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af Sat 14 Feb

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    af Sat 14 Feb

    Evening (and other assorted greetings) folks. No I am not a spammer with a clunky sounding name. Looks like they/it/the zombie finally reached our thread. Its really annoying - I don't see this on some other (free) websites I am on - and I think there does need to be some professional moderation/administration on MWO. This makes real advertising look interesting!:H
    RJ posted ages ago but we haven't heard any updates and its not clear what paying subs will actually support. I like to occasionally read other threads and even sometimes offer advice or give encouragement and this recent proliferation of gobble-dee-gook spams is time-wasting and irritating. Its not just a question of ignoring because it is not going away and its clogging up the threads.

    So I take it everyone survived Friday 13th. I certainly did and all is well here. Spent much of today with the daughter and that was good. Now wind-down time.

    I'll look forward to hopefully reading your posts and not the other ones.
    Have a great Saturday.

    af Sat 14 Feb

    mae all how are we this morning then ? all ok..good looks like Ive missed something here with the spamming issue...go on let me in on it tt

    got up ,let the rabbits out, went back into the house, came back out to find a magpie in the rabbit hutch at their food,,,both of the rabbits were less than 2 ft away not bothering...that wont be happening again..there are about 15 magpies in the back field at the mo, they have just had young too,what a racket..and very fiesty far chase off cats,crows and a kestrel.
    also being playing around with that fountain....methinks as time moves on that will get and where dont know but little ideas popping up..pity it wasnt a bigger garden!
    ok then t and coffee on the go..

    hiya tt are you this fine weekend?everything ok now ..glad you had a good time with your daughter..didnt even realise it was black Friday yesterday...

    hiya Lav are you today?ok what is it this ,dogs or a mix? of the neighbours came round yesterday...she is a midwife and was asking all about Amy and how she was getting on..came round the back garden....she has never seen it before..and bearing in mind hers is just a patch of grass, she was gobsmacked to say the least...Im pretty sure in the not so distant future her hubby will be getting sent round to get some ideas!!oh well time for a brew you up for one?we ve got deer in the fields which you see very very rarely..monkjacks I think they are.

    hiya Sam how are you then?hows the bees doing?all well?...thats a cracking scrabble word!!!

    hiya Pauly...hows you then?do you reckon this gluten free will help with your sinus?as far as the drinking goes..honestly ..I dont want to preach or go on about it ..but I dont hold with what you say..that you start drinking and it goes on and on only goes on because you let it ..and you only let it because of your attitude...if you aint forceful enough with will happen ..course it will..and I thik thats where you are going wrong ..caving in..instead of saying ok this is pretty heavy duty ..but Im going to stick with I right?anyway whats your plans for the weekend?

    hiya SL...boss here..:H how are you today then?did you make the burgers..used to make my own ..havent done it for a while ,,and thats just put the notion in my head!! so you are on call again that comes round pretty the transplant world ,have you heard of Igelosa in Sweden?it was their chef that I met and got his recipe book ..Matt Pohl ..interesting guy and background too.any plans for weekend?

    hiya are you doing then?off to your dads today?have a great time..heres a brew to take with you leaking roof ..pouring rain..sounds great for a wedding could do wedings based round the sort of Fawlty towers theme..if you need a Basil ..give me a shout!!:H reckon one day Ill be back over in Canada....Julie wants to see it,the Rockies Calgary plus Ive got quite a few friends over there so there is always a chance you never know..

    yo chief ..round 2 ..ding ding ..go for it!!

    right folks offski time..have a great weekend... aaargh just lost this!!!!!!!luckily copied it!!

    Bizarrely, One Direction have presented one of their bride-to-be fans with a signed guitar.

    That's a bit like getting a signed pair of socks from Oscar Pistorius.....

    I filled up my tank at the petrol station this morning.

    By the time I arrived home, all of my fish were dead!

    Just bought the amazing super fast broadband package from the Discovery Channel that let's you watch the Serengeti live in HD as if the animals were actually in your living room.

    Just 19.99 per month plus lion rental.

    Someone during the night has smeared Ice-Cream all over my doorstep.

    I think someone's got a Viennetta against me.

    I've just seen photos of the pitch for the England v Italy game.

    The last time I saw a pitch in that condition was England v Germany.

    Christmas Day 1917.

    I've decided to stop being a pessimist.

    It'd never work anyway.

    One of the toddlers on the Intensive Care Unit is playing with a toy donkey.

    ICU baby, shaking that ass.

    I was very surprised to learn that Monica Lewinski celebrated her 50th Birthday recently.

    It seems like only yesterday that she was crawling on her hands and knees in The White House and putting objects in her mouth that shouldn't have been there.

    News: Kim and Kanye on honeymoon in Mexico.

    If ever there was a time for the U.S. to seal the border. . .
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      af Sat 14 Feb

      Good morning Abbers,

      Is it really Feb 14 again? In that case, Happy Valentine's day too :H

      The spammer is an annoying pain in the butt TT. They do go away if we just ignore them long enough.
      Friday the 13th went by without any fuss, just as it always does
      Today is Flag day here in the US so I will get my flag outside.
      I'm trying to gather the kids & grandkids for a BBQ tomorrow for Father's day. Not making a big fuss, just some burgers :H

      Just hearing about a new mosquito borne illness called the Chickungunya virus
      Apparently it has made it's way here to the east coast from the Caribbean. I'm not thrilled at all to hear this especially after a week of rain. I'll be outside all day pulling the lush weeds growing everywhere

      Greetings to Sam. PQ, SL, SF, Det, Pauly & everyone! I hope everyone has a fantastic AF day!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        af Sat 14 Feb

        Mae everybody,i don't know but this spam is the weirdest i've ever seen since i've been here,i don't think anyone is doing a dang thing about it! it kinda pisses me off really,how are we gonna keep in touch if the site closes?anyways,up early for work as hubs lies in,meh,weather has been windy as heck here,my bougie is coming back Mick! im happy for that,hope everybody has a good Saturday
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          af Sat 14 Feb

          Don't know if this is the right thread to post on or not Wow, first time I've seen this type of spam. Now there's an AF Daily Wed April 7 2010!

          This is way too weird especially after the night I had. Did some online banking ending with paying the cell phone bill. All of a sudden I started getting "Alerts" from my bank that I had made unauthorized credit card transactions in South Beach California. Got 8 alerts one right after the other spending about a total of $1200. Next alert showed the bank had removed the $10K credit limit and put a hold on the card. Other than the hassle of reissuing credit cards I consider myself lucky. Just grateful I went ahead and set up the alerts in the first place.

          TT...yup I haven't seen anything else from RJ either. Hope this isn't the beginning of the end. Still not sure why this thread is dated 14 Feb though.

          Mick... if you look at the Monthly Abstinence threads you'll see older ones popping up with what I call Egyptian writing. Just back from a great visit with my Dad and the rain has stayed away for the moment. I almost stopped in to check on the leaky roof but decided it's my day off and I'm not going there. Someone else can deal with it. Those magpies can sure be noisy. Can't believe they actually went into the hutch but I guess foods food. We're going to enjoy watching your fountain grow.

          Lav...hadn't heard about the new mosquito borne illness yet, will be checking it out. Oh, and happy valentines day to you too. :H

          Pauly...hope work goes good for you today and I'm glad the bougie is coming back. There's a lesson in there

          BLT's for a late lunch so must get on that. Have a Super AF Saturday all and all who find us........PPQP


            af Sat 14 Feb

            another old post from the daily ABs has been spammed. And its happening all over the website.
            If you are worried about loosing contact why not PM your email address to Mick or me or both of us. Thats just for the people who are regulars here in this thread as I don't want to be inundated! This would mean we could loose some privacy however so its a last resort and just for an emergency. Then we could decide if we want to set up a private closed discussion group.
            I don't think that would be nearly as good as I like when we get visitors here - but it is just an emergency plan. I think we have developed a great wee group here and the support and regularity helps in staying sober (at least for me).

            One thing alkies are good at is planning - planning how to drink and then how to stay sober:l

            So don't worry Pauly.

            Det - how are you - please check in and let us know. No lectures! (well maybe one about the latest paleo evidence from New Zealand:H)


              af Sat 14 Feb

              So glad you had a good visit with your Dad PPQP. Worrying about the bank account alerts. I have become ultra-careful now with emails and attachments but its always a threat.

              Yes I read something about new mosquito-borne diseases Lav. I think its happening in other places too (not here of course). Kind of like mutant spamming mosquitos. :H

              Sunday morning here - sunrise on the horizon and pancakes to make. Think I will be radical and put a banana in them. I don't eat my pancakes - Instead I had heavy grain toast suitable for woolly mammoths with vegemite (told you Det that its a 'special' paleo diet I have here:H) and lashings of coffee.

              Enjoy the rest of your Saturday folks and I hope we don't get too many blast from the past courtesy of the spammers.


                af Sat 14 Feb

                treetops;1671930 wrote: Yes I read something about new mosquito-borne diseases Lav. I think its happening in other places too (not here of course). Kind of like mutant spamming mosquitos. :H


                  af Sat 14 Feb

                  It would be just my luck to be bitten by a mutant spamming mosquito :H :H

                  Greetings everyone!
                  It's been a long day but at least it was nice out
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    af Sat 14 Feb

                    Evening all
                    long day at the market today. Took a nap and felt pretty fuzzy this evening. had a quick urge for a beer... weird... what was that all about.? It passed cause I told myself real quickly to forget that!! You all still get those odd urges still? It was very fleeting. Over it.

                    It was a good market, but boy I seem to get worn out. After I woke from my nap, got an area bush hogged off to store some hay. Moving hay tomorrow. Had ol man Murphy following me , lets see, ran over some old fence wire, later broke a pin holding part of the 3 point hitch. Sheesh. Bed and rest will be a good thing. Gotta take the bad with the good I reckon. Hope everyone has a good one tomorrow.
                    Liberated 5/11/2013


                      af Sat 14 Feb

                      Yes Sam those little fleeting urges can come back but for me its not like a craving of old. I think its best to acknowledge it, seek help (like from us here if you want to spit it out) and remind yourself that its rubbish and not even worth dwelling on. And in your case remember you did start drinking a few years ago after a very long time being sober. Its what I can being vigilant.

                      Also these are the very times to avoid environments that offer temptation - such as bars, liquor stores, supermarkets, old drinking buddies - or whatever. In my case - the very worst environment can sometimes be home - not because its tempting anything:H :H but because its probably where I face the biggest stress/boredom/or just because its the environment where I can close the door on the outside world.
                      Not sure if that makes sense.


                        af Sat 14 Feb

                        heyo AB-peeps!

                        still kicking and AF after my craptacular Tue night.

                        really haven't had time to feel sorry for myself which I spose is just as well. just nutsu busy between work and moving. i have to be back on the road again tue so gathering my strength and NOT going to let the morons get me down.

                        TTops, of course i approve of mammoth food! it's hard to find mammoth at grocery markets tho

                        I'll check out the NZ paleo news too, always learning what i can.

                        finally got in exercise today for the first time in way too long. I've been missing most all my fencing classes due to work sched lately which isn't helping me I'm sure.

                        gnight all and be well!
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          af Sat 14 Feb

                          Hey TT - Mick is in the Army Barracks if you are looking for him. We kidnapped him :H


                            af Sat 14 Feb

                            Just make sure you give him a hard time:H and tell him to wash his mouth out before he returns to our genteel fold:H

