. I like the plastic tunnels. Have to show the Mrs.

        TT, guess you're all acclimated being home again. Traveling a wide range of time zones does me in for at least a week. Still, you're eating dinner for breakfast!!

        Lav, looks like we're in for some heavy rains the next couple of days. Hope it is not too much, gardens will wash away.

        Yesterday went and bought 2 queens from a local person what raises them. It was pretty fascinating. He had about 40 hives. The air was electric with the bees flying along.

        Have a wonderful Wednesday dear friends!!
        Liberated 5/11/2013


          Wed AF 11 June

          Maybe I will take up bee keeping. :H you make it look so bucolic Sam!

          I tried to make the tuna casserole too healthy (if that's possible) - I sort Of did it Spanish style desperate measures for a time-short Mama.

          Enjoy the grand kids Lav. I have a day of writing (it's Thursday already).

          Sam I recover pretty quickly from long distance flights. It was only a few days. Much more tiring driving long distances in dense traffic IMO. For me a lot of travelling is psychological as to how I cope with it.

          Now I can offer you guys coffee. It's breakfast time for real here.


            Wed AF 11 June

            Hi all - quick peek from work - got text, family on way home - well that was short, hopefully sweet - was just enjoying the quiet. Nice to eat what I want, watch my shows on TV, go to bed at my time and the house is so clean - oh well, back to normal tonight it appears.
            No problem not drinking which is fab - heading to 4 months on the 21st - this really did change my mind set (thank goodness!)
            I love radishes - nice and spicy Mick???:H
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              Wed AF 11 June

              MAE ALL....

              Long hectic day so around 2pm I asked the boss what he would think if I took a vacation day tomorrow. He said no you can't take a vacation day but you can take the day off. He said do something nice for yourself. Perhaps a long walk along the river. I might just take him up on that.

              It was the preschool wrap up party this afternoon. 100 three & four year olds running around the building. I still can't hear myself think. Which might be a blessing!

              Mick...I love radishes too. Great idea with the plastic, will have to give it a try. Your veggies look great. So far ahead of me. :upset: Glad you're feeling better.

              Lav...I wonder if Mick's Mystery Tours have anything to do with his "green thumb"? Bet you've had an exhausting day too.

              Sam...great pic. How many hives do you have? I know what you mean about the air being electric with all those Bees, that's what gets me cringing about them.

              TT...still trying to figure out how you made the tuna casserole "Spanish style"? I like tuna casserole, any time of the day.

              SL...isn't that the way. You just get used to the quiet and poof there it goes. Glad there was no prob AL wise...that truly is FAB. Hope the sweet is correct in short & sweet. And the countdown's on for the party but we'll wait for Aug 21 to really celebrate.

              I think it's Kraft Dinner and wieners for din din tonight. Too exhausted to cook. Have a peaceful evening all.....PPQP


                Wed AF 11 June

                how's you doing? I have 5 hives, the picture I took was where I got the queens. They were really humming, but I walked in with just a vail and never got buzzed once. They were too busy being bees.
                Liberated 5/11/2013


                  Wed AF 11 June

                  PPQP Sort of cubed potatoes, garlic, celery, capsicum, leeks with generous amounts of hot paprika.
                  Probably not that Spanish:H
                  I know some American recipes put mayo or creamy sauces in tuna bakes but I don't.


                    Wed AF 11 June

                    TT - it's the canned cream of something soup & the cheddar cheese that makes me gag when I hear tuna noodle casserole :H :H
                    Not to mention the potato chip topping :H
                    I am proud to say that I only ever made one of those casseroles & couldn't even bring myself to taste the thing, yuck. I am sure whatever you made was much better

                    SL, glad you enjoyed your 'quiet time'. Your girls will be back & messing up the house in no time!

                    Hi PQ! Take the day off & do something nice for yourself. You deserve the break!!!

                    Sam, the keeper of the bees! I bow to you for your bravery
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Wed AF 11 June

                      No noodles either Lav.
                      At least not in this casserole.
                      I have become quite fond of Japanese noodles (udon, soba) lately with a stir fry. I add tofu and sometimes let the vultures in my house have stir fried chicken:H
                      Enjoying miso soup as well as it's cold here
                      I know you can't eat soy (plus I try to make sure the products I have are organic and not genetically modified)
                      It's so hard to get it right:H. And cater to individual tastes and schedules.

                      But I did have a great egg today for breakfast with a yellow yolk that. SL would fight me for.


                        Wed AF 11 June

                        PPQ and Lav - Gosh - they were back before I got home, and a large pile of sleeping bags, dirty laundry and kit bags faced me in the entry!
                        Appears that it was sweet thank goodness!
                        TT - where is my egg????
                        Supper is my alone meal as he gave them fast food on way home - at least that is a treat as I don't do fast food. Melon and shrimp for me
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

