ok on we go then ..t n coffee on the go.
hiya SL.....Bang there you go ..the bubble has burst ...peace shattered ,kids home, washing to do ..hey ho ..got it to do

morning Lav...how are you today ..shattered after grandson watching..or were you playing on the train too?any plans for today..or is it recovery time?ok sit yourself down with this brew.
morning Sam..how are you today then?ok ..thanks for the pics ...they are really smart..dont think how much I try Julie wont change her mind..hmm she is away till tomorrow night...now then I wonder..just like the dresses and stuff in the wardrobes..same answer ...its been there aaaaaages!! yep the plastic sheeting is sound..if you want to be reeely smart ,before you bend it run a section of the microbore irrigation tubing down the middle of it ..then silicon it in place, bend sheeting ,and when you have to water under it..connect up and let it do the biz!!
hiya tt ..hows the day for you then?writing writing writing!!if that brew is still going I will have one mines finished..hows daughter doing?teenage rebellion still going on? Stir fry?now then I love making that...put all sorts in it ...trouble is I dont write anything down so if its a good one ..then its a guesstimate as to what went in it!!
hiya Pauly ..how are you today then?ok I hope..still not sleeping?
hi ppqp..a day off whats this all about??Calgary will come to a standstill!!nope trips out have nothing to do with gardening!!!..heres a picture for you that my mate sent..was going to say do you recognise the area :H..its coming back into Suffield ..where they used to call the Dust Bowl..wonder why!!from the prairie..best sun tan I ever got was there...back in the days of Labatts blue!!

and ..oops!!!!wonder what the hand signal is!!

right peeps time to go ..have a good one stay safe n sober
I called 999 last night and said, "My wife has fallen unconscious in the kitchen, what should I do?"
"Just try and relax." he replied.
"Ok." hang on I said, taking a few deep breaths, "I'm relaxed."
"Great, are you in the kitchen with her?" he asked.
I said, "No mate. I was, but now I'm in the hot tub."
The International Space Station is flying over England tonight...
So if you're in Liverpool, expect some youth knocking your door trying to sell parts off it in the morning.
An advert for the world cup came on when my wife turned to me and said, "You needn't think you're sitting here for the next month watching football!"
"Of course not, babe," I replied. "I'll be watching it in the pub."
Knock knock jokes... Completely wasted on the homeless.
My wife was always saying how useless I am about the house. So, she bought me a simple cook book to encourage me to be more useful in the kitchen. But, after looking all through it, I said, "I can't cook anything from this book." She was a bit surprised and said, "Dave, all those are very basic recipes, simple stuff." "That's as maybe." I replied. "But every one starts with, "Take a clean dish..."
I love taking part in extreme sports.
One of my favourite is sitting in the passenger seat when my wife is driving.
Louis Van Gaal has stated that from August he will send every Manchester United player to Weight Watchers.
That way he can guarantee to accumulate points every week.