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Black Friday 13th June AF

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    Black Friday 13th June AF

    MAE tootsies one and all. Its Friday 13th ? Full Moon as well so all the weird things could happen tonight. More likely a rugby punch-up in our neck of the woods. No ? I am not following the football in Brazil either ? that is a fiasco in how to waste money as far as I am concerned.

    SL ? hope you have some quality me time with the daughter ? is this the older one? Maybe don?t mention the grades/school ? just connect and have some fun together. It will do you a world of good too. But its always likely she will want to do something with a friend ?as happens so often at that age. Grin and bear it (and in my case shudder in the memories of how I treated my Mum).

    Day of meetings for me. Exhuasting. Time to think about dinner. Exhuasting. More deadlines to deal with tonight workwise. Exhausting. Thank goodness for my stash of DVDs for later on. I had a brief ? moment tonight ? of wouldn't it be nice to have some wine ? and then kicked myself. Just the old Friday, go on you deserve it nonsense. Besides I need a clear head, energy and a good mood to get through the weekend. Not old Mrs grumpy-bum who used to turn into the mad energiser once she started drinking in the evening.

    Det ? I already posted on yesterday?s thread ? and I am sure others will be here as well to prod you along and support you.

    Lav ? how did the organizing of the bedrooms go? What are you doing?

    Mick ? think I will stay away from those tanks. I prefer a more genteel form of transport.

    Hi there also Pauly, Sam, SF, PPQP. Avoid the werewolves, or whatever is supposed to come out tonight. Maybe its all good stuff. Too cold here to go dancing naked in the moonlight!

    Black Friday 13th June AF

    PS - My upbeat mood is waning. Partner just came home from work, flops on couch to wait for dinner and says he had a hard work week. Yes he did - but mine just keeps going - including the domestic work. He is in a very black mood and won't be lifting a finger tonight. I will have to walk on eggshells - avoidance tactics to make sure there is not an argument. I hate this.


      Black Friday 13th June AF

      mae are we today/tonight then for the upside downies? is luvverly here do a bit in the garden to repot up my tomatoes...Julie is home today so methinks best get spraying and hoovering!!!:H

      tea and coffee on the go now.

      hiya tt...uh uh you ok?sounds like you aint too happy a bunny!woweee where did that quick flash of lets have a wine come from?well done tho in the dismissive way you dealt with it :goodjob:

      hiya are you today?well did the veggie garden survive the flooding if it came?well done on the Thomas addition to the household..thatll keep them and adults alike!!as far as missing my tanking days...its strange....its not the job you miss,whether it be driving tanks,firing guns,etc,I think its more of a cameraderie that developed..think you will find that woth most ex forces ..when you are younger ..all you want to do is get the job done and get out..,but as you get older ,and in fact you have used a lot of the learned behaviours and skills that you were given as a soldier realise that it was a certain special time ..albeit some of the circs were a bit iffy...big speil there for no!!anyway have a brew ..thats more important!!

      hiya Sam how are you today?ok No farmers market?..yes you could say the climate over here is a bit iffy..again today it is really hot ..storms expected tho

      hiya Pauly are you doing?ok ...goood..whats the idea behind going gluten free?

      hiya ppqp are you today then?ok ..weekend coming up..any plans?no thats not my mystery tours either!!Suffield or Ralston..but if I ever do I you a shout brew time up for it?

      hiya are you today? yep last fews hours of the bubble before ..pop!!well actually not ..let the rabbits out earlier and I couldnt find them....lo and behold there they are in the flower beds having a jolly feeding time! watched how they managed to get in..she actually bulldozes the fence down with her nose!! so hows thing now that daughters are back?

      hiya Det....what happened mate manage to do so well then bang off it goes!!defo a flaw in your strategy mate..maybe you need to find an alternative to the bar while you are on your travels.

      right peeps time moves on,so I wil close take care and have a good weekend

      What do you call a Jewish teabag?


      After buying 3 water cannons for the Metropolitan police, London mayor Boris Johnson has agreed to be blasted by them, to prove the 'safety and wisdom' of the purchase...

      Now if only David Cameron would do the same with the Trident missile system.

      I bet when Victoria Beckham's plastic surgeon was making a spice rack in woodwork at school,

      He never thought he'd get paid so much for his next one!

      I only joined Liars Anonymous this morning..

      And they've already made me president.

      I've been thinking about anagrams for "funeral" lately.

      It's real fun.

      Great Misheard Quotes from History - Number 12.

      "Watson, I deduce this must be the right bed because there is only a duvet"

      "No sheet Sherlock?"

      I can't believe I've drawn Croatia in the World Cup sweepstakes at work.

      I wouldn't mind, but I'm self-employed.

      Extensive coverage of the world cup starts on ITV and BBC today.

      Viewers in Scotland and Wales will have their own programming.

      I hate it when TV shows say they contain 'adult situations' but then don't show anyone going to a job they hate, paying their bills or cleaning up their kid's vomit.

      I collect medieval artifacts and not long ago came home from work to find I'd been robbed.

      Earlier the police told me they'd arrested a Chinese bloke down the road for the crime.

      They found the chink in my armour!

      Some idiot tried stealing my identity. Guess he didn't get what he'd bargained for and sent me a condolence card in the post today.

      In it he wrote:

      Dear Mister,
      Please accept my humblest of apologies. I am sorry I stole your identity.

      First I had a phone installed under your name. The dam thing wouldn't stop ringing. Bill collectors, lawyers, and your cousin called from prison every day.

      I applied for credit cards but instead of receiving cards I received balance due notices threatening to take me to court if not paid in full within 7 days. I've had to move twice already.

      I came home from a night out on the town last week and found your wife and kids sprawled out all over the house. My house is trashed, they've eaten all the food, and they refuse to leave.

      I promise to turn my life around and never commit another crime for as long as I live if you will come pick up your family.

      I replied:


      My wife came home from working a long shift to find the house in shambles. She was furious and started screaming at me.

      "What did you do all day? What did you accomplish?!" she roared

      So I showed her.

      Now she's screaming at me for not flushing the toilet.

      My son came home from primary school with a letter stating school photos will be taking place and although uniform is not compulsory we would prefer it if your child came in uniform.

      The Headmaster was not impressed when my son went in dressed as a Nazi general.
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Black Friday 13th June AF

        Good morning Abbers,

        Friday the 13th AND a full moon, OMG :H
        Makes me want to just go back to bed & avoid it all :H

        TT, I hope your guy's mood lifted quite a bit or you were at least able to avoid the negativity I have gotten into the habit of steering clear of people & situations like that because I have a history of getting sucked in. I'm not letting that happen anymore
        Hope your weekend provides some downtime for you.

        Mick, I don't miss my profession either, just some of the good friends I made along the way! So true about taking the learned skills along with us. My gardens have held up during these heavy rains,so far. I did spot a deer helping himself to one of my apple trees the other day. Apparently the rain doesn't interfere with their appetites

        SL, I always liked having one on one time with my daughter, still do. Really never got much of a chance to spend that kind of time with my son - that's just the way they roll. Enjoy your time, make it fun

        Det, were you really expecting different results? Why put yourself in a bar anyway? If you're not drinking AL then there is absolutely no reason to even walk into a bar. Think about it because nothing changes if nothing changes, right?

        Greetings PQ, SF, Sam, Pauly & everyone!
        Sam, are you getting the flooding rains too? I have some seriously wet chickens out in my yard!!!

        I'm off to Curves then back here for more cleanup - yay!
        Have a great AF day everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Black Friday 13th June AF

          Morning all hope you're 13th is going gangbusters!!

          The fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskevidekatriaphobia, a word derived from the combination of the Greek words Paraskev? (meaning Friday), and dekatre?s (meaning thirteen), attached to phob?a (meaning fear).

          Liberated 5/11/2013


            Black Friday 13th June AF

            Mae everybody,TT,i hate it when hubs is in a mood it instantly brings me down,i deal with moody people all day,don't want to come home to one,feel better like Lav says don't get sucked into the negativity,Mick,i want to try gluten-free just to see if some of my chronic sinus probs and fatigue go away,i still eat like a college frat boy! i'll probly have taco bell for lunch and it's pizza nite too!!!! jeez no wonder i feel sluggish,Det,what happened?was it a pissy mood,or just an f-it thought? TT is right though,at least you can pull yourself out of it quickly,i other hand drink,then keep it going for several days,it's as if i feel i haven't got my bout of drinking out in just the one sitting,it'll start off kinda fun and at the end feel like a death sentance and by then i just don't care,what a way to live,jeez sorry to be a downer,just being honest and thinking out loud,hope everybody has a good Friday
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Black Friday 13th June AF

              Yeah - it's Friday!!!
              Lav and TT - it is my eldest, and sadly she has summer school starting on Monday to help with those grades. she gets out early and Friday off - so we will have evenings and some time. i have to be on call for the week as the rest of the crew off at a conference - someone has to mind the nest. I am sure we will manage some good time. She is 15, but so far she has not given me any teenage attitude - just the woes with school work. My youngest is the good one at school, but the rest of it - oh my!
              TT - sorry you are feeling this way in your own home, that is not good. I do feel sorry for myself without a partner, until I get reminded like this - it is very pleasant just having to deal with my bad moods and noone to bring the good ones down. Hope it gets better really quickly:l
              Mick - all clean and shiny??? Boss is back??
              Sam - hope teh bees aren't superstitious!
              Det - feeling for you today - be nice to never feel that way again:l
              Pauly - feel like breaking the routine and no pizza tonight - I fancy burgers instead(think it is PPQ's fault from the other night) - got some pineapple to grill beside them - sure my minions won't be as happy - too bad:H
              Can't believe how much better I feel - glad I got sorted out - TT, so glad you avoided teh Friday pulls - I know mine will come later, its only 9:30am here, enjoying the morning happiness before the evening push and pull:l
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                Black Friday 13th June AF

                hiya SL...nearly right...however I am the boss...Julie says I could be ..all shiny shiny ...ornament put in the wrong places,hoover uncurled,rug not put back properly, furniture polish sprayed hows your day?
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Black Friday 13th June AF

                  Nope SL,has to be pizza i'm making it and have all of the stuff alreadyim a little peeved at hubs as he left a Fathers day list of things he "needs"mostly expensive tools! i was just gonna get him sox and undies,damn!
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Black Friday 13th June AF

                    Mick and Lav. In my job it's the profession definitely not the camaderie:H

                    Mr Grouchy last night was all set for spreading his mood but I managed to avoid it. He does have bad depression so I cut him some slack.
                    It's Saturday morning already here!
                    Hope you enjoyed the pizza Pauly. I made pizza this week too


                      Black Friday 13th June AF

                      Ha Mick - i remember spraying polish around when left to clean the house on summer holidays - never worked.
                      Glad Julie let you be boss - just for the day, or whole weekend??
                      Homemade pizza Pauly - good for you...
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        Black Friday 13th June AF

                        MAE ALL....

                        TT...I hope your evening went ok and you didn't break any eggshells.

                        Mick...thanks for the brew. That would be great if you made back out this way and yes I'd even drive out to Suffield to have that coffee with you. Hope you got the cleaning done before Julie got home.

                        Lav...hope your day was good.

                        Sam...thanks for the language lesson...just don't test me on it.

                        Pauly...not being a downer. Honesty and talking out loud works great here.

                        SL....sorry about the burger but oooooh grilled pineapple sounds great, I'll have to try it.

                        Looks like we're in for a wet weekend, starting with the roof leaking in the hall. Try setting up for a wedding around that! Boss not in today so yup you guessed it I had to deal with it. Trip to Dad's in the morning and then a community cleanup project on Sunday. Have a restful night all......PPQP


                          Black Friday 13th June AF

                          Det, know as well as I do that we can't step into the ring with The Beast. He'll kick our ass every time.....

                          I'm just now getting my shit together after making the same mistake. I'm on day 26 and feeling good again.

                          Get back in the game, man...

